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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Early Voting Starts This Thursday. Know before you go! See the Ballot!

If you don't understand the wording on a particular question, now is the time to ask so someone can help.


  1. Please check and make sure your vote went to who you voted for.

  2. I'm filling in write in with MR OR MRS DO OVER

  3. Is there cliff notes on the Charter Amendments ?

  4. who is Dan Friedman? (i know he is a judge)

  5. 3:02 if you do that, it is throwing a vote for Killary, the traitor.

  6. I remember some of the amendments but honestly...? i wanna say no/against all the amendments , right? Jimmanee Crickets, do I need to bring my lawyer?!

  7. Looking carefully at all the Charter Amendments, which were only discussed "publicly" without proper notice at the "Public" at council meetings, I'm reading them all, and if all are put together they give the Council the right to fire, get rid of, or abolish Bob Culver and his Job altogether!

    Vote no against all, but FINALLY there is a Question A giving us the chance to make our local Board Of Education an ALL ELECTED ONE, which we've been fighting YEARS to put on the Ballot!

    So, VOTE FOR OPTION 2 on that one! ALL ELECTED!!!!

    All other questions are an absolute NO!

  8. 4:52
    If you do bring them have them explain it to me. The wording is horrible on these things.

    I'm even confused as to what 5:46 was trying to explain. There is no vote NO options. There is for or against.

    I wish there were people on each side (For or Against) that could explain how it all will work. Many will not vote on them because they don't understand what they are asking. I can't be the only one that is confused by the questions.

  9. yes to fully elected school board, yes for trump and no to all the other amendments. just another way the democrats and rinos in this county/country usurp the will of the people!

  10. Joe, can you "plain speak" these for everyone? Then give your opinions on them in a separate post? I think a lot of your readers would like to know how you're voting.

  11. 6:39 PM - Against means NO.

  12. We are going this weekend to vote!

  13. Went yesterday and there lines. Haven't seen that before during the early voting.

  14. 6:39, please stay home this time and don't vote. If you can't figure out that "against" and "no'" are similar and "for" and "yes" are also similar, it's no wonder your lack of reading comprehension prevents you from understanding the rest of the charter amendments. I know, they ARE poorly written, but your brain will never figure them out.

    The heading "Vote for One" over the Presidency will also have you baffled, as each dot to fill in has two names next to it. For you, just scroll down and write in "Trump"

    There, now you are "fixed".

  15. Fill in for Trump ....just leave the rest Blank
    Save alot of waisted time !!!!


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