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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Megyn Kelly Newt Gingrich FULL Interview Trump Polls , Fight Over Sexual Predator


  1. She is a nasty mean spirited woman. When her show comes on Fox we immediately change the channel.

  2. She really did make a fool out of herself last night in her attempt to show off. As the speaker said she is obsessed with sex. The Trump allegations are old news but for whatever reason (maybe she thinks it makes her look cute) she has a compelling urge she can not control to bring them up ad nauseum. A lot of newsworthy issues about the election have since come to light that she could have focused on but because of her own unhealthy obsession with sex she can't help herself. Personally I think she's a closet homosexual who can't face the facts of her own sexuality. The haircut is almost a dead giveaway. It is the hair style of women who would either prefer to be a man or a lesbian who longs to take the role of the man in a same sex relationship.

  3. I saw this last night and it piss me off!!! I turned the channel and I will not watch, tolerate or support her show again.

  4. If there was any doubts about Megan Kelly's allegiance, they were completely ripped away last night. She is not a news journalist, she's a Clinton pom-pom gal with boots, spurs and toy guns. All she needs is the hot pants and a slinky bikini top & her outfit will be complete. One of the biggest I never watch her show. Fox News has lost ratings because of her nonsense. Picking fights with Republicans is unbecoming. She's rude, condescending and frankly, a bore. No wonder Hannity beats her Nielsen ratings by large margin.

  5. Kelly is only mimicking her owner's sentiment i.e. Rupert Murdoch. Remember, he ordered them to destroy Trump at all costs. Some 'unbiased' fair & balanced news reporting. More like bought & paid for to me. Let's see if Gingrich ever accepts another request to be on that program. If he has any smarts, he'll deny her access as all GOP people should at this point.

    1. Murdochs sons are now running fox news and they both are Liberals FACT google it.

  6. Kelly and Geraldo is both idiots and when ever I am watching and they are on I change channels or turn off the TV. Fox is getting just like CNN.

    1. With your grammar, who's the idiot??

  7. Stopped watching her long, long ago. Her ratings are dropping and I hope they drop more after last nights fiasco.

    12:03, don't be such a jerk. this could have just been typing error. whatever it was you don't have to be a snot.

    1. He is obviously a liberal kelly lover fox is going down the tubes.

  8. Other than The hannity show fox is becoming CNN.

  9. This needs to be top post.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    With your grammar, who's the idiot??

    October 26, 2016 at 12:03 PM

    I would vote for you.

  11. 12:18
    Ditto on both points.

    As said before I have not watched Kelly since the pi-sing contest with Trump August of 2015. Did catch clips of Kelly and Newt.....she is still a nasty piece of work.

    Unfortunately we are not all English majors. Wish you Rhode Scholars would just move to the next post if not smart enough to understand the one you are reading. No need to correct anyone, even with all the smarts you tote around.

  12. 1041 - nice outfit description. Although the chair has gotten way to big for Ms. Megyn, she's still very very easy on the eyes! Thank heaven for the mute button on the remote!


  13. Good looks will only go so far. I stopped watching her a year ago. She is garbage and will be with CNN soon enough. See ya Kelly! Give Hannity the 9 pm spot again!!

  14. I watched it and hoped it would be talked about, Good job Mr Gingrich, and for megan kelly im done with fox for the most part largely because of you and you bias anti Trump stance. The left has all the other media and my go the network has turned into a Democrat mouthpiece slowly poisoning your mind with socialist propaganda, infact they my be far more dangerous than msmbc becalse they are claiming to be fair and balanced and they are not lately. Shawn Hannity is one of the only ones that is fighting the mainstream media from the inside!!

  15. 1:50 Rhodes scholars aren't that smart. They get chosen because they show they are easily swayed by liberal propaganda and then can talk a good game about it and sell it to the masses. Cecil Rhodes was a big time liberal. Oxford as a whole is a joke. A bastion of liberal propaganda.

  16. FIRE megan kelly and dan Satterfield!

  17. I stopped watching Kelly's show after her attack on Trump. That was the end of her for me. I also have stopped watching Sheppard Smith. He can't disguise his dislike of Trump. He is suppose to be fair and balanced and he isn't. I used to watch him all the time, now when he comes on I watch something/anything else or turn TV off. These two are a waste to me. They are so obviously against anything regarding Trump that they lost me as their viewer because they aren't fair,and they aren't balanced.

    I wish Greta was still on. I truly miss her reporting. The Fox and Friends at 6 AM with Ansley is awful. She doesn't add anything to the show. She actually shows just how dumb she is with some of her comments. With all the other ladies that have proved themselves why they selected Ansley is a mystery to me. She'd be better off just doing segments. She just doesn't have it.

  18. Bill Clinton is the Predator ... this we all know by now


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