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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Homeowner Shoots at Suspect Burglarizing His House

Laurel - Troopers, with the assistance of Laurel Police Department, have arrested a 44-year-old Laurel man in connection with a burglary in which he was shot at.

The incident occurred around 2:30 p.m. Thursday October 27, 2016 when troopers were dispatched to a residence in the 12000 block of Chipmans Pond Road for a report of a burglary. Upon their arrival, the 78-year-old male victim explained that he had just returned to his house when he observed black car in his driveway and damage to a window with some of his property lying underneath. Once inside the residence, the victim observed more property lying on the floor near the damaged window. He was quickly startled by a male subject, who was later identified as Robert L. Jefferson, 44 of Laurel, running through the house carrying some of his property.

The victim grabbed his 12 gauge shotgun and began searching for the suspect in his house, making several announcements that he was armed. The homeowner then saw Jefferson running through his yard towards his (Jefferson's) vehicle. Once he entered the car, the victim fired one birdshot round at the car, shattering the passenger's side window. The suspect was able to drive away from the residence in an unknown direction.

A general bulletin was put out over the radio with a description of the vehicle, which was soon located in the parking lot of the Laurel Food Lion by officers from Laurel Police Department. The officers observed Jefferson entering the store and were able to locate him hiding in the rear of the store where he was taken into custody without incident. He was turned over to troopers at the scene and transported to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital where he was treated and released with a minor abrasion to his back that may have been caused by one of the pellets.

Robert Jefferson was then transported to Troop 4 in Georgetown where he was charged with Burglary 2nd, Possession of Burglary Tools, Theft Under $1500 Where a Victim is 62 or Older, and Criminal Mischief. He was arraigned at JP2 and committed to Sussex Correctional Institution on $5,000.00 secured bond.

The victim has not been charged with any crime.


  1. Next week he will be out on the street to rob and steal again. I say shoot to kill, drain the swamp.

    1. Shoot to kill for burglary. Wow..you're quite the rocket scientist aren't you?

    2. 7:15 come into my house uninvited you get shot! Keep voting hillary

  2. Someone needs to provide this gentleman some complimentary target shooting training. As a result of his non-lethal shot, we have to pay the court costs of this POS.

    1. No as a result of his non lethal shot, he wasn't charged himself. The law really doesn't protect you in a situation where your life isn't in immediate danger, he was fleeing. Smart man.

  3. The victim has not been charged with any crime.

    And why put this sentence in? No reason to think he would be.....wait, I was just dreaming I guess.

    1. In Maryland he would have worse charges than the theif.

  4. In Maryland, the victim would be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, as the burglar was in exit mode and not threatening the life of the victim.

    That's why that line was put in there.

  5. I love the house owner protecting his castle.....In the Baltimore riots, home owners utilizing this right to OWN AND BEAR ARMS...the homeys involved. would have not caused the significant damages they did. REMEMBER THIS ON ELECTION DAY....Hillary wants to disarm you...

  6. 6:09 "i" before "e" except after "c"!

    1. 6:49 Is it science or sceince. Quit trying to be the spelling police.

  7. OO buckshot. Only way to go.

  8. In the wonderful Communist country of Maryland, he would be getting treated worse than the burglar.

  9. There is absolutely NO excuse for the shooter.
    He should've went to a firing range to help his aim.

    1. "He should have went"...?
      He needs a gun range, you need grammar lessons.

    2. You must be damn comehere always picking on grammar to make yourself feel better about being bald or fat or old or just lonely. Us here on the shore we are all family so don't worry so much.

    3. Actually I was proffering colloquial dialect in an attempt (obviously missed) to appeal to the Eastern Sho' mindset that may frequent venues such as a gun range.
      When in Rome....

    4. Hey... Grammar Cop...
      In this instance, "He needs a gun range, you need grammar lessons.", a semi-colon would be the appropriate punctuation mark - not a comma - to use in that sentence.
      You ain't so smart. (Another example of colloquial dialect, by the way.)

  10. This scumbag burgled the wrong house.Wish Pops would shot him in the A**!!!These crackheads need to learn to fear homeowners and business owners!

  11. 7:15 ...."Shoot to kill for burglary." ???

    Damn right. A whole lot of people have been killed by burglars, especially after surprising them in their house in the middle of the day.
    Also, it isn't unheard of for a burglar to RETURN to the same house to get what he couldn't take the first time, or to exact some revenge on the homeowner who interrupted his crime the first time.
    And I'll take a moment to point out our leader's enforcement of
    Two Sets of Laws
    The police have shot hundreds of unarmed people because the police were "afraid". Little kids, mothers, caretakers, other cops, and teenagers walking in their own neighborhood. Hundreds. And then were exonerated of any guilt. But a citizen-- a homeowner -- who catches a CRIMINAL robbing them has to try to let them go because, uh, um, why??? Because your "leaders" will put you in PRISON for doing what others do for a LOT LESS reason than confronting a stranger in your house or seeing a criminal try to steal your car.
    Wear a badge and kill whenever you are "afraid". No worries.
    Be just a citizen and be afraid of a criminal? Call 911 and hope you aren't killed in the meantime.
    As a judge once said, "When you look for trouble, don't come to court complaining that you found some." That burglar was looking for trouble, wasn't he??

    I would, of course, just like the police, make sure I was the only living witness that would be testifying. It works for them, it should work for all of us.
    Keep cheering.

    1. You would run and hide probably call Kenny. Keep cheering!


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