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Thursday, September 15, 2016

This Is How Much It 'Costs' To Get An Ambassadorship: Guccifer 2.0 Leaks DNC 'Pay-To-Play' Donor List

After addressing a cybersecuirty conference in London, notorious hacker 'Guccifer' shared over 500Mb of documents detailing 100,000 DNC donors contact info and donations. A large number of the largest donors received senior diplomatic or political positions following thge donations, ranging from UK Ambassador to Assistant Attorney General. The DNC released a statement pre-emptively claiming that this was the work of Russia (and reigniting Trump's links to Putin).

Probably just coincidence...


  1. The slime layer in the DNC is incredibly thick!

  2. It's just like the Dems to blame someone to deflect the issue. Here we go again with the finger pointing by the very hand that stole the pie.

    The issue isn't who leaked the information. The issue (again) is the information itself, and what it says about the Democratic Party's leadership and candidates and rich supporters.

  3. Women pay less for a seat. I thought White House wanted equal pay?

  4. Remember it's who you know or who you b@&$.


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