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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Let Me Define Exactly Why Your Local Main Stream Media Is Just Plain Stupid

As many of you know, I like to watch the local news to see if there's news and or information we may have missed. Well, this morning I saw something we did in fact miss and quite frankly I felt pretty bad about it.

You see, this morning WBOC did a piece on a proposed rate increase with Delmarva Power. They mentioned something about each and every household getting a rate increase of $20.00 a month. They went on to say that the increase is based around Smart Meter equipment costs.

Then it got REALLY interesting. They, (WBOC) flat out said there was a meeting held LAST NIGHT in Salisbury. I didn't know that, DID YOU? As someone who pays a lot of Delmarva Power bills I would have liked to have known this a few days ago, wouldn't you?

OK, so they didn't tell anyone in advance, that's bad enough. But it got worse in my opinion. Why the hell would you do a piece this morning that tells you there was a meeting in Salisbury last night, yet they didn't interview ANYONE, nor did they offer ANYTHING referencing how the public felt about the increase! 

You see, your media should be providing you a service. They are supposed to HELP you by keeping you INFORMED, especially in advance so you/we can attend these extremely important meetings.

Earlier I said I feel bad and I really do. I feel bad because I'm sure all of you believe me when I say, IF I/we had known about this meeting we would have immediately published the information. I have been known in the past to attend Delmarva Power meetings and this rate increase would have been enough for me to drive to Salisbury and attend. However, we were not informed and I'm sure you know why. We would have had the entire place packed because WE HAVE THE BIGGEST FOLLOWING. 

No need to wonder WHY Delmarva Power decided NOT to send us the meeting information in advance because the GOOD OLD BOYS clearly stick together. Delmarva power spends money with WBOC, HELLO. I'm not sure if the Daily Times had anything in advance, or did they wait until today to REPORT on the meeting AFTER it happened as well?

I just see no point in them doing a piece this morning on a rate increase after the meeting had already happened, unless they have something up their sleeve?

My personal belief, Solar Panels are kicking their rear end and THAT is why they are asking for a rate increase. Let's be real. If you think every single home with a $20.00+ rate increase is the end, well, you're not very smart. This is just the beginning and we should have been warned in advance.

Finally, the less amount of people who show up for such a meeting looks GREAT for Delmarva power. They can go to the Board and say they received very little RESISTANCE from PUBLIC MEETINGS. Very slick!


  1. I would have been there if I had known. I've been fighting with Delmarva Power for over a year about my bills. EVERY month something is wrong that I have to call and get fixed.

  2. If thats the case take back my NOT SO SMART meter this is BS.

  3. I don't know if anyone out there ever asked to have a smart meter installed. I certainly didn't when they installed mine on May of 2016. I was told if I refused the install, I would be charged a "maintenance fee" of around twenty extra dollars for them to read my meter. I currently have Choptank electric, so for the past thirty years I have been reading my own meter each month and submitting the readings to them with my bill. The smart meter benefits no one but the electric companies. Why the hell should we pay for something that was never wanted or needed? I have not seen this yet from Choptank, but I am sure it is coming if Delmarva Power gets its way.

    1. We refused. I knew this was coming. They get you either way...increased fees because of the smart reader OR fees because you don't want one. We read our meter for YEARS too, but Choptank has no plans to reimplement that program.

  4. The best commentary last night was:

    They want the increase to pay for the installation of the smart meters they forced on us (because they said it would save the company money).


    That was the quote of what part of the 66 million increase is all about.

    And they are friggin liars about the $20 it will be much much more than that.

    Then.... they will send you one of those ridiculous graphs saying... use less electric because you spent more this year than last year. Uh Duh, no kidding.

  5. Maybe now all of you clowns will start to listen to us when we tell you these things?? We don't know everything, and I won't pretend like we do... We just tell you these things to help you not to act like we know it all or just to run our mouths like most of you who comment do... I don't have the funds or the time to go out here and do what is needed to inform all of you, so I tell you via comments or posts... At least I am doing something, just becasue you want to be stupid and not listen, that is on you and well, as you can see, you will pay the consequence for it... Why can't your people stop being stupid and lazy and start to help fix this crap that has been going on for years??? You sit there, trying to be a keyboard warrior and it gets you no where... You ignore everything people tell you, but believe proven liars, and then you bitch and complain about how you doesn't like what you let happen...

    You can't get something from nothing...

    1. Dude, I love your posts!!!!
      Good laugh every time.

  6. Who ever the judge is i hope he only approves $5,we need a wikileaks done on these Fools.

  7. Joe as you know I signed up for their press releases. I used to get them from a Matthew Likovich. I have not received anything from them since July 2016.

  8. Bob Aswell...RealistOctober 28, 2016 at 12:10 PM

    Lets put the blame where it belongs. Jim Mathias is up to his neck in their pockets. So is the public utility commission and the Judges. We re-elect Mathias as Senator and then raise Hell because AFTER HE IS ELECTED and he takes their money, he does nothing. I had the opt-out with the Company AND the PUC and while I was at work they changed my meter ANYWAY. I complained and still it took the STATE 6 mos. to make
    DPL come re-install the regular meter and they refused to in fact refund a credit they owed me for a year.
    I called Charles Otto and told him and STILL the Eastern Shore Delegation HASN'T convinced the Governor to intervene so we've ALL got our asses hanging out at the mercy of the Power Company.
    Then there are the dupes lick Rick Meehan who evade the issue all together in a town the size of Ocean City. Those people should burn the City Hall down.
    Somewhere the phrase,'Cost of doing business" was buried and the consumer should bear the cost of them making a huge profit. VOTE AGAINST JIM MATHIAS. Bob Aswell......Realist

    1. Bob, you goobers love unregulated free enterprise, why would you complain?

  9. Written comments are being received, but hurry, only till Monday.

  10. I installed solar panels at my house and my business. My house bill went from $500 to $12. At the business I am generating more power than I am using but have not gotten 1st bill yet. Also note my house in Florida uses same amount of power but the power bill is only $71 verses $500 here on the Shore. And DP&l wants more money ???

  11. The public might want to educate yourselves about SMART METERS.
    They are very dangerous (radiation emitting devices).

    1. Nope, no different than a cell phone.

  12. You're right ---It's not going to stop
    there. They have control over ---" We
    the People!" Just as the Pharmasutical
    Companys, Insurance Companys & on & one
    it goes to drive the U.S into a third world
    country while the Poloticals of our Country
    sit in their Palaces on the hill!

  13. I just called them and the phone jockey had no idea what I was talking about - I was referred to a supervisor - this should be interesting

  14. Delmarva power is a scam ,they don't really even read your meter for billing anyway they just charge what they think they can get away with.

  15. I am paying $17/mo to opt out of SMART meter - so now I should pay an additional $20/mo for them to put them on other people's houses?

  16. This is odd, County Times did a piece yesterday on electric rates going down.

  17. Joe its absurd.... all the damn money they were going to save by installing the smart meters, reduce manpower, etc., etc., etc., it is a joke! It's flat out another case of the only damn game in town...lift the boundaries, truly open up the power grid so other companies, not just these electric brokers can sell macros their lines where they still get a cut, the whole system needs to be fixed. DPL and COMCAST the biggest rip offs on the Eastern Shore!

  18. 12:38, Exactly! They LOSE money on one item and gain it back on another. Two separate things, so you know.

    Every one of you should calculate the tens of thousands of homes they service and then multiply it by at least $20.00. It may seem somewhat small to some but when you add it up each and every month it's a TON of money.

    The public should have been better informed. The FACT that they stopped sending us Press Releases should tell you a LOT. The FACT that the Daily Times is admittedly failing year after year, people, (very few) are getting the paper any more. As for the television media, everyone is sick and tired of their lack of reporting the news and or their support towards Hillary Clinton and are opting out of viewing any more.

  19. We should have known about this meeting. I had no idea. I am thinking quite a few people would have shown up. I could have gone there and spoke out against the rate hike. how much do the execs get paid there? too damn much.

  20. Delmarva power screws people on a daily basis..with the "beat the peak " crap. And all the green BS.My bills are always 400.00 and I didn't even have heat on for one of the months last winter.

  21. "You had me at WBOC"....you had me when you typed WBOC - then I knew to snap to attention mode.

    WHY? Since Delmarva's WORST is never informative, I know to count on our Joe for any/all 411!!!!

    (and psst, its TGIF again!!!!!)

  22. Think about all the meter readers who made a decent living were all laid off. They said it was going to help the customer, it only helps there bottom line

  23. There's an agency in Maryland where we can 'complain' and say to them we had NO warning. Just call them en mass and get the ball rolling to Stop this Deception. Sounds like a Clinton move to me.

  24. We can't opt out. They force them on us and then charge us! SMdh.Half assed crooks.

  25. I opted out of getting the smart meter and have to pay a fee each month so they can read the meter. If they are raising rates because of smart meters they should credit the people that don't have them. They can't have it both ways! You can't charge me more for not having a smart meter and raise my bill because smart meters cost more when I don't have one!

  26. Asa former employee of DPL, thank God in Heaven that I get my electric from Choptank Elect. Don't forget now that DPL just went thru the merger where Elexon out of Chicago bought them out, also remember that they also got a rate increase this past year although they only got half of what they wanted (guess they want the rest now)!!! Also when they put in the smart meters how many meter reader job were eliminated?? Just a little something to think about on a Friday evening.

  27. Funny how all other businesses have to invest in upgrades and pay for them or take out loans. These guys get to do upgrades then come with their hand out to raise rates and the customer must pay. Must be nice!

  28. Part of these costs are from the Great Bay Solar project in Somerset County. PJM gave Great Bay Solar the transmission capacity of our lines so now there is not enough for us. The new line costs $55,000,000; costs that is supposed to be charged to the developer...but instead has been hidden as part of this rate increase. PSC case #9393 Testimony of Dwight Etheridge

  29. I once removed my meter from the side of my house and ran on generator for 3 weeks out of the billing month and my bill went up...Tell me they don't steal from people. I bet they are big political donors.

  30. smart meters also make the bill go up. OPT OUT of smart meters they rip customers off.


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