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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Local gay bars pull Yuengling beer after company endorses Donald Trump

GO HERE to view video.


  1. I have always bought Yuengling and will continue to do so.

  2. Let's see if they bring it back after a Trump win.

  3. I'm surprised that the gay bars even served Yeungling to begin with, as the company's been around since 1829 and is probably as conservative as companies get.

  4. You've Got To Be Kidding!October 29, 2016 at 9:59 AM

    Just goes to show more evidence that Democrats are oppressors and suppressors. Plain & Simple. They don't like anyone who doesn't hold their same beliefs and go out of their way to ruin them regardless of the fact that, like them, their mind enemies also have a First Amendment right to speak their mind and endorse whom they chose to endorse. Also ironic is, they are promoting a candidate who has made it abundantly clear she wants to bring in a massive invasion of Muslim immigrants into America whom will kill gay people just for being homosexual. Now if this isn't like the Jews voting for Hitler back in the late 20s, what is?

    They are pimping someone who has taken money from countries who literally throw gays off rooftops for sport and fun! They boycott, beat, strangle and vilify anyone who doesn't share their idiotic views but don't mind the fact she wants to import their own killers into this country. Make sense? Ah, the Democrat logic just verifies everyday that it's more a mental disorder than a political stance.

  5. We have local gay bars? When did this happen? For a town as uptight as Salisbury, I would've never thunk it!

    1. Big deal. There are a hell of a lot more Yuengling drinkers than Gays. This will encourage more Yuengling drinkers but not more Gays.

    2. Ireton and the "Brick" room.

  6. Who cares..when another Muslim Hillary lets in kills a bunch more of them..maybe they will bring it back.

  7. Let them move to a muslim country.

  8. Im switching from shirley temples to yuenling.

  9. Open a gay bar in syria.

  10. Another falsely generated outrage since Trump has never made one disparaging remarks about gays.

  11. With all those beer taps lined up, if he took down all the ones who's company leaders are religious heterosexuals, he'd probably only have about 2 or 3 left to sell, if that many.

    I'm thinking like 9:59 am as well!

  12. Who cares.... they both suck...

  13. Nothing like a cold beer in the can.

  14. Oh gosh , now I'm worried our economy will collapse .

  15. That's it I'm not going to anymore Gay bars ! Oh wait I don't anyway..LOL If they want to target suppliers maybe suppliers should boycott them.


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