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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Best Halloween Costume This Year!


  1. Damned shame it's not going to happen!

  2. I hope she gets locked up!

  3. It may just happen. The NYPD is in on this as well (they discovered the emails) as US Attorney, Preet Bharara. This has too many agencies involved now to be swept under the rug. And now congress is in on the game, not that I have much faith in them, but that US Attorney is not afraid to stand up against the democrat machine.


  4. All US Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president. In 1993 after assuming office, Bill Clinton fired all 93 US Attorneys. A lot of their staff would have lost jobs, too.

    When is the last time Obama or any Clinton worried about the smell test?

  5. What are you smoking, 605? We just saw Comey, the DOJ, and Bill Clinton get together and let Hillary off scott free recently. Without blowback from that fiasco, we would not have Comey having to come back out with a renewed investigation, because too much information has been hacked and exposed to let him keep his job/life.

    I sure hope he doesn't die in his sleep at a hunting resort without an autopsy soon. Get it?


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