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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday.

The Homeland Security Department's inspector general found that the immigrants used different names or birthdates to apply for citizenship with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and such discrepancies weren't caught because their fingerprints were missing from government databases.

DHS said in an emailed statement that an initial review of these cases suggest that some of the individuals may have ultimately qualified for citizenship, and that the lack of digital fingerprint records does not necessarily mean they committed fraud.



  1. Trump's speech covered this today ...along with the 1M illegals who have been deported but are still living here on my dollar. Nobody is doing the job they were appointed or hired to do. Vote Trump and we WILL see changes.

  2. Mistake - sure it was!!

  3. And these 'hard working' government 'workers' make how much plus benefits to double check this kinda stuff? And how many of those who are 'new' citizens apply for Social Security benefits?
    Our hard earned tax dollars hard at work!

  4. Obama has failed miserably in securing our borders and keeping Americans safe. That is suppose to be the President's top priority. But he and his incompetent staff have weakened our armed forces and opened up our borders allowing illegals and Arabs to flood in. And Hillary says she wants to continue this legacy. Dumb and Dumber must be put behind bars for treason.

  5. Other countries that have a fraction of this countrys budget im shure don't have these issues, lazy , blotted , should be fired!

  6. It's time to clean house in Washington. Mistakes like this just don't happen!

  7. I bet that number is more like 80,000

  8. Oh that was intentional!


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