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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Md. State Board of Education member resigns over Hogan’s back-to-school order

WASHINGTON — Gov. Larry Hogan is getting more pushback on his mandate that all public schools start after Labor Day — including from his own State Board of Education.

S. James Gates, the vice president of the state board and a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland, announced he was resigning from the board Tuesday and in a letter to Hogan said the governor’s executive order “has the remarkable potential to damage both the most at risk and the most ambitious students in Maryland.”

In August, Governor Larry Hogan signed an executive order mandating that all public schools start classes after Labor Day and end classes by June 15. Earlier this month, Hogan amended the order, narrowing the conditions under which most school districts could get a waiver that would exempt them from his mandate.

Before Tuesday’s meeting, state board member Chester Finn, expressed concern about Hogan’s move saying it took away a measure of local control and that Hogan may have “undermined” his own state school board.



  1. In August, Governor Larry Hogan signed an executive order mandating that all public schools start classes after Labor Day and end classes by June 15.
    S.James Gates resigned over this decision.
    So...Mr. Gates you can be replaced...no worries.

  2. glad he resigned. no common sense...

  3. Are they getting paid by the days worked? Nope. So why is this an issue? It used to be kids started the day after Labor Day. What's the big ordeal now?

  4. If they were getting paid for the days worked, then there would be no single-snowflake closures. Ridiculous BS. This is just common sense.

  5. He took his ball and went to him mama's house.

  6. Maybe now all BOEs will start focusing on educating students (just little things like cursive, reading for understanding - discuss six life lessons learned from Huck Finn - and other coping skills) instead planning faculty functions and distractions from fulfilling the mission of education.

  7. You people are unbelievable. Many states start school after labor day. You act like you are inventing the wheel.

    Ya'all need to get out more.

    This seems to be the only state that did not and are making a ridiculous issue out of it.

    I am perplexed by the ridiculousness.

  8. 1 week doesn't make that much difference!

  9. Many states and districts start school before Labor Day.
    some as early as August 15. While may of us remember the after labor day start there is actually no reason for it.

    I think school should start After Columbus Day and end at Easter.

    Of course this is not taking in that our children's most important work is their schooling. Working people most often do not have the option of deciding not to work and neither do our children.

  10. Me-ow Mr. State Board of Education. Take your "undermined" tantrum(s) elsewhere Jimmy boy!

    Maybe even something better now since you're unemployed - "hows bout" you give us a "common sense" comment/opinion or (hold ones breath) an idea about Topless Beaches; or Ciggy butts; or street paving over manhole covers; or performers on the boardwalk; or stop lights on route 50 between Salisbury and the Berlin Barracks; or volunteer fire departments; or the upcoming elections.

    What say you Jim Jim, now unemployed but still highly educated. We need folks like you to help make "common sense" decisions.


    Good riddance Jimbo!

  11. Huh 12:08? I think you need to get out more. First of all school start dates are not generally determined by the state but by either counties or school districts. Secondly you can count on one hand the schools districts that start after labor day. There is one that actually starts the Wednesday after Labor Day though I can't recall which one it is. We are talking public schools also and not private.

    12:44 The Amish parochial schools start the Tues after Labor Day and end the year the Friday before Memorial Day and that Friday is always reserved for a presentation by the students for parents and afterwards a field day complete with a barbecue.

  12. Good. Don't just get out, get the f...

  13. The big deal is what you all seem to be forgetting... The big deal is, the fact that the govt things they can raise your kids better than you, they think they own your kid... Having them start sooner and end later gives the govt or schools in this case more power over your kids lives longer...

    Think what you want, but if you go to school earlier and don't get out any earlier and you don't learn anything new within that time frame, then it really is just about being in your kids lives longer for whatever their reason is...

    But remember, everything is always for the kids, for their safety, remember???

  14. Problem here is that Hogan has decided and then tightened up loopholes. This decision should be handled locally, not by the governor.

    Either you are for smaller government or you are not. If Obama did this everyone here would be going crazy.

    It is wrong - period!

  15. He can still do plenty of damage as a college professor...I guess he has no problems with COMMON CORE...

  16. 3:31 Why is it wrong if most of the people want school to start after labor day? Better yet why doesn't the local school boards do what the people ask for?

  17. If it were me governing, I would be a stop to ALL the days off the teachers get every school year.

    The concept of actually teaching common sense courses is lost on most teachers and school districts. The kids aren't learning anything, they are frustrated because the teachers are bad and the cycle keeps on going. It is time to STOP common core, and adopt COMMON SENSE to teaching. I know in my generation, the teachers actually taught and were there for the students. They didn't complain about spending their own money for projects, they didn't complain if a kid was having learning a math concept. The teacher made themselves available before school, at lunch time, or after school to help any and all kids wanting help. They had real pride and it showed.

    Today, the teachers, their unions are all about themselves. We, the taxpayer need to step in and stop this nonsense. The ONLY reason the teacher has their job is because we, the parent/taxpayer is paying their salary. We have the larger say not the other way around. Their unions have made us think for years, we have no say. That isn't true. YOU, have the final say and it should be for getting back to basics and actually teaching our children.

  18. We still have not been informed of what any of the meat and potatoes conflicts are with starting the day after Labor Day.
    This now former board member's complaint is expressed in the most nebulous of terms, sounding like a common whine from an organization like the NAACP, which has pulled the race card with no other cards in the hand so many times that listening to them is just short of torture.

    1. No one mentioned race here but you. YOU pulled the race card.

  19. I'm enjoying listening to all the dumbasses that think all these people can be replaced. There's a shortage now in all state school systems and what do you guys do? You keep stepping on the toes of the people actually in the trenches trying to educate today's youth!! Pretty soon you won't have any body to teach at all, it's just not worth it anymore.

  20. @5:10 Hmmm from what I've seen there aren't many now willing to "teach" our kids. Most are too worried about being politically correct, putting their 8 hours in, or worried about how high up the Boards ass they can get! What's funny about your comment is it's not "the people" causing the shortage, it's the Board of Education and the Government sticking their nose in the class rooms (ie: common core). That's why there is a shortage! Why do you think there has been an increase in students being home schooled?

  21. Waaaaay back in the 80's the state decided to institute mandatory volunteerism for the school kids over the objections of every single county superintendent. At least some superintendents want school to start after Labor Day.

  22. I find it hard to believe that BOE staffing is somehow lacking. Frankly, they are union, and may hold that ideal from that point of view, but any normal non union businessman would be able to make do with half the workforce, and abolishing the State BOE, which has no reason to exist, would be a big step in that direction.

    Secondly, there are what, 180 days of attended school days required? Have any of you blowhards ever gotten out a calendar and counted available days?

    Looking at my calendar, starting at the day after Labor day, using thanksgiving 2 days, Christmas 2 days, New Years 2 days, Columbus Day, Election Day, Thanksgiving 2 days, Xmas 2 days, New Years 2 days, p
    President's day equals 180days ending May 26th, which is BEFORE Memorial day.

    Cheese, it just can't be done, can it???

    This leaves snow days and still makes the weekend holiday.

    Teacher Professional days can be had during the summer to keep the teachers from forgetting what they are supposed to be doing all year.

  23. First of all school should start after labor day and end the first week of June. Maybe you need to shorten the Christmas Holiday and delete some of the Professional Days. Some schools even lengthen the day by 30 minute to be able to shorten the school ye

  24. Larry, you did the right thing. Good for you. Maybe Gates can manage Clinton's campaign. Sound's like he would fit in. Now get rid of common core math so kids can make change.

  25. Looks like curly from three stooges to me!!


  26. Won't miss the departing member or his feigned outrage. If he was for 'the kiddies' he should have stayed and worked to advance his views.

    The governor will appoint a replacement.

    School started after Labor Day and ended early in June back in my day. I understand the beach worker and family vacation arguments. And that my schooling schedule had roots in farming needs.

    Self-disciplined and motivated students could accomplish current academic goals with time to spare, with proper parenting and the assistance of their teachers.

    My recollection is that school start began to encroach on August when NoChildLeftBehind accountability started to sink in.

    It would be preferable to have local consensus about what to teach, and when, as opposed to state and federal mandates.

    We the People....


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