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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Maryland tries to find solution for teacher shortage

BALTIMORE —Nearly half of the nation's first-year public school teachers are predicted to leave their classrooms within three years. It's a problem that has the state of Maryland looking for solutions.

A new Maryland teacher staffing report just released Tuesday shows every district in the state is dealing with a shortage.

The results from the teacher staffing report comes just a couple of months into the new school year. What it shows, in part, is a snapshot of frustration. The Maryland State Board of Education admits certified teachers are just hard to come by and even harder to keep on the payroll.

"We really do need to start to have some steps toward growing our own. We don't graduate enough teachers here in Maryland. We need to make kids excited about this profession," Maryland State's School Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon said.

The staffing report highlights teacher shortage in the critical subject areas of math, science, special education and English as a second language, and career and technology. This is nothing the state's teachers' union hasn't heard before.



  1. Good luck Maryland, America tge tsunami is on its way!! Think it's bad now, OUCH!!

  2. Get some serious discipline back in the schools and the teachers will come. Our son graduated from UMBC with a teaching certificate and his student teaching assignment was inter-city Baltimore. At 240 lbs and played rugby for club he is no pushover. After 2 weeks of that experience he elected to go into the food service business, a business that would allow him to do his job. Folks, there lies the problem!

  3. Screw maryland education SCHOOL VOUCHERS NOW!!! Time to clean up the top-heavy useless dead weight bureaucracy that educates no one, instills communist indoctrination and continues to suck money for the budget like there's no tomorrow

  4. Whoa - the topic is supposed to be anger towards Gov Hogan because he wants schools to start after labor day.

    Not about keeping teachers. Get a grip folks!


    Can we ever just focus on something to conclusion instead of constantly moving the needled - aka multitasking, which never accomplishes anything!


  5. and people make fun and put down Home Schooling. get a grip my friends. Home School is, by far, the BEST...

  6. This is so laughable to me. My daughter graduated with a master's degree in history and teaching. She applied to eight different schools throughout Maryland. Several in Salisbury. Guess what the Board interviewing her told her?? She was overqualified and they could not pay her according to her degree. Yet one of these schools used and continue to use today her ideas in getting kids excited to learn and explore history. They stole her ideas and gave to an existing teacher to use. This sickens me. My daughter moved to another state and was promptly hired and admired by the children she taught, her peers, and children's parents (she actually used her own time and held meetings with the parents on their schedule so they wouldn't miss their work), and the school board she worked for.

    Salisbury only wants to hire the losers, or the kids of parents sitting on the school board. Something it would behoove all parents to prevent from happening.

    The BOE talks a good game, but they don't want to part with the money because it would mean less in their pockets and they don't want to be shown up as the incompetents they are.

    1. My wife teaches in Wicomico Co. She is neither a loser or related to anyone on the board. Sorry your daughter didn't get hired. She sounds very qualified and I am glad she found work. To label all teachers losers or saying their family got them a job is just BS and sounds like sour grapes

  7. Get the Dumbocrats out of the education system

  8. I'm a retired history professor. I can't imagine having to teach what are considered to be American and World history in today's junior high and senior high schools.

  9. 7:07 You are full of crap. The topic had nothing to do with one person resigning because of the start of the school year. The last statement from the reporter had nothing to do with the subject matter. You are very shallow and probably a democrat.

  10. Try finding solutions for correctional officer shortage.

  11. What a crock- can't find enough certified teachers! A totAL lie! They just want to hire brand new teachers who don't cost them as much money but who don't do the job of experienced educators- My wife, with 20 plus years of experience and a Masters from Johns Hopkins tries to get a job with Wicomico County PS and is told bluntly that she is too expensive- your kids lose as a result.

  12. It is an established pattern for Wicomico County Board of Education.

  13. Your children are not worth what it costs for Maryland (Wicomico County) to pay a qualified teacher. Experienced teachers with advanced degrees are turned away continuously. There are plenty of certified teachers with experience- mostly women- who sometimes leave temporarily to have children- but are then outcast as being too expensive when they try to return to their career- outrageous!

  14. Right on 8:41 - no doubt an established patern - of mediocrity or less and our children lose!

  15. Wicomico County Schools are destined for failure because they refuse to invest in education. Granted it is a less affluent area, if we don't invest in public education we will always fall way behind counties like Montgomery who invest in their kids.

  16. Who would want to attempt to teach thugs who spit, assault, cuss out and threaten teachers in schools that have principals that support such crap.

  17. You wouldn't know it in Wicomico county. They'd rather a degree in teaching (with a masters degree, in addition) change diapers instead of teach.

  18. I thought all the teachers in wico had to have their masters within a certain time set. It is boggling why they would not hire a teacher with the credidenials they aspire each teacher to have.

  19. Close all schools build more prisons!!!

  20. Control gangsters and wanna-be thugs running around in schools and teachers will show up.
    That teachers have to put up with what goes on every day in school is a testament to their committment.
    Openly threatening teachers? Throwing objects at them? Cursing them in the most foul of terms? Disrupting the entire class EVERY DAY?? And the greatest insult??
    You're helpless to do anything.
    Hit a cop and you MIGHT survive the incident.
    Hit a teacher and you are a hero to the gangbangers and get a 3 day in school "suspension".
    If that was changed to a three day stay in intensive care, there would be flocks of teachers.
    Keep cheering.

  21. It's no secret the Wicomico County BOE hires younger, cheaper teachers with less experience. It is also no secret they try to run out experienced, more expensive teachers to save a buck. What will be interesting this year is to see how quickly the WCBOE agrees to the local and state union's request to institute agency fees, which means ALL school employees would have to pay the union whether they want to or not. If this happens, the WCBOE would basically make paying a union a mandatory condition of employment in our county. Think that will help attract good quality teachers to our schools? Better think again.
    Maybe you don't care if school employees will be forced to pay a union, but it will effect the quality of our education system and the economics of our area. Our education system is already in the gutter because of these liberal democrats that agreed to common core, no discipline, ineffective teacher evaluation systems and the list goes on and on. The union is a top player in these poor initiatives that are hurting our ability to provide quality education. I'm sure you will hear more about these forced agency fees in the near future. The public needs to be aware that if our school system caves to these agency fees, the teachers, school staff, and our children will pay the price. The union should never have that much control.

  22. To break the union, ALL the teachers, administrators need to band together and refuse to pay all dues. If you are doing your job, and showing up to work on time daily, then why do you need a union. Stand on your own two feet, take responsibility for yourselves and stop being led by a ring in your noses by the union.


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