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Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Viewer Writes: SU Making Plans

Hi Joe

I just heard from a student at SU that they all received emails if they need to come in and talk to a counselor, etc. about the results of the election. She led me to believe that the "talk" was to actually schedule a protest march.

I am outraged if that is true. Are the Universities actually causing this stir up?


  1. I had also heard a rumor about a month ago that a student representing the black lives matter group was trying to get a group of students together to write up stories on other black people that have had run-ins with the police.
    "Trying to start trouble for no reason"

  2. You should not protest what you do not understand. These kids are not even in the real work pool yet. This crap needs to stop. Seems the teachers are fanning the fire. Its hard to take advise from someone who only teaches and has not been successful in the real world..

  3. Get that Diaper pin out WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

  4. So does SU have Free Speech zones? Maybe they can wallow in their hate in one of those rooms?

  5. SNOW>>>FLAKES....go melt down!!

  6. wow! Would have been interesting to see the whole bunch of them at Kent State in '70

  7. They are not kids when in college. They are adults, same as their friends that chose to enlist in the military to fight for them. I don't personally give a crap what they do, but they darn well better not tread on this ole guy.

  8. I hope that all 29 of them have a nice march.

  9. The Kent State murders were an abomination.
    It was one of the early clues that our government had a secret agenda.

  10. If the media would ignore these protests, the idiots would go away sooner.

  11. There should be no allowable walk-out protests in any higher learning institution when the protest affects scheduled classes! No boss is going to allow you to grieve or protest on company time. There should be real-life consequences for these college students from their professors and their colleges! They interfere with the rights of other paying students who are there to learn! Just as their absence in a workplace would affect the clients and the success of the business! And K-12, especially public schools, DEFINITELY should not be endorsing this behavior during school hours! They still have much to learn and real life to live before they can make an informed choice! They are just parroting what the people around them are saying....or NOT saying!

  12. I want the $100,000 I spent on my kids education refunded. Over-priced institutions are brainwashing our adult children while stripping them of the traditional American values we taught them for 18 years!

  13. Professors and teachers encouraging students to protest because they could care less without leadership pushing them.

  14. @2:07, why are you paying for the education? All the kids in my family worked our way through college. My parents never bought us cars either. We are now all successful adults. It is OK for college kids to work. Life is not a free ride.

  15. Let their dumb asses try blocking 13 or Camden ave when I drive my 4x4 truck through there....look like squirrels laying on the sides of the road....HeeeHaww


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