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Saturday, October 29, 2016

YouTube backs off ban of ‘Clinton’s black son’

'Danney cannot be silenced any longer

NEW YORK – YouTube on Wednesday terminated the account of Danney Williams, the 30-year-old man who has claimed since the 1990s to be the black son of former President Bill Clinton.

But YouTube suddenly reversed its decision on Thursday amid public outcry and reinstated the account in the early morning hours, posting a notice that said only: “After a review of your account, we have confirmed that your YouTube account is not in violation of our Terms of Service. As such, we have unsuspended your account.”

When it terminated the account on Wednesday, YouTube cited unspecified “repeated or severe violations of our Terms of Use and/or Community Guidelines” and declared the account “cannot be restored.”


1 comment:

  1. Such a shame Bill and hill ignore him because he is black. I guess they think he is a SUPER PREDATOR


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