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Sunday, October 30, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: FBI reopens investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of private email server

The FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, in a stunning turn of events just days before the presidential election.

FBI Director James Comey wrote in a letter to top members of Congress Friday that the bureau has “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.”

Comey did not detail those emails, saying only that they surfaced “in connection with an unrelated case.”

He told lawmakers the investigative team briefed him on the information a day earlier, “and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”



  1. This development tells me that the elite have changed their minds.
    Perhaps Hillary will NOT be ordained as POTUS

  2. It'll be interesting to see if Obama still campaigns for her in Orlando this afternoon.

  3. And that is probably the election.

  4. Im sure that when they are finished it will be "There's nothing here" "Nothing to see here. Now move along" As usual. Hildabeast will get off once again.

  5. This is another reason why early voting should not be allowed

  6. Will her intelligence briefings be suspended, as requested? It seems prudent that they be, given that strong Evie nice exists that she's loose with national secrets.

  7. I have been praying for God to give me a sign to understand how I should vote and put this weekend as the weekend I make up my mind and then take comfort in my decision. Well....I think I have my answer.

    1. OUR American embassy was taken over and Americans died. They emailed CLINTON on a unprotected server begging for help 4 months before attacks. They all died and help never came. Clinton LIED TO WE THE PEOPLE.. that's why I'm voting trump.

  8. This is simply a media ploy intending to give the appearance of transparency just before election day. They know that there will be no results given to media before then. The fix was in along time ago with the FBI because if it were really being investigated again by the FBI, either the same results would come about or heads at the top would roll if the truth were told. The FBI probably already has their FBI employee picked out who will fall on the FBI sword of bad deeds should the truth come about. Smoke and mirrors for dummies, provided by the Democrat party.

  9. Comey is just covering his comey. If he doesn't do this and Trump wins, he's toast. All he has to do is drag his feet until after the election. If Trump wins, he can charge her, knowing Obama will pardon her anyway, and hope Trump won't retaliate. If Hillary wins, he can say no crimes were committed, keep his job, and get that new FBI building named after him.

    He is definitely a partisan hack, tarnishing the reputation of the FBI, but he's not that stupid. He sees the handwriting on the wall and he's playing it smart after making a colossal error at first.

  10. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't mention this election when I pray to the Father of Jesus Christ.

    He would certainly find that to be offensive.

    Go ahead and make the choice between the lesser of 2 evils.
    Please leave God out of it.
    Evil is evil.

    1. You should. Anything that affects your life should be brought before God. You should be praying that God is brought back to your country. And only God should decide who is evil. Ye who have not sinned cast the first stone.

  11. Look out Hillary staff... I'm sure she is screaming and cussing and throwing things all over the place!

  12. So what is there to gain from this? The outcome will not come before the election results? So if she is elected President what can be done? Impeachment is the only thing that comes to mind. Do we really think Kaine is any better? Once again they will put on a show to make it seem as if they will really enforce the law, but in the end they won't.

  13. Can't wait to see what wiggling she'll do now.

  14. FOLKS just another smoke screen paid for by the Clinton Foundation....she will be viewed as "not enough sufficient information" to prosecute....UNLESS DONALD J. TRUMP is elected!!! LOCK HER UP!!!

  15. Too much damning evidence from Wikileaks that cannot be ignored. I'm sure the FBI has been pressured to reopen this case. Too much credibility has been lost in government. I'm sure the FBI and it's investigators don't want to take the fall for this! I'm sure some of this is getting released from the FBI. Justice delayed, but hopefully justice served!
    We've seen what she has done as Secretary of state, can you imagine what she will do as President? America will be the next Libya if she becomes president!
    I wonder if another false flag operation from the government is in the works? Something to cancel the elections and keep Obama in office?

  16. My gut tells me that this is way bigger than the Clinton's and her emails. Most likely the CF and the whole of our Federal government and the elite of the world.

  17. Its a farce. A big show.
    There will be NO charges. They screwed up the original "investigation" worse than the Keystone Cops could have done and NOW, "we, the people" are supposed to think the FBI has regained it's integrity and professionalism???
    You BELIEVE that??? WikiLeaks has exposed them as liars, perjurers, destroyers of evidence, and actively seeking to obstruct a federal investigation. Every day, there is MORE evidence of criminality. EVERY DAMN DAY!! And the FBI looks the other way. EVERY DAY!
    Prison for us and the Presidency for her. You SHOULD be really angry about that.
    Two Sets of Laws.
    Keep cheering.

  18. This is being done - so Obamation can declare martial law and stay in office. No elections will happen.

  19. Wanna bet they will never LOCK HER UP?

  20. Glad it is happening, to little to late

  21. In the event that she doesn't become president, will all of those Clinton Foundation donors ask for their millions back?

  22. Lock the hole clinton machine!

  23. Yea this time round Don't forget to mention Not just
    the Classified (which is the Lower class) but also mention
    the Secret and Ultra secret Ones of the Many she did

    All the focus in the past has only been on the classified ones when the others are MUCH more serious......

    Can't believe the Congress did not focus more on the
    Higher more serious ones..........also the media

  24. If they did, she would already be Locked up and not be
    running for president...
    They already said there were many many of them , so WHY
    did FBI ignore it ??? Also Congress ????

  25. What Did Secret have on it ? an "S"
    Ultra Secret ? "US"
    Why Can't congress see them ??


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