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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Salisbury Daily Times Terminates Two Of Their Highest Paid Employees

Gannett Stock Price Dropped 17% today - now trading at historical lows.

I do not believe Gannett - (trading symbol GCI)- will be around much longer.

Stock is now trading as a penny stock price - $8.21/Share


Publishers Notes: The Daily Times admits they are having serious financial problems. They are also claiming they want to return to "regional" news. DUH, since when did the "regional" paper get recognized as a NATIONAL newspaper? 


  1. Their entire chain - including USA today - are reporting record losses. It seems that no matter what they do, it continues to get worse with each passing day.

  2. Good riddance to that rag.

  3. Good. They deserve it.

  4. Maybe if they covered the news objectively things may be different.

  5. Buying a newspaper today is tantamount to sending a letter via Pony Express.
    Newspapers; Taxi Services; Bookstores, and eventually brick-and-mortar retail stores, are very quickly becoming unnecessary - a thing of the past.

  6. Print Media is dead

  7. Anyone notice they didn't put this story on their facebook page? They didn't want to see the negative comments.

  8. goodbye Gains Hawkins, you liberal POS

  9. If they could get reliable delivery people it would help. I cancelled my subscription because half the time I didn't get my paper. However people are much lazier than ever before. My husband has a small construction business and has a hard time keeping people because they don't want to put in the hours needed. Others won't take the job because he won't pay them in cash. Anyway, I know the DT has issues, it's all just a shame.

  10. Cancelled my subscription when they endorsed Hillary.

  11. Yep two more people that had good jobs, no longer going to be spending money in Salisbury. Won't be going out to eat, hiring painters, landscapers, construction workers. Not buying cars or TV's.

  12. Perhaps we have a difference of definition for penny stock, but shorting all of these rags have made me lots of money.

  13. Not surprised.
    Whatever is reported in that newspaper - or any newspaper nowadays - is at least 12 hours old.
    People today want, and can easily receive, immediacy in news reporting.

  14. I live in the Salisbury area and my daily delivery is always on time and wrapped in plastic in the event of bad weather.

  15. They endorsed obama. How did that work out for your business?

  16. The last time I actually read a USA Today newspaper which was given to me as a courtesy at my motel I was shocked at how obviously biased the paper was against Trump and for Hillary. I threw it in the garbage. Since I was in the bathroom first thing in the morning after getting the paper (which was placed under the room door) I actually had thoughts of using it for something else. Since toilet paper is much softer I reconsidered.

  17. 8:25 The DT did not endorse Hillary. The DT endorsed neither candidate.

    9:06 It has been my observation that the DT has presented opinion pieces both for and against both candidates. You cannot evaluate any daily or weekly paper by reading one free issue.

  18. The Daily Times is only good for the bottom of bird cages, and papers to train puppies on, or good to start fires in your fireplaces. Duh.

  19. I also agree with some of the above posters, IMHO - The Daily Times is a worthless POS newspaper. They are virtually always on the liberal side of the equation, and, they are always biased in their reporting. That's part of the reason their entire chain (Gannett) is hanging on by a thin thread. What is so obvious to everyone else - is oblivious to their management. FYI - I can remember when Gannett (GCI) was trading in the $50/share range. . . and it wasn't all that long ago.

  20. Yep two more people that had good jobs, no longer going to be spending money in Salisbury. Won't be going out to eat, hiring painters, landscapers, construction workers. Not buying cars or TV's.

    October 27, 2016 at 8:35 PM

    Are you trying to say two more people will no longer be spending money on illegals and buying cars made in Mexico and T V's made in China.


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