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Sunday, October 30, 2016

JUST IN: New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Anthony Weiner’s Electronic Devices

WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I.seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner sent to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the thousands — potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election.

In a letter to Congress, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said that emails had surfaced in an unrelated case, and that they “appear to be pertinent to the investigation.”



  1. Hillary taken out by a Weiner…who could have predicted this?

  2. What a nasty mess these democrats are.


  3. I cant wait to see Hillary frog marched to prison with slick Willie next

  4. When will democrats and all other people in this world realize that the Clintons are toxic?

  5. Bill Clinton is a happy man right now. Hillary has a more important Weiner to worry about.

  6. Well I guess Bill will have to get on a plane and meet Loretta Lynch at some airport to talk about golf and grand kids again (cough cough). Then prepare yourselves for a news conference with Comey to tell us the FBI investigated (cough cough) and found nothing yo report.

    Place your bets.

  7. For the folks out there still planning on voting for Hillary because they are sooooooooooo afraid of Trump and nuclear war. Be fore warned.
    The Clinton's are both no good. They cheat, they lie, they steal. Hillary while as Secretary of State TOOK MONEY FROM FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS for special favors, meetings, and gifts for herself, and hubby for favors. Many of these governments are not our allies.

    Do you think IF Hillary became president she would not hesitate to sell this country out for some more big bucks. If one of this country's enemies paid Hillary a lot of money if she let them nuke us do you think she wouldn't take the bucks and run. Damn right she would take the loot. Both Bill and Killary have proven they would do anything for money. They are nothing but high paid whores, had by all.

  8. The FBI found emails where Anthony and Hillary were comparing their "Poles", to see who's was longer.

  9. Media will not cover it, FBI won't finish case for a year. Wiener currently has a Netflix show and on abc series. Child rapist making millions being backed by mainstream media, his wife Pleads the 5th her boss is married to a rapist, lied to America about top secret information, Hillarys attorney pleads the 5 then gets immunity to turn in her bosses computer that gets destroyed. Obama says her staff is the best and most qualified.... folks it's over. I would think strongly on moving to another country... Open boarders isn't for me. Bankruptcy and plane ticket is more appealing

  10. Donald trump is not down and doesn't need a life line. I've been to his rally's and read emails stating to inflate polls.

  11. I'm going to try to say this as delicately as humanly possible:
    Exactly how strongly do you think that Hillary despises male genitalia and the mind-set of perverts that have them?
    Somehow - some way - she has become associated with two of the greatest perv minds ever to hit politics.
    She is going to lose her place in the history books because of that.
    You think she hates men?
    She has good reason to.

  12. Just one pervert doing a favor for a corrupt, lying, treasonous criminal. At least he and Bill have something in common other than their perverted lifestyle!

  13. I wonder if there's something more to this story.Does anyone think this is part of a plea deal for Anthony Weiner?

  14. Wonder if he sent her some saucy pics..she definately would have deleted those emails...

  15. Wouldn't it be ironic if it was Huma that finally brought down Hillary. I think that would make me happier than seeing Trump bring her down. As long as she goes down! Hillary for Prison!

  16. Look at that stance Huma is using. Looks like a Gestapo agent menacing a prisoner.
    Or, a Mafia captain asking the few last questions before they show the prisoner sonme film of his kids walking home from school.
    I can't believe that, in light of everything that's been revealed - and it's a massive amount of criminality -- anyone would still vote for this tramp.

    Keep cheering.

  17. Huma is the most Dangerous kind (just like a spy)
    She is Good in bed
    The men and Hillary just melt like Butter........

  18. The Enemy knows a man's weakness is a Hot Lady in bed

    This old tactic has been around for a long time
    Maybe the Hillary camp will try this out on Trump ....


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