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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Obama years in 9 charts - Impressive!

Thought you might like to see what the years of Obama and Hillary have done to our country.

These charts came from the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis. 
Obama years in 9 charts
Here is the real story of America 's decline right from their own Fed web sites.  
Obama’s Recovery In Just 9 Charts


  1. Wow , he does have a legacy!

  2. This is going to take some serious undoing. Who's up to the task? A professional politician and legacy extender, or a professional businessman and entrepreneur?

  3. Most of the trends were already heading in that direction during the second Bush administration

    1. Why do black people riot in the streets demanding to be treated better under our black president?

    2. The charts shows the biggest spikes since 1950s under Obama and you lie about it. Why do you need to lie just say I'm a democrat and always will be.

  4. 2:03 how else could he unseat Jimmy Carter as the worst president this country has ever had!

  5. 2:54 PM - So, what you point out as a Bush legacy was continued and magnified by the Obama administration?
    Well, he did a fine job of it, keeping with the plan to create that NWO. And where we're headed is to be an exhausted country that will be on par with an exhausted world.

  6. 2:54 - the end of the Bush admin already had the dumbocrats in power in both legislative branches...eat it you socialist turds, you own it!

  7. 353
    Don't be naïve.
    Both political parties are controlled by the international bankers.
    This debt and destruction is planned by the central bankers.
    This is about profit and wealth transfer.

  8. All planned...everything he has done has been planned destruction like an enemy destroying this Country and its citizens. Beyond treasonous!!
    Yet not one badge, not one sworn patriot does the right thing.


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