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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Worcester State’s Attorney Seeking Attorney General’s Opinion On Topless Women; ‘Equal Protection’ At Root Of Claim

OCEAN CITY — The Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office has requested an opinion from the Maryland Attorney General on the legality of women going topless in the same areas where men are allowed to go shirtless under the Equal Protection Act, an opinion that could have serious repercussions in the resort area.

At the request of Maryland resident Chelsea Covington, Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby has reached out to the Maryland Attorney General’s Office seeking an opinion on the legality of women going topless in the same public areas where men are allowed to go shirtless. Covington, an advocate for female bare-chestedness in public through the TopFreedom initiative, often goes topless in public places in Maryland and other states, including Ocean City.

Covington reached out to the Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) and the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office seeking an opinion on the legality of women going topless in Maryland in the same public areas where men are allowed to go shirtless. Oglesby, after consulting with the OCPD and Ocean City officials, and after reviewing the existing statutes in Maryland, decided to seek an opinion from the Maryland Attorney General’s Office.



  1. Muslim refugees won't be down with this one!

    1. Good...Maybe they will go back home..we don't want them here.

  2. I haven't been to the beach in years but I'm going to go get my bathing suit out of moth balls right now!

  3. New York State already has top-optional public beaches. People get used to it, like they did decades ago in Europe. Bare chests on the beach there are not an issue.

  4. They can go topless in NYC too.

  5. expect bigger crowds. more guys headed to the beach.

  6. I don't want my children exposed to this crap when I'm on the beach. Have some morals ladies. Yes, I know they do it in Europe but we do not live in Europe so that is no excuse. In some African counties they wear loin cloths....should we do that too?

  7. The Puritans didn't, so we shouldn't either.

  8. 1040 you'll be living in Europe soon enough if Obama and Clinton have their way. Don't think Europeans are doing the topless thing now that women are being raped by refugees.

  9. Muslim rapists are going to have a field day.

  10. Well, ladies, you can now go topless but for heaven's sake, don't light a cigarette!!!

  11. 1112 Excellent POINT! Well said!

  12. You can smoke on the beaches in Europe.

  13. The thought of women going topless on the beach disgusts me.
    If the crazy liberals somehow get this passed, I would suggest that it be on just one designated area or block of the OC beach.
    I would highly recommend that they consider the 116th Street beach, which is the street where I reside.
    That way, I could go up to the beach every single day to remind myself as to just how disgusting it is.
    Remember: 116th Street.

  14. Equal Rights. On one hand it's equal if the women are hot and it just ain't right if their not. If you don't like it - tough titties.

  15. We have decided to offer a daily permit for a reasonable fee to those who would like to go topless. A new permit is required each day. This approach is more in line with the goals of the Town.

    - They Mayor and Council of Ocean City

  16. The council did ban thong bikinis on the beach a while ago.
    Actually, I think someone mentioned there was a "crack problem" in OC, and the council misunderstood.

  17. I say remove the ban. Topless women wearing thongs can't be all bad.

  18. Which is worse: Nuclear War or Topless OC? Topless OC is by far much worse!

  19. Yeah and don't be breast feeding in public. It is disgusting and unnatural.

  20. "Yeah and don't be breast feeding in public. It is disgusting and unnatural.

    October 25, 2016 at 11:39 AM"

    Do you know how absolutely idiotic you appear when you write stupid crap like this? Unnatural? How do you think babies were fed before the invention of the bottle? And here's a hint: Cows tits are squeezed to get the milk for your Wheaties. What's unnatural is you, my little ignorant friend, but thanks for the side splitter!

  21. 11:27
    Now imagine Hillary or Rosie in a thong and topless.

  22. Although I applaud 11:16am for volunteering up the 116 street location and keeping the disgust to one locale, I've already petitioned City Hall that 94th Street would suffice.

    Yep Yep 94th Street, where condo row officially begins and many land sharks roam - all year long!

    Yes sir-reee 94th Street is the logical place to condone this unhealthy behavior. Uh huh disgusting - YEP YEP wink wink, nod nod!!!!!!!!

  23. Why are we even having this conversation??? Stop using my dam tax dollars on this BS. Ocean City takes pride in calling their town a family oriented vacation spot. Have some common sense people.

  24. "Why are we even having this conversation???"?
    Because it's Fall on the shore. What else is there to do?
    (It's kinda fun, too...)

  25. Free the milk makers!

  26. When a bunch of drunk men grab these women's breasts on the boards...how will they feel then. Or your daughter gets groped by some guys or have thier blobs plastered on fb. Then how will these "free the titty" people feel about it..think people what a can of worms your opening.

    1. 18 to 21 ONLY ,

    2. I have a twenty year old daughter and a 21 year old son..this goes both ways..your putting your kids at risk for falls accusation and to get attacked. This isn't cool..

  27. So they allow women to go topless. Is there going to be an age restriction or can any female walk naked? You know darn well if you allow teens to walk the boardwalk topless there are going to be problems. You will have every pervert taking pictures and sharing them all over the place.

    1. Exactly..who wants a pic of themselves on the internet for twenty years when your kids will see it and your co workers Ior boss can..

  28. This is not the south of France or southern California. Do you really want some of these tattooed gargoyle's flopping around topless in OC? It would be like allowing topless shopping at Walmart.

  29. And each week they can have a beauty contest to separate the attractive girls from the unattractive ones.

  30. Great Idea let them ride the Bus Topless too We men Love it ....

  31. I am gathering petitions so Men can go w/o pants....that would be a great testing guage to see if you ladies going topless look good or not!!!

  32. Hey ,we men are all for your equal rights
    Be our guest, go topless, we all for it
    (as long as we can too) .....


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