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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Desperate? - Democrats Sue RNC Over Trump's "Rigged Election" Comments Alleging "Minority Voter Intimidation"

In a move that wreaks of desperation, and certainly beneath a campaign that is apparently coasting toward a 12-point blowout victory in just over a week, the DNC has sued the RNC over efforts to "ensure ballot integrity" alleging "intimidation of minority voters." Since when did working with "secretaries of states all over the country to ensure ballot integrity" become a crime? And, why exactly are democrats so fearful of any measure that attempts to ensure the integrity of our federal elections? Is it because such efforts to "ensure ballot integrity" might just prevent the massive voter fraud that we all know exists? Just a guess. Per Politico:

In a motion filed in New Jersey federal court on Wednesday, the Democratic National Committee charges that theRNC has violated the consent decree “by supporting and enabling the efforts of the Republican candidate for President, Donald J. Trump, as well as his campaign and advisors, to intimidate and discourage minority voters from voting in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

The alleged coordination, the DNC says, is a violation of a 1982 consent decree in which the RNC agreed to curb its vote watching tactics — the result of a suit Democrats filed against the RNC for allegedly intimidating minority voters at the polls during New Jersey’s 1981 gubernatorial election.

Genova quotes Trump running mate Mike Pence as saying at a town hall that the campaign and RNC “are working very very closely with state governments and secretaries of states all over the country to ensure ballot integrity,” and quoted a reporter recounting a conversation with Trump’s campaign manager in which she said said the campaign is “actively working with the national committee, the official party, and campaign lawyers to monitor precincts around the country.”

“Although certain RNC officials have attempted to distance themselves from some of the Trump campaign’s more recent statements, there is now ample evidence that Trump has enjoyed the direct and tacit support of the RNC in its ‘ballot security’ endeavors, including the RNC’s collaboration on efforts to prevent this supposed ‘rigging’ and ‘voter fraud,’” the motion reads.

The RNC denied any wrongdoing in issuing a statement saying that they "strictly abide by the consent decree."



  1. Trump is right, there is voter fraud!!!!
    Trump supporter arrested in Iowa for voting twice, on purpose.

  2. The DNC reminds me of the Nazi Party in so many ways.
    They constantly try to control the topic, and eliminate dissent.

  3. They are the NAZI party.

  4. What does "ballot integrity" even mean? If anyone were to complain about ballots being manipulated, it should be the RNC, not the DNC. I guess that this is just another example of their policy of expressing false outrage at every turn.

  5. 1:41--
    You've failed to mention ALL the Democrats that have caught SO FAR!


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