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Sunday, October 30, 2016

No charges in death of pedestrian

The Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office will not be filing charges against an Ocean City police officer who struck and killed a pedestrian with her cruiser in May.

“After reviewing the investigators’ findings, State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby has informed us that while the outcome in the incident was tragic, there is no criminal liability to consider,” Police Public Affairs Specialist Lindsay Richard said.

On May 5, 67-year-old Jeffrey Yale Delong was crossing Coastal Highway east to west around 94th Street with two other pedestrians around 1:11 a.m. He was struck by a marked police Chevy Tahoe operated by Officer Xeniya Patterson.

Delong was taken by Ocean City Emergency Medical Services to Atlantic General Hospital in Berlin, where he was declared dead, according to press releases. Patterson was not injured in the collision.



  1. "...She was operating the vehicle properly,” Cymek said.

    Uh, no Mr. Cymek if the Officer had been operating the vehicle properly she wouldn't have killed a pedestrian. This is total BS that the Officer hasn't been charged with some kind of violation. Also the news article has very week and shoddy reporting because it didn't explain why the Officer wasn't charged with anything.

  2. It is highly possible to be driving perfectly, and maybe the pedestrian was wrong. As you said, the article doesn't specify.

  3. because the drunk pedestrian ran out in front of a moving vehicle at night in the rain and was struck by the police vehicle. The same way people strike deer that do the same thing. I guess your saying that troopers (who write tickets to their mothers) investigated it and said there was no fault is not good enough. Oh wait, it then went to a states attorney who also said there is no fault, still not good enough.

    those of us that drive that highway i'm sure have plenty of war stories we could tell about drunk people playing frogger in front of our vehicles. Tragic loss of life period.

  4. Were you there 3:45? If not then you have NO business-NONE whatsoever offering up your opinion. And before you start with police never being charged I'll nip that lie in the bud. FYI across this country each and every day officers are being charged with crimes they commit while on and off duty. They are being tried and many convicted as well.

  5. I'd say over 90% of pedestrian fatalities and injuries are the fault of the pedestrian. I've even heard where they were flown to U of MD Shock Trauma and charges put off being filed against the pedestrian until they are released. Occasionally you will hear of the driver being charged with DWI but that usually is not the cause of the accident, it just so happened the pedestrian ran out in front of someone who was impaired.

  6. This cop has a very poor driving record. Was on the phone during the incident. And never ,not once has ocean city or 99% of all police owned up to liability of an incident like this.

  7. 4:16 and 4:19 I will offer up my opinion whenever I want you commie lovers. Were you there? No. The way the article was written who can tell what happened. I lived in OC for over 20 years and had plenty of drunks, children, bicyclists and tourists run out in front of me on Coastal and never hit a single one of them let alone kill someone. I also have had plenty of deer run out in front of me in my 40+ years of driving and never hit one. My major points if you could actually read and comprehend were that the reporting done for this article was sloppy and Mr. Cymek is an idiot.

  8. 6:17 I just read of one convicted recently. He was speeding and didn't have the lights or sirens going and hit and killed someone. Jury convicted. I read about a dozen different online newspapers a day and that wasn't the first time I've heard of charges being filed against an officer in a pedestrian death.

  9. I'm still waiting to see the report from the OCPD person that ran into the back of the school bus on Rt50 a while back. Who was it and what were they charged with? Joe can you investigate this?

  10. Was she on the phone?

  11. I'm siding with 6:43 here. There's attentive driving, and there's manslaughter. When you're on the computer and cellphone, it's hard to see those offing drunks, and they don't matter anyway. At least two of them were able to dodge the bullet fired by the idiot cop.

    1. Steve YOUR saying he was on his cell phone and or computer. That's not what the State Attorney ocean city msp and Worcester police are saying. Cell phone was not in use computer was not in use turning the time. Per warrant on his cell phone.

  12. 643 I totally agree I've never had a speeding ticket or been in accident. Anyone that does is a stupid . I've been married a long time never had a problem and anyone that does is a loser. I have Never been fired or lost a job and anyone that does are just plain STUPID. I'm not a racis because my best friend is black. My house never been broken into because I lock the door and if anyone got their house broken into obviously it's their fault.... my point is if it didn't happen to ME then it shouldn't happen to you. Together we are stronger vote Clinton

  13. I still think she wasn't paying attention. Yes it is sometimes hard to see one person walking in the road but there were 3 people walking in the road. She just happened to hit only one of them.

  14. 10:17...sounds like you are not only the life of the party, but just about ready to walk on water and heal the blind.
    Could you just stroll around Salisbury for a day or two and let your shadow and your loving touch heal all these bad people and make them better?

  15. Trouble with 10:17 is they don't have a clue. I know this because they are a Clinton voter. How stupid can you get.

  16. I see LE and politicians driving while talking on the cell phone every day.
    It is likely I'm a more skilled driver than any of them yet it is illegal for me to do the same.
    If anything, these arrogant, better than you, individuals, who should be - and want us to assume are -concentrating on other things like their job, should be the last people on the phone.
    If using a cell phone is dangerously distracting, it is for everyone!


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