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Sunday, October 30, 2016

‘Tremendous’ Support For Union Petition Effort, Although Not Enough Signatures For Referendum Yet

OCEAN CITY — With Ocean City’s municipal election now under two weeks away, the local firefighter and paramedic union’s effort to get a referendum question seeking binding interest arbitration on this year’s ballot has fallen short, but the signature collection process will continue.

In late February, the clock expired on negotiations between the town and the Career Firefighter Paramedics Association of Ocean City, or IAFF Local 4269, on a new three-year contract, resulting in the town’s “last, best and final” offer essentially becoming the new contract by default. The contract negotiations broke down in late February over the town’s unwavering position on eliminating the paramedics’ long-standing 24-hour shifts, which was considered a deal-breaker for the IAFF 4269.

Currently, most Ocean City paramedics work in 24-hour shifts, followed by 72 hours off. However, citing a variety of reasons, including potential missed calls, delayed responses and national trends, the town has remained adamant about phasing out the 24-72 shift rotation in favor of an alternative 12-hour shift or some hybrid of the two. While just one element of the contract between the IAFF and the town, the impasse over eliminating the 24-72 shift rotation became a point of contention for the union, forcing it to walk away from the bargaining table.



  1. Why do people assume that only cops and firemen work for Ocean City? For those that don't, why do they think that only they are entitled to special treatment and reward? This is what happens when you let a Town be run but only a half dozen officials that rarely have to campaign for re-election. The majority of people who pay taxes in Ocean City can't vote while a large number of people who can vote rent and pay few taxes.

  2. "Tremendous support", they missed by hundreds, because they were to lazy to work the streets. They were expected to get the signatures, who says no to a fireman's face? But the ballet box would have been a different story. This "union" is pitiful, lead a by corrupt few. Go back to sleep, oh, that's right, they do that 12 hours a day now. Get a real job losers.

  3. Only in Ocean City does one get to bargain for their right to work, and their schedule. I say screw them.

  4. These are the biggest group of crybabies that ever called themselves fireman, lead by a sheep (in many ways) I worked there part time, THEY HAVE IT MADE! Grow up girls and stop whining.

  5. A once great group of men, lead down a union path of entitlement. The citizens are fed up with government waste, lies, and self centered public servants that don't appreciate their jobs. Lets put on the ballet to dismantle collective bargaining, that will speak the truth. VOTE TRUMP

  6. Old news, the union and president Whittington have killed the OCFD. Just a bunch of wanna be firefighters, that haven't worked a day in their life. Come to a real Fire Department, you wouldn't last an hour.

    1. The best thing Parsonsburg did, was rid ourselves of this _____. Good luck brothers, you wanted him.

    2. Thanks, we traded Maykrantz for Whittington, that's a root canal for a colonoscopy

    3. OMG-LMAO! So true.

  7. One of Ocean City's local rags Facebook page, has not one comment. The public could care less about this "union". Put it on the ballot, along with a vote to take the contract away, what say you then? Step up and be men, they would never take the chance.

  8. Tremendous support, just like the union to turn the truth, Whittington = Clinton.

    1. Clinton's is a Saint compared to R.Wittington, he can't tell the truth to his mom, much less his people. The EMTs got exactly what they deserved with this idiot.

  9. 6:58
    I have to agree with you about that

  10. The root of the entire problem is the president. He is not even in the EMS division, he is a fire inspector. He (Whittington) is the one fighting the City, with nothing to lose. The dumb, and I mean DUMB paramedics that let him carry the sword, are reaping the irreparable damage he inflicts. We saw this everyday in Parsonsburg. PLEASE brothers, reach out and find out what Ryan is doing to your future before it's to late. Many of us know for a fact the City will work with you some, but not with this little tyrant at the helm.

    1. Listen to this advice folks, it's true. Where is your President tonight? Some know....

  11. Everyone should make $100,000 year, and spend half their time in bed, or a lazy boy. Spoiled much ?

    1. Then double dip while on taxpayer dime. MayKrantz stays on the phone selling real estate when he's not sleeping. Surprised he doesn't show property in the ambulance. Everyone knows this, and there are others that are just as guilty.

  12. I have followed local politics for over 50 years, and over 30 Council's. This is the single best desicion they have ever made. The block of 4 will be reelected in a landslide. Drive this worthless union right out of town. Tony Barrett would say, that route 50 bridge goes 2 ways. I have lost all respect for the EMTs.

  13. Since when does an employee "walk away from the table"? If most of us walked away from our boss, we would be unemployed. I say, let them walk away, far away!

  14. This is total BS! I am a recently hired Ocean City Firefighter Paramedic. We do not have the option to be in the union or not. It's in the contract, we have to be. Most of us appreciate our job, and what the Town does for us. We don't get a say, or even know what the President and E board propose, or the fight they choose. It's grossly unfair to be labeled "a union", when that overshadows the job we do. Our President isn't even a Paramedic, hes not affected by the schedule he foolhardy speaks about, and most important, his disrespect for the M&CC, and our Command Staff, is not our voice.

  15. The union has no balls, they should have filed grievances against the fire chief who should not be a chief. They let the fire chief run all over them. Should have called him out with the lack of training, on most of his promotions, think it started with a cat.

    1. Check your source tick, on both the grievance's and training. Show's how ignorant you are.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Why do people assume that only cops and firemen work for Ocean City? For those that don't, why do they think that only they are entitled to special treatment and reward? This is what happens when you let a Town be run but only a half dozen officials that rarely have to campaign for re-election. The majority of people who pay taxes in Ocean City can't vote while a large number of people who can vote rent and pay few taxes.
    October 27, 2016 at 12:21 PM

    The last time I checked this had nothing to do with other employees of the Town of Ocean City. If you are having pay issues with your department and feel like you have a dead end job then you shouldn't have failed the entrance exams for the police department or the fire department. Next time you will study harder to pass.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Only in Ocean City does one get to bargain for their right to work, and their schedule. I say screw them.

    October 27, 2016 at 2:46 PM

    Now it happens all over the country. Don't be jealous!

  18. Anonymous said...
    These are the biggest group of crybabies that ever called themselves fireman, lead by a sheep (in many ways) I worked there part time, THEY HAVE IT MADE! Grow up girls and stop whining.

    October 27, 2016 at 3:08 PM

    Said the paid fireman at the Salisbury Fire Department that didn't get hired full time at the Ocean City Fire Department. Sounds like you are the one crying.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Old news, the union and president Whittington have killed the OCFD. Just a bunch of wanna be firefighters, that haven't worked a day in their life. Come to a real Fire Department, you wouldn't last an hour.

    October 27, 2016 at 4:32 PM

    Can you talk about what real Fire Department that you are referring to?

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The root of the entire problem is the president. He is not even in the EMS division, he is a fire inspector. He (Whittington) is the one fighting the City, with nothing to lose. The dumb, and I mean DUMB paramedics that let him carry the sword, are reaping the irreparable damage he inflicts. We saw this everyday in Parsonsburg. PLEASE brothers, reach out and find out what Ryan is doing to your future before it's to late. Many of us know for a fact the City will work with you some, but not with this little tyrant at the helm.

    October 28, 2016 at 1:22 PM

    Who was the idiot who hired this clown. He was caught at the Salisbury Fire Department Station #1 kissing one of the Elliott boys. YUCK!!

  21. Anonymous said...
    Everyone should make $100,000 year, and spend half their time in bed, or a lazy boy. Spoiled much ?

    October 28, 2016 at 8:29 PM

    Jealous much ?

    Sounds like you didn't get the special training to become a paramedic. You must be one of those low educated public works employees. Sorry for your luck.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Then double dip while on taxpayer dime. MayKrantz stays on the phone selling real estate when he's not sleeping. Surprised he doesn't show property in the ambulance. Everyone knows this, and there are others that are just as guilty.

    October 29, 2016 at 8:55 AM

    Why are y'all picking on Maykrantz? Isn't he that guy that got spanked during the Worcester County elections? I guess he is not as well liked as he thought he was going to be. LOL

  23. Anonymous said...
    I have followed local politics for over 50 years, and over 30 Council's. This is the single best desicion they have ever made. The block of 4 will be reelected in a landslide. Drive this worthless union right out of town. Tony Barrett would say, that route 50 bridge goes 2 ways. I have lost all respect for the EMTs.

    October 30, 2016 at 8:57 AM

    Hopefully your "block of 4" will get their clocks cleaned in this next election.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is total BS! I am a recently hired Ocean City Firefighter Paramedic. We do not have the option to be in the union or not. It's in the contract, we have to be. Most of us appreciate our job, and what the Town does for us. We don't get a say, or even know what the President and E board propose, or the fight they choose. It's grossly unfair to be labeled "a union", when that overshadows the job we do. Our President isn't even a Paramedic, hes not affected by the schedule he foolhardy speaks about, and most important, his disrespect for the M&CC, and our Command Staff, is not our voice.

    October 30, 2016 at 9:23 AM

    This person is on to something. Everything was so much better in Ocean City when the Paramedics were under Ocean City EMS. They were top notch employees until some idiot thought things would be better by making a voluntir farmin their boss. An uneducated voluntir farmin at that. One that couldn't get a job in a real fire department as a basic fireman. They should separate the Paramedics from the Fire Department ASAP and let that voluntir farmin work his construction job full time, not on the city dime. Halloween is over, get rid of the pretend Fire Chief.

  25. Memo to all paid fire department employees: James L. Jester wants to be your fire chief. Each and every one of you needs to unite and make sure he doesn't get hired.


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