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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Letter to the Editor: Reported House Fire in Salisbury 8-10-16

Dear Editor,

I have a question. Around 1:50am Wicomico Central Alerted Stations 2, 16, 1 and 5(Hebron) for a reported house fire at the corner of Church Street and Truitt Street. Isn't Station 6 Parsonsburg much closer than Hebron?

At 1:58am Station 2 was re-alerted. Command told Central to dispatch a Next Due. A couple of minutes later Central Dispatched Station 3(Fruitland). Isn't Station 6(Parsonsburg) closer than Fruitland?

At 2:01am Command requested Central dispatch a 2nd Alarm. At that time Central dispatched 3, 74 and 6(finally).

At 2:08am Command asked Central the status on responding units. Central advised nothing marked up yet.

Then Central alerted again saying Stations 8, 3, 74 and 6 due(Whatever that means?)

What is the Status on Station 6(Parsonsburg) and why weren't they alerted first and second on this call?

Another question? When did Central start hitting the all call tone for 3 stations and then an outside station for house fires in Salisbury?


  1. Parsonsburg is much closer. There must have been a banquet in Parsonsburg or something so that may have been telling everyone they weren't available unless last due?

  2. The 3 stations plus an additional one is new. The volunteer companies in the city have struggled at times to get out. Station 2 did not get our tonight. A lot of their members work shift work. The additional Engine is just how it is in the Matrix. 5, 6, 74, and 3 are all due at one point or another on reported fires in the city.

  3. I think there is motive behind this letter to the editor. Probably a fireman....

  4. So the corner of truitt and church street is super close to the station located off naylor street (I think that is the correct street name.) I am referring to the station next to Shore Distributors and Ponzetti's. Why wouln't that station respond? Corner of church and truitt should be within city limits, right? I obviously don't understand how this works.

    1. That is station 2, they were alerted.

  5. Your question has been asked on here many times in several different scenarios I have found for clarification it is better to contact ones who know the protocol. If you ask SBYNews readers, you will can read the BS answers from anonymous Mouth Runners, who are uninformed on fire department rules of agreement. The answer can change with and where each fire call is located. 5:27 has probably given a correct answer but writing under "anonymous" I would still talk to sources with knowledge, if details are actually important to you.

  6. 4:36 AM - A banquet at 1:50 AM??

    1. if it was with booze then yea there off 4 the night..

  7. Breaking News House fire on Church Street is still burning

    Truck 2 Responding back out to the scene of the house fire for a "Trash Fire." No dummy it is not a trash fire. You paid fireman didn't put the fire out before you left!

    1. Well how about this cowboy! Why don't you take your sorry ass to a fire house and apply! Once you apply take a fire 1 class pass it, and then get your out of shape ass on the fire engine and help put the fire out. If you knew anything you would know that every piece out there last night except the engine and medic units were volunteer.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Your question has been asked on here many times in several different scenarios I have found for clarification it is better to contact ones who know the protocol. If you ask SBYNews readers, you will can read the BS answers from anonymous Mouth Runners, who are uninformed on fire department rules of agreement. The answer can change with and where each fire call is located. 5:27 has probably given a correct answer but writing under "anonymous" I would still talk to sources with knowledge, if details are actually important to you.

    August 10, 2016 at 7:02 AM

    Well you obviously didn't answer the question you smart @$$ piece of turd. What do you have to hide?

    1. 7:02 you dumb @$$ piece of turd, I was not hired to answer the question. I am actually a volunteer who gives advice on where to go if you have a sincere question. Be it right or wrong I know dispatch has protocols, and I figure dispatch knows much better than me, why they do what when.

    2. Sheesh 7:02! Hate much?!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The 3 stations plus an additional one is new. The volunteer companies in the city have struggled at times to get out. Station 2 did not get our tonight. A lot of their members work shift work. The additional Engine is just how it is in the Matrix. 5, 6, 74, and 3 are all due at one point or another on reported fires in the city.

    August 10, 2016 at 5:27 AM

    Which Volunteers runs shiftwork? There aren't many left after Richard Hopeless ran them off. His goal is working.

    Jake Day you are FIRED!

  10. 7:28 AM say it isn't so! You mean to tell me that Gods gift to firefighting, the one and only Mr. Jay Jester didn't put that fire out before he left? Oh Hell Nah!

    1. You are apparently a firefighter, or wannabe, which is sad.

    2. What do you expect from the boy that hates Salisbury volunteers, then takes advantage of Ocean City volunteers to the tune of being paid 20,000 a year to be President and Assistant Chief, AMD drive's their Chiefs rig to Salisbury twice a week to work.

  11. I can't believe those paid Farmin didn't put that far out. Whatchu mean they went bank for a trash fire. LMAO.

    1. Lmao! You should do stand up comedy!

  12. Anonymous said...
    I think there is motive behind this letter to the editor. Probably a fireman....

    August 10, 2016 at 6:45 AM

    There is alway a motive you idiot. It's called answers. Trying to find out the truth.

  13. 7:02 It is amazing how you talk about and I quote "anonymous Mouth Runners" on this site, yet you yourself hide behind the shield of anonymous. Don't be so hypocritical you coward.

    1. Yes, Mr Biles Jr, I am a coward. I am deathly afraid of Mouth Runners. They do much more harm than good. Therefore I hide behind "anonymous" while they hide behind "anonmyous" BS.

  14. Dispatch on drugs? Cris Hopkins , take notice !

  15. Brand spankin new multi million dollar fire house n they cant respond to a fire 4 blocks away? wth is wrong with this place?!?!

  16. John Biles Jr. said...
    7:02 It is amazing how you talk about and I quote "anonymous Mouth Runners" on this site, yet you yourself hide behind the shield of anonymous. Don't be so hypocritical you coward.

    August 10, 2016 at 7:46 AM

    You beat me to it. He is a paid fireman so he had to sign in as Anonymous because like most of them he is Puss n Boots.

  17. Mr. Biles , that's why we have the choice of anonymous. Looks what happens to the people who oppose Hillary , they are dead .

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The 3 stations plus an additional one is new. The volunteer companies in the city have struggled at times to get out. Station 2 did not get our tonight. A lot of their members work shift work. The additional Engine is just how it is in the Matrix. 5, 6, 74, and 3 are all due at one point or another on reported fires in the city.

    August 10, 2016 at 5:27 AM

    The volunteers at Station #2 do not exist any longer. Rick Hoppes and John Tull have made it extremely difficult to last in that environment. The volunteers have been forced to make room, I mean the need, for more paid fireman. You can't have volunteers in Salisbury why? Because volunteers are a threat to paid firemen's jobs. That is what Rick Hoppes and John Tull both want. Ironically they both got their start at Station 2 and have been hating volunteers ever since they got their first paycheck. Not only that it is the culture that Rick Hoppes and John Tull have created.

    1. Volunteers in Salisbury are a threat to the paid guys? Get out of here. From the outside looking in there will never be an all volunteer fire service in Salisbury again. Impossible!

  19. Anonymous said...
    So the corner of truitt and church street is super close to the station located off naylor street (I think that is the correct street name.) I am referring to the station next to Shore Distributors and Ponzetti's. Why wouln't that station respond? Corner of church and truitt should be within city limits, right? I obviously don't understand how this works.

    August 10, 2016 at 6:49 AM

    You are a paid fireman and you already know the answer. You just want to rub it in.

  20. Sounds like a liberal democrat fire dept in da Bury . They all want a paycheck , but they don't want to work for it.

  21. You know after reading all the comments on here, all the in-fighting needs to stop. Structures on fire is what matters, not all the who is paid and who is not. If you are paid, shut up and do your job. If you are paid, aren't there quarters in your new multi million dollar facility for sleeping so you'll be right there when a fire occurs? As for the volunteers, I wouldn't want to volunteer either with all you pushy paid firemen. They are people just like you, and you more than likely got your start as a volunteer also. So just put all the hatred aside and do what you're paid to do, put out fires. If my house should catch on fire, I really don't want to stand there and watch it burn down because firemen are arguning over who is going to respond and do whatever and who is not.

  22. If we really want change and something done about it then why don't we take up together find all info available and take to the streets....paid firemen are paid by us volunteers are us is the guess could be ours...If we are not satisfied then we deserve answers no matter how it makes people upset...but....If we want change we have to make change TOGETHER...the only color people should be fighting is green....We work for a period of paper that us worth what it says and the ones who are suppose to be making things better are making things worse bc WE LET THEM...take back our communities and show the world that change is possible and here on the eastern shore we are ......ONE......

  23. To the 7:40AM comment,
    If you can't spell correctly, don't waste your time commenting.

  24. If there are no volunteers left at station 2 maybe the County needs to stop giving funding to a volunteer company that doesn't exist.

  25. It is no secret that volunteering in ANY department is way more difficult than it used it be. The demands of life, family, and obligations have changed dramatically over just the past 10 years. Departments are doing more with less every day. MOST of the paid guys take their JOB seriously. They train a couple of days a week, they care about people and their job. Some are in it for the wrong reasons, they only care about the paycheck. Most of the Volunteers take volunteering seriously, and many are very professional. And for whatever reason, they don’t want to or are unable to become paid. It is harder for them to train as often. Some volunteers like to act like are paid, and even tell people that they “work” for the fire department, mostly because they can’t get hired, but they are able to volunteer. That makes no sense because the qualifications should be the same. Fact of the matter is that most of the small towns in the country cannot afford to pay for emergency services.
    Bottom line is when a large emergency happens in this area, the paid and volunteers responders work well together, they get the job done, and they don’t talk about each other, until afterwards! Which really gives the whole fire service a black eye.
    Be the change you want to see.

  26. My question is why Salisbury won't come out into the county, but they have no problem calling the county fire departmenta if they need help? Farmers Bank in Willards is a prime example of this!!!

  27. If you are really serious about wanting answers go to your local fire dept. People on this site just like to stir the pot. Salisbury will respond to the county if they are requested. Salisbury Station 16 has an open house this weekend, a perfect time to go and find answers and have some fun.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Brand spankin new multi million dollar fire house n they cant respond to a fire 4 blocks away? wth is wrong with this place?!?!

    August 10, 2016 at 7:57 AM

    More proof that a $ Multimillion station didn't need to be built in the ghetto just for a paid fire crew during the day. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the old fire station now being demolished. There is a plan to do away with the volunteers and that is why the new brick palace was built much smaller than the old fire station. Rick Hoppes, Jake Day and Jim Ireton is responsible for that blatant fraud.

    1. Actually genius it was built where it is FOR THE VOLUNTEERS!! When the talk of a new station 2 was presented it was suggested to move the station up north and spread the coverage between stations out. But the VOLUNTEERS threw a fit and accused the chief of trying to do that to get rid of them. The idea of a north station never took flight but the volunteers were surely up in arms. Saying they couldn't get a peice out if they had to respond all the way to the north end. And look... They're not responding now with a new fire station right across the street from the old fire station they still didn't respond to.

      And the new building is almost twice the size as the old station so please check your facts.

      And while you want to hold the volunteers with such high regard why don't you ask them why they didn't respond to protect a home 4 blocks from their new station, and why last weekend the duty crew had to cover all of their calls, because they couldn't get a single peice out. The volunteers are eliminating themselves. Hoppes has tried to give them what they need, but they continue to blame everyone else for their failures...

  29. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Biles , that's why we have the choice of anonymous. Looks what happens to the people who oppose Hillary , they are dead .

    August 10, 2016 at 8:12 AM

    Well guess what we are not talking about Hillary! So no comparison.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like a liberal democrat fire dept in da Bury . They all want a paycheck , but they don't want to work for it.

    August 10, 2016 at 8:20 AM

    Of course it is Liberal. You have idiots like Rick Hoppe, Jim Ireton and Jake Day and the city council spending money they don't have. WTH do you think the money came from for the multimillion dollar fire stations and the multiple new fire apparatus and ambulances. I meant they got the best of the best. The Cadilac Style. Only a Democrat mentality spends money they do not have and that is why towns and cities are bankrupt.

  31. Anonymous said...
    You know after reading all the comments on here, all the in-fighting needs to stop. Structures on fire is what matters, not all the who is paid and who is not. If you are paid, shut up and do your job. If you are paid, aren't there quarters in your new multi million dollar facility for sleeping so you'll be right there when a fire occurs? As for the volunteers, I wouldn't want to volunteer either with all you pushy paid firemen. They are people just like you, and you more than likely got your start as a volunteer also. So just put all the hatred aside and do what you're paid to do, put out fires. If my house should catch on fire, I really don't want to stand there and watch it burn down because firemen are arguning over who is going to respond and do whatever and who is not.

    August 10, 2016 at 8:27 AM

    Good post and to clarify a point the problems start at the top and you get rid of him you can start weeding out all the trash. Not all paid firemen are bad, but if left in this current environment they will all be bad. I still believe some of the members are salvageable, but not with Hoppes and Tull in charge. They have to go before you can clean up that trashy mouth fire department.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Volunteers in Salisbury are a threat to the paid guys? Get out of here. From the outside looking in there will never be an all volunteer fire service in Salisbury again. Impossible!

    August 10, 2016 at 9:33 AM

    Nothing is impossible Dirt Bag! You are not on the outside looking in, but good try. You are the ones that are not salvageable and you need to be eradicated from city employment. You are a cancer to the Salisbury Fire Department and you need to be removed. With a good recruitment and retention program the Salisbury Volunteers can be alive and well once again. We need your trash GONE!

  33. Anonymous said...
    To the 7:40AM comment,
    If you can't spell correctly, don't waste your time commenting.

    August 10, 2016 at 10:02 AM

    We knew exactly what message 7:40 AM was trying to convey. Only the intelligent ones know what they are talking about. Sorry you got your butt hurt little paid farmin, but you will get over it.

  34. Anonymous said...
    What do you expect from the boy that hates Salisbury volunteers, then takes advantage of Ocean City volunteers to the tune of being paid 20,000 a year to be President and Assistant Chief, AMD drive's their Chiefs rig to Salisbury twice a week to work.

    August 10, 2016 at 9:41 AM

    Jay Jester gets paid $20,000 per year to be the volunteer president and volunteer Assistant Chief in Ocean City?? He also gets a Chief's rig to drive every day with free gas and gets to drive it to his full-time paid firemen's job in Salisbury? Do the Ocean City taxpayers know about this? Does the Ocean City Mayor and Council know about this? Does the paid fire chief in Ocean City know this? Jay Jester must be a liberal Democrat because this makes him a THIEF and this is typical of what Democrat employees do!

  35. Ok all this rambling on but not one person answered why Parsonsburg was not dispatched on the first and second alarms? Is there something going on between Parsonsburg and Salisbury? I support Parsonsburg if there is.

    1. Call Parsonsburg!! Quit reading the naysayers who do not know what they are talking about and only like to stir the pot

  36. Anonymous said...
    My question is why Salisbury won't come out into the county, but they have no problem calling the county fire departmenta if they need help? Farmers Bank in Willards is a prime example of this!!!

    August 10, 2016 at 2:56 PM

    Excellent point. Will someone answer that question.

    1. Salisbury goes if requested and go if they are due for that call. Salisbury was not requested for Willards.

  37. Anonymous said...
    If you are really serious about wanting answers go to your local fire dept. People on this site just like to stir the pot. Salisbury will respond to the county if they are requested. Salisbury Station 16 has an open house this weekend, a perfect time to go and find answers and have some fun.

    August 10, 2016 at 4:32 PM

    I am sorry, but people on here tell the truth without worrying about retaliation. You must have something you are hiding to make that kind of comment. Since you know about the Salisbury Fire Departments Open House on Saturday leads me to believe that you are a part of that corrupt organization. Hoppes? Tull? Scott? Or one of the other flying monkeys? We have learned so much on Joes Blog that we would never have learned if it wasn't for his blog. Thank You Joe.

    1. I am not a member of any Salisbury Fire Dept or any of the guys that was mentioned. I'm not even a fan of Hoopes or Fake Day. I know about the open house as it has been on Facebook. I do know a lot of quarterbacking is done on this blog from people who don't know what they are talking about and by people who like to create BS

  38. A simple google search will answer your questions, just saying

  39. I see where Assistant Chief 1 The Crash Dummy is back on duty in Salisbury. Wonder how long it will take before he crashes again.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Well how about this cowboy! Why don't you take your sorry ass to a fire house and apply! Once you apply take a fire 1 class pass it, and then get your out of shape ass on the fire engine and help put the fire out. If you knew anything you would know that every piece out there last night except the engine and medic units were volunteer.

    August 10, 2016 at 6:04 PM

    I don't know what you are implying unless you are trying to say it was the volunteers in the County that put your fire out for you.

  41. Matthew hoppes said...
    A simple google search will answer your questions, just saying

    August 10, 2016 at 7:26 PM

    Who is this fruitcake? Someone related to the fat one who thinks he is the chief. Guess what, John Tull and Darrin Scott run the show not someone by the name of Hoppes.

  42. when the volunteers decided to only show up for meeting when theres a dinner

  43. Anonymous said...
    I am not a member of any Salisbury Fire Dept or any of the guys that was mentioned. I'm not even a fan of Hoopes or Fake Day. I know about the open house as it has been on Facebook. I do know a lot of quarterbacking is done on this blog from people who don't know what they are talking about and by people who like to create BS

    August 10, 2016 at 11:39 PM

    If you are not a fan then what are you doing on their FB page?

    1. I like several fire dept pages on fb but I am not on Hoppes or Day's.


  44. Rick Hoppes said...

    Actually genius it was built where it is FOR THE VOLUNTEERS!! When the talk of a new station 2 was presented it was suggested to move the station up north and spread the coverage between stations out. But the VOLUNTEERS threw a fit and accused the chief of trying to do that to get rid of them. The idea of a north station never took flight but the volunteers were surely up in arms. Saying they couldn't get a peice out if they had to respond all the way to the north end. And look... They're not responding now with a new fire station right across the street from the old fire station they still didn't respond to.

    And the new building is almost twice the size as the old station so please check your facts.

    And while you want to hold the volunteers with such high regard why don't you ask them why they didn't respond to protect a home 4 blocks from their new station, and why last weekend the duty crew had to cover all of their calls, because they couldn't get a single peice out. The volunteers are eliminating themselves. Hoppes has tried to give them what they need, but they continue to blame everyone else for their failures...

    August 12, 2016 at 10:14 AM


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