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Sunday, November 20, 2016

BREAKING : Trump Supporters Push Failing “Fake News” Outlet CNN to the Brink of Implosion

We have a dishonest North Korea-style, government-run, propaganda media that exists to be the far left-wing of the globalist movement.

They are a methodical machine that pumps out a constant stream of ideological garbage disguised as “unbiased” news.

One of the biggest offenders is CNN.

Not only are they an agenda-driven shill machine, but thanks to Wikileaks we also know that they’re colluding with the DNC and Democrat candidates.

They’re a shameless FRAUD.

And these idiots have the audacity to report on, and be “outraged” by so-called “fake news,” and went so far as to attack Truthfeed – claiming we are liars who helped “influence” the election outcome.



  1. Never, ever watch CNN so no problem here with not watching them and I hate when I go into a place of business and that is the so called news they have on.

  2. That's why they've been know as the Clinton News Network for sooo long!

  3. Dont watch any media outlets on tv just weatherscan.

  4. CNN and all other news media should be investigated and charged for false reporting which encouraged protests turned to rioting. Also, they should be forced to clearly state when opinions are written instead of factual news. You can believe Soros had his hand in all of this.

  5. usatoday is just as bad.
    pure garbage pandering to the left...

  6. A smart person would be interested in what the other side was saying, but that is none of my business.

  7. I like Don Lemon as a field reporter but when he does his show at night, its very hard to watch. He usually has 4 people talking over each other and you cant understand anything. That is not good T.V.

  8. I stay away from CNN....Anderson (Vanderbilt) Cooper reporting.....REALLY???? Like a trillion dollar baby gay boy really knows what the hard working American people need????? NOW the main stream media are screaming that Trump does something WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE PRESS......Ha ha ha that is funny. Why would he notify them when they lied about him or didn't report anything favorable during the campaign??? In my 'red neck educated mind" he don't owe them shit!

    1. Yep Anderson coopers mother is a VANDERBUILT she is part of the 1% the same one Anderson rallies Against i guess anderson is rallying against mommy.

  9. You all clowns love the news media, even after they lied to you, and not only lied but told you and showed you evidence of them lying, and you still buy their crap lock stock and barrel... It is funny how stupid you people truly are, it takes Trump for you to see this crap that we told you and warned you of over the past years about...

    So again, for the 100th time I get to yet again say how stupid you people are, and that I get to for the 100th time say, I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

    By now you think you would learn but, again you all are stupid and we all know you can't fix stupid!!!!!!

    1. Obama plan to start a race war and the dumming down of millinials.

    2. Please i HOPE so millinalas up front with BLM.

  10. 10:04 please, get some help.

  11. 836
    You fail to fully comprehend what is happening.

    How can CNN be investigated and charged?

    CNN is owned by the same people who manage the government.
    They are the same people.

    That is how communism works.
    Get it?

  12. right after NYT reported that they were going to start printing the truth comes the story that the transition team is in disarray....

  13. @10:04 forgot their meds today.
    at least we know theyre the idiot sbynews poster that quotes the 'blue collar rednecks' all the time.
    youre absolutely right... 'you cant fix stupid!'
    youve showed us that with numerous posts.
    'you cant fix stupid' is your dead giveaway, old timer. you, also didnt tell me SQUAT! anyone with half a brain knows not to watch/listen to one news outlet. derrrrrr...

  14. CNN = Clinton News Network like Trump told you on tv ....

  15. FOX = Foxy Lady (Hillary)

  16. MSN = Miss Negativity (Hillary)


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