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Sunday, October 30, 2016

It’s official: Double-digit rate hikes for Obamacare

WASHINGTON - Premiums will go up sharply next year under President Barack Obama’s health care law, and many consumers will be down to just one insurer, the administration confirmed Monday. That will stoke another “Obamacare” controversy days before a presidential election.

Before taxpayer-provided subsidies, premiums for a midlevel benchmark plan will increase an average of 25 percent across the 39 states served by the federally run online market, according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services. Some states will see much bigger jumps, others less.

Moreover, about 1 in 5 consumers will have plans from only a single insurer to pick from, after major national carriers such as UnitedHealth Group (UNH), Humana (HUM) and Aetna (AET) scaled back their roles.



  1. I was informed that my policy for a single person is going from $9000 a year to $14,000 a year.

    This now equates to about 1/3 of my net wages. I do not qualify for any subsidy. Explain what part of this is affordable.

    My greedy employer does not offer any benefits or raises and I am unable to find another job.

    It would be better for me to find a minimum wage job, go on welfare, food stamps and medicaid.

    I now have to choose between foreclosure or health care.
    Thanks to Obama, I am now formally in poverty.
    Even if I rent, I can not afford the outrageous amounts they demand for rent.
    I guess it is time to trade in the car on a mini van that I can live out of.

    1. Your lying!!
      For my family of 6 we have a Carefirst policy that is around $14000 a year in premiums. Deductable is 6500.

  2. Oh and remind the readers that here in Maryland they gave them MORE of a hike than they asked for.

  3. Lol hey dems you wanted it PAY UP LOSERS.

  4. 7:43 I am not a Dem, so what is your point, since this affects everyone.

  5. Not just Obamacare ' policies..regular employment policies are also getting increased because of Obama..and 653 it's cheaper to pay the fine then pay the healthcare cost..what's that tell u...more money in dems pockets to spend because they screw you everyway possible..leave it to the savior of minorities and poor people,Obama,to screw working class over so hard they end up on welfare!

  6. I would suggest 6:53 vote for Trump who will repeal Obamacare. It's his/our only hope.

  7. Curup , wealth distribution, and inferior helth care, it has become unsustainable, repeal repeal repeal!!!!!

  8. When Bill Clinton first ran for president I had children headed to college and he ran on the promise of lowering if not free college for lower income families. Hillary is making the same exact promise down to the same words..... FOOL ME ONCE!!

  9. Clinton wants to make the plan bigger. By raising pay roll tax 3 percent first year to cover the cost. 3.5 second year.

  10. Until the price of health care and pharmaceuticals is dealt with, premiums will continue to rise.

  11. 8:41
    They wonder why the economy is struggling. People have no money to buy anything because they are trying to pay for health insurance they never get to actually use because the deductible is so high.

  12. The only people Obamacare has helped are the ones that were already leaching off the system.


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