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Thursday, September 15, 2016

The World Is Turning Ugly As 2016 Winds Down

I have to say that the negative reverberations in our current economic and political environment are becoming so strong thatit is impossible for people to not feel at least some uneasiness in their gut. I imagine this is the same kind of sensation many felt from 1914 to 1918 during World War I and the terrible birth of communism, or perhaps in the early 1930s at the onset of the Great Depression and the rise of fascism. Some global changes are so disturbing that they send shockwaves through the collective unconscious before they ever hit the mainstream. People know that something is about to happen, even if they cannot yet clearly define it.

At the beginning of August in my article “2016 Will End With Economic Instability And A Trump Presidency” I stated that:

"I believe a softer downturn will begin before the election (the U.S. presidential election) takes place, most likely starting in September. This will give a boost to the Trump campaign, or at least, that is what the polls will likely say. I would also watch for some banking officials and media pundits to blame this downturn on Trump’s rise in the polling data. The narrative will be that just the threat of a Trump presidency is “putting the markets on edge."



  1. The world is turning ugly = no christian religion in the home = no ethics = no morals = no respect for life ,law or justice. Jesus is the answer my friends.In his house there are many mansions , he preparing a place for us.

  2. 833
    He is preparing a place for all of us.
    Get it?

  3. The love of many shall wax cold. And haven't we all seen that in society?


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