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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Think You Can Handle It?


  1. If Black Americans knew that Trump was going to restore the community safety act, and that the Clinto ns were responsible for the crime bill, she would lose all their support overnight. Please make people aware.

  2. You'll need to do #10 first in order to pass the rest. God speed.

  3. In this day and time, it's actually stupid to continue naysaying about what Trump can accomplish. No one believed he could accomplish what he has during this election, so why sit there and continue spewing your idiot negativity? Continue with your BS, you'll get the government you deserve which is exactly what we have right now. Chose to THINK DIFFERENT and you might just have a government you can be PROUD OF. Get proactive instead of wishing it all go to hell in a handbaskst.

  4. Does #10 include the "Throw Hillary's ass in jail" amendment?
    It should be #1...

  5. 1155 He already made that commitment during the second debate. Aren't you paying attention?

  6. It all sounds great but all the media can talk about is his comment on suing his accusers. Hillary gave a speech yesterday and there wasn't an ounce of substance in it.

  7. 1231 how many times do you have to be told the MSM is in the tank before you actually believe it? 10? 100? 1M? Its been told to you a million times so why continue to bring up what they say when you know it's all propaganda?

    1. I know, you know, and everybody else that follows this site knows. I only brought it up because I feel propaganda or not, it will help her win the election. I hope I am wrong. Trump '16 all the way.

  8. 1259 putting negativity out there is not productive and a waste of your time. She's not going to win, so please, knock it off.

  9. It would behoove you to get off the little island known as the eastern shore and see what is going in the rest of the country. The election will be close.

    1. You'll never convince them of that. Too narrow minded.

  10. You had better hope Republicans retain both houses of Congress, or none of this will be done at all, much less within 100 days. Or will he do it all by executive order?

    1. 345 once again negative BS. If you don't want this country to thrive again why not move to Cuba.

  11. GOD grant the voting citizens of this country common sense when they go cast their ballots. Please open their minds and give them clear headed thinking about the country as we all know it. The country's protection, the provision of ALL people regardless of race, or sex.

    Grant that they may remain level-headed as they vote not for corruption at the highest level, or corruption at the lowest level in our government. Grant that people will desire a hope, a future, a livelihood that gives their children and grandchildren a life worthy of living.

    Heavenly Father of ALL peoples, encourage through prayer and your love and guidance that we, the people will vote yes for our last chance of freedom for all not some, but for everybody.

    Please point the people and enlighten them to vote for Donald Trump.

    We are not voting for most friendly human or warm fuzzy teddy bear, but an individual of strong, intelligent leadership abilities that will do the job FAITHFULLY FOR ALL PEOPLE. Each the same, no matter who you are. How refreshing. GOD GRANT US STRENGTH FOR THE DAYS AHEAD AND KEEP OUR HEARTS PURE AND OUR MINDS ALERT. Amen.


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