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Sunday, October 30, 2016

O'Malley: 'Lincoln Rolled Over in Grave' With 'Fascist Threat' Trump in Gettysburg

Former Democratic presidential candidate and former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley joinedFox & Friends to discuss the presidential election.

An email discussion between O'Malley and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was uncovered in the latest WikiLeaks dump, which showed, after Podesta asked for O'Malley to support Clinton, the former Baltimore mayor said that "politicians have rigged the economic opportunity game against" the public.

Tucker Carlson pointed out the similarity between that statement and one of Donald Trump's campaign themes, in which he describes the 'system' as "rigged".

O'Malley disagreed, saying that "the solutions Hillary Clinton is offering [include] returning to common sense wage...policies, affordable college and [making] those at the very top, like Donald Trump...pay their fair share."



  1. Who cares about what this O'Malley Jerk has to say

    Md has a Bad history of Bad Governors esp Democrat types

  2. Man, when I look at this joker I want to bit-h slap him. Every time he shows his stupidity.

  3. O'Malley ruined our state and he has absolutely no right to speak about anything. I am Irish and in my opinion he is a disgrace to the Irish people. Everyone is already counting on Maryland to go Democratic in the election but I think they may have forgotten that we elected a Republican governor and have a Republican senator as well. Would give anything to see us go for Trump!

  4. Glad he is NO Longer MD Governor along with Many more !!!

  5. Could you explain to me WHO the republican senator is???? The only ones I am familiar with are the losers Milkulski and Cardin

  6. a typical politician.....Hogan following in his foot steps slowly but surely!

  7. Martin OWEMalley - King of Gerrymanderers - no election fraud here!

  8. o'taxie is nothing but a liar, a cheat, and a total fraud. He takes up valuable oxygen good people need.

  9. go back into hiding. better yet, move out of Maryland.

  10. if we drained the swamp, owemalley would just hide in the mud.

  11. A commentor on the Foxnews page said:

    "I am sure he would be rolling in the grave when he finds out he has been registered as a democrat and will be voting for queen Hillary"

  12. What the hell would he think of a rain tax?

  13. Let's get everyone on the same page here. Hogan is a R in a sea of D's. What we need to work towards is getting the "Sea" more R.

    Then, we could really get somewhere while cutting spending on BS.

    This is who he has to work with. Went ANY of you have written to Mikulski or Cardin, did you get anything other than, "We know what's best for you than you do, so the vote will proceed this way"?

  14. Hes a democratic hack also..he, stephanie and mikulski helped destroy Maryland.Add in the sick democratic "plantation" they created in Baltimore and PG county area...they've put us in the toilet completely. It will take decades to undo this..if it even can be undone...which is highly unlikely..

  15. Lincoln rolled over in grave Every time a Democrat wins


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