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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Interesting Find...

What really happened? Have we all been had? 


  1. I've never seen this before. Wow. Just wow. Makes you look at a lot of things a lot differently. Was Orlando staged, too?

  2. I'll bet most people won't even watch this. They don't want to know anything but the sham they've been sold. They don't care about things like agendas being forced on them. Sad but it shows the depths some are willing to go to to sell their political agendas.

  3. Wow. What an eye opener. These SOB's really, really will do anything to disarm legal, native citizens. Thank you for posting this video.

    I remember when it happened and there was tape of someone in the woods and then not another word about it.

    Progressives in Wash. have a lot of friends in Hollywood that would help them set up this scenario (sp?).

    Lie, cheat and steal is the way progressives operate - remember that when you go to vote. For warned is for armed.

  4. its all true, that it was a hoax. our Government is the most corrupt in the world.

  5. Most interesting! Thanks for posting!

  6. Uh Yeah Orlando was staged two... The tall tale sign? The kid who got cut of the news for saying someone was in there holding the doors close so the guy could shot more people... Did you hear that anywhere?? NO and i'm sure if you did, you didn't pay attention becasue your attention span is that of a gold fish...

    I bet you all thought that shooting in Virginia with that news reporter was real too???? Even though that girl's so called father has been in commercials and played a doctor on some show... No, no actors here, nothing to see move along...

  7. What once was our government ( I guess ), is now a play with all being actors. One heck of a show, you have to admit. We have been played for longer than thought.

  8. Want to see a really bad hoax. YouTube Waco - the big lie. The children she has been "working for" shot up or burned alive.

  9. Sandy Hook was exposed almost immediately after it was created.
    A staged hoax.

    Ditto for Orlando.
    Ditto for South Carolina (Roof).

    Those of us who wear tin foil have been trying out level best to inform others. We have been beat up pretty badly for it.

    Most people will never wake up.
    I only care about my family and friends at this point.
    I have given up trying to educate strangers about these hoaxes.

  10. TWA 800 was bigger than this

  11. And twa was the start of killing the unconstituional freedom killing laws. First terrorism bill pushed by clinton

  12. At about 17:00, the frames show the alleged Wheeler walking by cameras. In his right hand is a semi-auto-full auto tactical rifle.

    He appears to be one who has never had the most basic of weapons training, let alone be a member of a SWAT team with specialized weapons training. No one with any training would ever carry a firearm in this manner. If he had ever been a member of the military, he'd know not to carry a weapon this way because he'd remember the stern warning (ass kicking) he'd have gotten from his weapons instructor for doing it the second time.

  13. This is an act of terrorism against the citizens, not just a lie, not just propaganda....all while good men and women do nothing....all while congress cowers in the dark.....all destroying our Country.

  14. THAT fat slob is supposed to be a SWAT team member???

    He doesn't look like he could chase my grandmother down the street for more than 10 yards without stopping for a donut. And some oxygen.
    ALso, 5:58 is right.
    He doesn't look like he's EVER carried a rifle before in his life.
    Maybe a nerf gun, but that's it.
    Keep cheering.


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