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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Route 50 Plan Changes Sought To ‘Make The Corridor More Commercially Viable’

SNOW HILL – An update of the county’s commercial design standards and Route 50 corridor plan could help increase development along the well-traveled highway into Ocean City.

Since February, a committee of county officials, planning professionals and area business people has been working on revisions to the county’s design guidelines and Route 50 corridor plan. The changes are meant to bring the documents, which were created in the 1990s, up to date and at the same time resolve any problems identified with them in recent years.

“The corridor plan addresses the county’s identified most intense commercial development territory and as such, the commissioners have appointed a diverse group of individuals tasked with making timely recommendations that will make the corridor more commercially viable,” said Merry Mears, the county’s director of economic development.



  1. Who's brother, father-in-law, wife's brother, or other relative got selected (and PAID) for doing what we have officials already in place to do?
    Which "consultant" got the money and did any reporters look into that?
    it doesn't take a genius to look at run down buildings, empty lots, and wasted space to see what needs repair and/or replacement.
    Put democrats inn charge and the very first thing they look to do is spend someone else's money.
    keep cheering.

  2. Better watch CAREFULLY what is happening in Snow Hill. Farmers have a great deal to lose. Be careful of someone in charge with no background telling you what needs to be done.


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