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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Another Victim Surfaces...


  1. Sexual assault is not ok!

    1. typical DNC plant response. how much are you getting paid?

    2. You keep saying I must be paid.
      Tell me, where do I sign up to be paid?

  2. 353 you're right but none of the women who've allegedly come forward are victims. They are paid actresses by the Clinton Campaign. Vent your anger towards them for exploiting women. By the way, if you go back to last week, you'll see the email from Gloria Allred herself, suggesting they try that tactic. She's the lawyer for two of the fakers. You need to get your facts straight before getting your panties in a bunch.

  3. This is a joke because like the other non-victim victims this woman hasn't been groped by Trump either. People are so stupid sometimes.

  4. Where was Gloria for Bill's victims?

  5. This proves just how stupid people are. They believe every word coming from Killiary Clinton. How can anyone believe this crazy woman? Would a normal woman believe a liar, and cheat? If they are honest, they wouldn't believe or trust their husband if he lied or cheated on them. Why would they believe her? Are the women of this generation so lacking in intelligence, and ability to reason out a situation when it stares them right in the face?? I would be ashamed of myself if I ever even considered voting for Hillary let alone actually casting a wasted ballot for her.

    This election is more than personalities. This election is actually about freedom, our nation, this is just like what happened pre-revolutionary times. This election is for keeping the America we once knew before it became dirty and tainted by this crooked administration.

    Trump is for EVERYONE living in this country. And he will restore this country's greatness once again.

    Don't let the democrats pulled that ring through your nose any longer. Hillary is a common traitor to this country and a complete fraud. Don't be stupid, protect this country and yourself and vote Trump.

  6. "Anonymous said...

    Sexual assault is not ok!

    October 24, 2016 at 3:53 PM"

    And either is being sexual assaulted by a celebrity and not coming forward to authorities immediately! That is why I don't believe them and only a fool would. First off if they had any decency they would have come forward when they said it happened to protect others and the fact that they didn't makes it completely unbelievable. Name one other celebrity who was accused who wasn't sued ASAP! You Can't!

  7. 5:21 The American electorate has been completely dumbed down. What has been graduating esp from the county's public education systems is disgusting. Not only have they been dumbed down but fed propaganda that they gulp down by the shovelfuls. Add to that that nearly one half of this country is completely void of any and all morals and you have the clinton supporters.

  8. 3:53 you're right. sexual assault is Not ok. the laughable part is what the Clinton campaign has tried to do to Mr. Trump, with all the women being paid to come forth at the last minute and accuse Mr. Trump of sexual assault. Each one of these has been debunked and tossed aside for no or lack of evidence. that's the joke...

  9. These so called victims are democratic political hacks..they are there to help Killary or to get their 15 minutes of fame..such bs..they would have sued trump year a ago if these were true.

  10. No, Honey, you're confused again. That was Bill Clinton.


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