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Sunday, October 30, 2016

WBOC Misleads Viewers On Barron Creek Road This Morning

Here's where I have a major problem with the local media. 

One would think they would do their homework. However, in this case they completely mislead their viewers because they did nothing to find out what the problem is with this road.

So let's clear the air the way it's supposed to be done.

1. The road is NOT owned by the County.

2. The pond is privately owned.

3. The owner of the pond has refused to show up for two meetings with the County Executive to discuss possible solutions.

4. In order for the County to afford to do ANYTHING with repairing the road, the owner of the pond must give up an additional SEVENTY FEET of the pond to meet state regulations/code. 

Everyone needs to STOP pointing fingers at the County Council and or Executive. Point fingers at the pond owner and that is final.

Do you get it now WBOC?


  1. Is this a repair that is needed and important?

  2. Is it true they (county) asked the owner to donate some of his property?

  3. Pond owner is a jerk....won't agree to anything without some major money lining his pockets. Close the road there are other ways around the area.

  4. It's a road to no where. Simply a cut-thru. If the ownership is the issue I don't want a dime of our taxes spent. Move on!

  5. Eminent Domain and the county gets the land, so now we add in time and additional cost

  6. Confiscate the land for the public good and safety.

  7. Who owns the road, if not the county?

  8. I'm with 6:43 am, it's a cut through. Go a half mile down and get to the same place. Let the landowner fix it if he wants the road back; it belongs to him, not the County.

  9. Who is the owner? A name please.

  10. ...it's his road, it's his land, it's his pond.

    Where's the controversy? If he doesn't want to fix his road, it's his right not to. Maybe he's sick and tired of people who don't f'n own it, using it.

  11. I have lived down the street all my life. It is not a necessity to repair it. It was to narrow for to cars to pass one another and a posted weight limit. The money could responsibly be spent elsewhere.

  12. where do you eminent domain people live? I have a few holes to fill and I will come to your place with a truck and take some of your dirt/land

  13. Fine him $1000 day then seize the property.

  14. Answer is simple. Don't fix it.

  15. My GOD!!! The Nazi's here are REAL quick to "seize the land" and TAKE whatever they want.
    WE don need no options.
    If you can't stop cheering the strong arm of the government doing whatever it pleases, from taxing the rain, to taking BILLIONS of dollars in cash and property (without any charges or trial!!), to seizing private property (with some flimsy reasoning, at best), the at least try to take a breath now and then.
    Do it now. In the future, we're going to try to limit the breathing of a whole lot of people like you.
    Keep cheering.

  16. 8:21/9:07. Exactly right!

  17. Close it due to safety reasons and move on. Don't waste another cent. Although it is a nice spot in the county.

  18. "additional SEVENTY FEET of the pond to meet state regulations/code"

    This makes it a State problem that can be fixed by change/waiver of the code.

  19. It seems to me if the public has been using it for 20 years or more the right of adverse possession would apply but if it really isn't necessary to fix it why spend tax payers money on it.

  20. Im Clain
    It's no use. The American public is too stupid to realize we live under the yoke of a tyrannical government. These people expect the government to feed them and their children! So, don't expect any of them to use common sense, or stand up for the individual.

  21. 10:28, WAKE UP! The County may have used a particular section of 20+ years BUT there's an additional 70 feet of the pond they have NOT used and cannot place a claim on that portion of the pond. Some of you are so desperate to steal land from someone, (because it's not yours) just like typical Liberals, until it's YOUR land. Then you put on your rainbow colored feminine flip flops and start screaming like little girls, or is that loafers, whatever.

  22. Oh My, did I just do it again. Did I just say something else I may regret at a later point, NOT!

  23. We're WBOC, never allowing FACTS to get into OUR story!


  24. I'm with the owner on this. I would fight to keep my land.
    If taken, I would want fair market value for the property, and not what the state or county thinks it is worth. If I were the owner, I would be in consultation right now with a lawyer on this, if he hasn't done so already.

  25. The pond's owner has always been a bit nutty with not allowing any fishing from the roadside areas even to the point to running off 10 and 13 year olds who were doing no harm. But it was his property and we found other places to fish.
    The road has been fixed numerous times in my lifetime at no cost to the property owner and it was nothing more but an easy cut through for people but mostly used by high school students that would meet before school at the intersection.
    Leave the road closed if it is causing a problem. Just makes it easier to take my sons down there and fish while standing at the now washed out roadway. I may just do it tomorrow when they get home from school.


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