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Sunday, October 30, 2016

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Just Dropped Bombshell About Hillary’s Health… The Truth, REVEALED!

First we learned, Hillary Clinton reached out to the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to ask for advice about dealing with her “cracked head” and head injuries.

But the details are even worse than that. It has been confirmed that the State Department staff, under Hillary Clinton, was told to research new drugs to treat Parkinson’s disease.

Just why would a government employee at Hillary’s State Department be researching this topic? Wikileaks reports, you decide:

We know now that as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dispatched her executive staff in the State Dept. to help conduct research on Provigil, a controlled drug often prescribed for patients suffering from Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Provigil is often used to help such patients stay awake and curb extended bouts of sleep. The drug is also used to treat narcolepsy.

In a series of emails spanning from August to Oct. 2011, Clinton asks and receives information from her trusted inner circle on the drug Provigil, including the side effects of the pick-me-upper drug favored by long-haul truckers to stay awake for long periods of time.



  1. It confirms what doctors have been saying all along.

  2. And her supporters don't care. How much more can be thrown at the corrupt candidate. As the fat woman said "what difference does it make".

    Trump/Pence 2016!!

  3. If she wins and falls ill or worse. Tim kaine would be commander and chief of the Super Power. So scary.

  4. The public has every right to know which illness she suffers from and absolutely she should be disqualified to become president. Just think what could and would happen if her memory got so bad she actually forgot who and what she was doing. Her secret government that was not elected by the people would be in charge of everything. We have already seen what her people are capable of doing to destroy this country.

  5. Why isnt fox news reporting this ? Oh i forgot other than hannity there in the tank for hillary also.

  6. Where is the trump campaign on this ??????

  7. You mean she lied about her health, wow can't believe it.

  8. Wikileaks
    Clintons had 65 Us journalists to a "Private Dinner".

  9. Wikileaks

    Wikileaks founder found dead,

  10. Thank you, Wikileaks. The truth must come out.

  11. Wikileaks the NEW MSM i love it ,Moreeeeeeee please.

  12. Kaine as president. Think about it.
    Bill Clinton as the shadow president. Think about that, too.

  13. Or she gets elected and then Bill Clinton actually becomes the president in her place. Look back in history to how many wive's have actually taken over the presidency in their husband's place when something happened to the husband. We could have Bill again. Another scary thought. I just cannot believe how many people still are for her when she has been caught in so, so many lies and how many illegal things she has done that she has not been prosecuted for and yet, all of that is okay. NOT ME BABY, TRUMP ALL THE WAY. AND I DON'T CARE HOW MANY BS STORIES THEY COME OUT WITH ABOUT "OH, HE GROUPED BE 25 YEARS AGO."


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