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Sunday, October 30, 2016

A picture that was only shared with close friends and family until now...

Lynn Andrews 
Above is a picture that I have only shared with our close friends and family. It's highly personal to Joe and I and not something I take lightly. It's one of the only images of our sweet girl that I will have until we reach heaven. This is why I share it with you now...

I wasn't going to add to all the chatter littering my news feed about this presidential election. But after Wednesday night's debate and moving through these last few days, desperately missing my babies that were lost either by miscarriage or stillbirth, NOT by my choosing...I can't help but pen these words. Please hear me friends...both candidates are liars. Both are "nasty" in their own way. Neither one lines up completely with my Christian values. Neither one hits all the issues the way I would like. I have truly *struggled* the last few months on who I was going to vote for, IF I was going to vote. With each new story that would break, each new accusation or headline, each new scandal that would surface...all of it left me disgusted and hopeless. Could this really be all we've got?!

But then, something happened within the first few minutes of Wednesday night's debate, and I haven't been able to shake it. For the first time in over a year, I watched and heard Donald Trump be sympathetic, dare I say, convicted even, of what he was saying. When he said (concerning abortion), "that's not okay with me" and "that's not acceptable", and that he would appoint Pro-Life, Supreme Court Justices...that was it. As a Christian, my choice was clear. While all of these other issues do indeed matter...nothing matters nearly as much as protecting the sanctity of human life. Not job security, not tax cuts, not education or health care, not border control or immigration laws, not inappropriate comments or deleted emails. All of it PALES in comparison to the taking of innocent, human life. I realized in that moment how selfish I had been by being SO concerned with all of the other issues. Friends, if we're not protecting the sanctity of human life, we have NOTHING LEFT. And just so we're clear, yes, I have been sexually assaulted by a man, and yes, I have been on the receiving end of inappropriate comments, almost my entire life. And still, my position remains the same...everything else pales in comparison to the taking of innocent, human life. As a Christian, I don't see where there is any other choice. So, I will indeed be casting my vote on November 8th. And I will be voting for Donald Trump...if for no other reason than to protect the sanctity of human life. As a woman, as a mother, as a Christian, this is where I unapologetically stand.

After 5 months of pregnancy, we lost Gabrielle without warning. I share this image with you because it could just as easily be the image of SO many other babies that Hillary Clinton thinks it's okay to rip apart, piece by precious piece. Gabrielle was small, but even at 20 weeks, she had all ten fingers, all ten toes, she had a beautiful face with a nose, lips, eyes, and ears...she even had a cute little bum. She was loved and she was wanted. Unfortunately, she couldn't be saved. But thousands more, just like her, can be...just not under a Clinton presidency. Hillary Clinton would probably call this post "scare rhetoric"...so be it. The idea of dismembering a human child SHOULD be scary. It should terrify us all that this kind of barbaric act is protected, even encouraged and applauded, by our United States government. It should be terrifying enough to vote Pro-Life, no matter where you stand on any other issue.

Psalm 139:15-16, "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be".

Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart".


  1. It's not an abortion at 9 months, it's a c-section

  2. This is true. There is not anything more important than the sanctity of human life.

  3. every vote for any candidate who supports abortion is a vote for the most terrible evil. the taking of an innocent life.
    I wish the people who were in favor of it would practice what they preach. and do it to themselves!

  4. I will pray for you and your family, And my vote will always be pro life.

  5. I was already in Trump's camp but I also noticed the words and feelings that came out of Trump that night. I think I either posted something on here about just that or on some internet thingy.

    No, I'm sure it was here but it was near the end of the page cycle and got bumped off soon after I had written it. Although I might have put it under anon.

    I have my own personal reasons against abortion and they were re-affirmed after I found out exactly what happens in the different types of abortions.

    I wish you well.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's not an abortion at 9 months, it's a c-section

    October 25, 2016 at 4:37 PM

    They have what is called a "partial birth" abortion. I won't go into the disgusting details here but they can easily be found on the internet. I don't suggest anyone go on a search for them as they can and probably will be upsetting to whoever reads them.

  7. I'm sorry for your loss as well. I have been a pro-life advocate for as long as the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade. I've done all I know to do to educate anyone and everyone what abortion is, the history of abortion in our modern day and the evil of abortion. I'm one of the founders of our local Eastern Shore Pregnancy Center and I've testified in Annapolis, many times, as a Pro-Life Advocate. I still speak out whenever possible for the pre-born...

    You have come to the 'bottom line' and have made a correct choice. I told and posted on f/b today, if you don't like pro-life Mr. Trump; take a look at the Platforms for Both parties and you will see what you're truly voting for. Man is flawed and will never be perfect, but there is a WIDE difference between both candidates and the Platforms offered. Please google the platforms for yourself. The DEMS are godless. period.

  8. October 25, 2016 at 7:59 PM

    and yet here you are anon.

  9. I am so very concerned about the Supreme Court if Clinton gets into office. I am very conflicted about my vote because of Trumps seeming love affair with Putin and the hot tempered way he response to difficult situations. I just don't know. Did the Clintons really kill all the people they say to get to the top? Do I want a master manipulator in the office or someone who can be twisted by a master manipulator.

  10. Amen , we need more loving news , you made a 73 year old man cry like a baby.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I am so very concerned about the Supreme Court if Clinton gets into office. I am very conflicted about my vote because of Trumps seeming love affair with Putin and the hot tempered way he response to difficult situations. I just don't know. Did the Clintons really kill all the people they say to get to the top? Do I want a master manipulator in the office or someone who can be twisted by a master manipulator.

    October 25, 2016 at 10:57 PM

    If you think Trump has a love affair with Clinton you have been watching too much of MSNBC and CNN. Grow UP!!

  12. If you think Trump has a love affair with Clinton you have been watching too much of MSNBC and CNN. Grow UP!!

    October 26, 2016 at 10:42 AM

    I do it myself from time to time so I am just as guilty, but I have been trying to correct myself as often as possible when I find myself being rude, disrespectful, mean, hurtful, degrading, etc., to others.

    I don't always succeed but I am making the effort. Whatever point I may be trying to make at the time is lessened by any personal attacks I do against another person.

    I understand sometimes I and others get so worked up, frustrated, and totally disgusted by other people's comments and attitudes that we succumb to our emotions and make hateful comments. But it is really self-destructive. Our point is often lost and diminished by our own comments and defeats our intentions.

    Just a suggestion on an observation.

  13. Partial birth abortion is murder and you will never convince me it is anything but murder.

  14. 10:50
    You are complaining that someone is anonymous why you are anonymous? What was the point in your comment anyway?


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