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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

FBI Lies Again: NYC Bomber Was On FBI "Radar" After All

During a press conference yesterday morning, amid desperate efforts to placate political pressure to maintain the narrative of a lone-wolf bomber - not terrorist - who may have "had a beef" and just happened to be a muslim, William Sweeney, the assistant director in charge of the FBI's New York division, stated unequivocally:

"There is no indication that the suspect was on the FBI's terror radar" adding that there was "no indication that there's a [terrorist] cell operating" in the New York area and had no information about Ahmad Khan Rahami's "path to radicalization." 

Phew - so we can rest assured that all the money spent on systems and surveillance was not wasted and this was perhaps just some mentally unstable man (who just happened to be Muslim and taken a trip or two to Afghanistan).



  1. Gov't needs to learn not to follow Hillary's example. Vote Trump - he'll fire them all in one Lump.

  2. Fire and hang them for Treason against We The People...

  3. He was not on the radar.
    The CIA keeps their assets off of the FBI radar.
    Plausible deniability.

  4. The patriot act homeland security. Just another tax sucking scam compliments of our NWO globalist politicians from BOTH PARTIES!! They fixed nothing! but sure tighten the noose around honest hard working true americans necks. We have been set-up for this terrorism lie from day one. It all a evil plot to fund, foster and nurture these terrorist demons from hell. They help Create this environment then claim they can clean it up and keep us safe.. just another pack of lies!

  5. Our own government is our worst enemy. They have become the worlds biggest liars and thieves.

  6. Who believes the FBI anymore?

  7. We could easily do without our present FBI and DOJ & AG.


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