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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Question Of The Day 11-22-16

Do you think school buses should have seat belts?


  1. No think vetting bus drivers, and taking away their phones might be better ideal. I know damn well it will come down to the dude should have never been driving bus, and probably on his cell phone.

  2. Nope... I think drivers of school busses need to be capable and tested on a regular basis..

    I see soany people pass busses on coastal highway every day too..
    Drivers need to take Thier time stop when the busses do..and pay attention..
    Take responsibility for your actions as a driver..

  3. No, I think they should have seats like roller coasters with the bars that go across. That way when the child gets on the bus they have to sit and stay until the bus arrives at school or their home.

  4. We as adults are required to wear seat belts at all times no matter where in the car we are. I don't understand why we don't have them on school busses

  5. No, and I don't think that we should be required to have them either. Their use was forced into law by insurance companies.

  6. Yes LOOOOOONG overdue.

  7. The reason buses do not have seat belts is because in the case of an accident/fire the driver would not have enough time to release the belts on all the seats. Remember, these are kids who in an accident situation may panic and not be able to release the belt.

    Requiring seat belts sounds good in theory, but unfortunately, it may cause more deaths.

  8. Yes this way when a kid vets out of the seat the bus has to come to a stop this will also stop the fights.

  9. Yes. But who will monitor?

  10. I have always wondered how seat belts would work on a school bus. Children riding the busses vary greatly in heights and weights. A belt that could save an older, larger child may result in the death of a younger, smaller child and vice versa. Too much adjusting. How many children really die in bus accidents?

  11. owner operators dont want to spend the few $'s it would cost. It's always about the money! total BS, that's why they have the cream of the crop for drivers also! it's always about the money! your kid aint worth it!

  12. No! Investigate the bus drivers past
    history. Think Seat Belts could cause
    much more harm then good in the long run.

  13. No.Discriminate and hire 40+ year old drivers.

  14. I think they should stop busing altogether. The concept came out of the 20's and 30's to get the rural kids to school. In todays world most families have at least one vehicle and many have two or more. If the parents had to get their kids to school now it may be a little inconvenient but how many in your development pass a school each morning?

  15. It couldn't hurt. Moreover drivers NEED to be better screened. When there's a complaint, it need to be looked into.


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