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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Obama Demands 30 Percent Boost in Refugees

President Obama wants the U.S. to take 30 percent more refugees in 2017, the administration told Congress on Tuesday, calling for Americans to do more on the world stage at a time when many voters are already balking at the current pace.

The announcement seems designed to boost Mr. Obama’s hand ahead next week, when he’s scheduled to host a summit on the sideline of the U.N., pressing international leaders for action on a global refugee crisis.

At home, though, his new refugee target likely to renew controversy over the ability of the U.S. to absorb newcomers, particularly from countries where vetting is not easy, and where terrorist networks have expressed an interest in inserting operatives into the refugee stream.

“The common sense concerns of the American people are simply ignored as the administration expands its reckless and extreme policies,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican and chairman of the Senate’s immigration subcommittee.

The administration’s target for fiscal year 2017 is 110,000 refugees, up from the 85,000 goal in 2016 and 70,000 in 2015. Just a few weeks ago, the State Department was hinting at a target of 100,000 refugees next year, and it’s not clear why the additional 10,000 were added.

So far, no target has been set for Syrians — the most controversial population of refugees — but the administration said it expects a significantly higher number next year. At the current pace, some 30,000 could be approved for resettlement over the next 12 months.



  1. Hasn't anyone told the town idiot that all he auto assembly jobs are in Mexico? Maybe they just want to get a job cursing Colin Bowel's lawn.

  2. Well, Mr. Sessions, why don't you just grow a spine and say "NO" to Obama? You do have that authority as Chairman of the Senate Immigration Subcommittee.


  3. No 8:52. These committees have no real power other than the influence of the other members-how good they are at wheeling and dealing with other members of Congress. All they do is recommend. Sessions can say no until he is blue in the face but Obama doesn't have to listen.

  4. How about they shove these refugees up Obama's a--.
    Pretty sure he and his family will never have contact with them.

  5. Obama is in direct communications with the bosses.
    He knows what to say and do.
    We should stop questioning his remarks.

    Every thing has a plan and the globalists know what they are doing.
    We simply are not a part of their plan.

  6. Send them to Chippequa NY

  7. I keep hearing Hillary supporters saying Donald Trump is speading doom and gloom but in the last 3 days I have seen some disturbing incidents. First Obama and Hillary wants to bring in more refugees and I say that lightly because it seems there are more men than women and children. Then he is bringing in all these UN military trucks and he has cut back on our military and its budget. Do you think they would tell us what they are up to if we asked??????

  8. President Obama wants the U.S. to take 30 percent more refugees in 2017, the administration told Congress on Tuesday, calling for Americans to do more on the world stage at a time when many voters are already balking at the current pace.

    How many is this clown going to bring into his house?


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