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Sunday, August 14, 2016

House Fire In Salisbury 8-10-16

Stations 2, 16 and 1 from Salisbury and Station 5 from Hebron have been dispatched to a house fire at the corner of East Church Street and Truitt Street. Two story residential house. 

Station 3 from Fruitland has now been called to assist.  

Station 74 from Delmar being called to assist.

Station 6 from Parsonsburg has also been called. 

Fire Marshall is en route to the fire.   

Station 5 from Hebron asked to send an ambulance to Station 16 for a coverup.

Station 6 from Parsonsburg asked to send an ambulance to Station 1 for a coverup.

Station 14 from Sharptown called to standby at Station 16

Station 7 from Pittsville asked to send engine to assist with house fire

Station 8 from Willards asked to send engine to standby in Salisbury.

Station 15 from Allen asked to standby at Station 1 in Salisbury  

Station 11 Poweville responding to Salisbury

Engine 15-1 is now going to help with the fire.

Stations 74, 9 and 11 requested to go to the scene of the fire.

Engine and Tanker from Worcester County being requested. 

Salisbury Ladies Auxiliary being called to the fire department.  


  1. Joe see my letter to the Editor question about Station 6 response?

  2. Station 14 was dispatched for the Ladder Cover up at Station 16.

    Now Central is transferring Engine 801 and Truck 14 to the fire scene.

  3. Station 79 Gumboro is requested to standby at Station 8 Willards.

    Engine/tanker 1501 transferred directly to the scene. Now there are now engines covering the city. So if another burning house fire comes in it will burn to the ground.

  4. Station 9 Mardela and Station 11 Powellville dispatched to cover up Station 16 and Station 1.

  5. It's been nearly now and the Salisbury Fire Department has not put that darn fire out in Salisbury yet. I thought they were the best darn firefighters on the Eastern Shore?

  6. Deputy Chief 2 asked for more manpower. Central dispatching Stations 74, 9, 11 to the scene for more manpower.

    Berlin being dispatched to Station 11 for Standby with an Engine and a Tanker.

  7. So that explains all the sirens at 2 in the morning as I was getting home from work.

  8. Engine 79-4 being diverted to the scene in Salisbury. Were responding to Station 8 for Stand by.

  9. Truck 14 is now on location at 2:57am.

  10. Truck 14 on scene at 2:57am.

  11. Uh Oh. Now the fire will be put out. Darrin Scott, I mean Deputy Chief Darrin Scott is now on the scene all the way from Delmar Delaware in his City of Salisbury command vehicle.

  12. Central dispatching Station 12 Bivalve/Westside for and Engine/Tanker Cover up at Station 5 Hebron.

  13. Parsonsburg Deputy Chief asking Central if there is any response from Berlin/Worcester County. Worcester County was still dispatching for the standby crew for Parsonsburg.

  14. Engine 79-4(Dagsboro, Del.) on the Fire Scene @ 3:08am

    Eng. 906 also on location.

  15. FYI the Engine and Tanker for Berlin was requested to stand by at Parsonsburg.

  16. Utility 2, the only piece from Station 2 finally responding.

  17. Worcester County Unit is responding to Station 7 for the Stand By per Worcester County Central Alarm.

  18. Over an hour and the fire still hasn't been put out. If Jay Jester would STHU the fire may go out. All he is doing is running his mouth as fast as he can and fanning the flames causing it to burn more. He must be talking out of his butt again because that is nothing but @$$ Gas fueling those flames.

    Jay Jester is the clown that is a volunteer in Ocean City and hates all the paid firefighter paramedics and he is a paid firefighter in Salisbury and hates all the volunteers in Salisbury. Ironically he isn't smart enough to become a paramedic.

  19. Nearly 2 hours and that fire on Church and Truitt Streets is still burning. What a shame to have a paid fire and EMS crew in Salisbury and they can not keep houses and buildings from burning to the ground.

    Do you remember that garage fire behind Station 16 that burnt to the ground while the paid crews were in the station and awake.

    Chief Hoppes don't you ever try to keep stats on the volunteers again. It's your paid firemen that can't keep buildings from burning down.

    1. Some buildings are to far gone to enter and risk the lose of life to save nothing.

  20. SbyNews_Staff said...
    3:12 You're hired! lol :)

    August 10, 2016 at 3:31 AM


  21. Command placing situation under control at 3:46am

  22. There are at least 20 pieces of fire equipment on the fireground and it is still burning.

    Reminds me of that song by Counting Crows - Big Yellow Taxi (They burned paradise and put up a parking lot).

    1. Church and truitt is far from paradise!!!!

  23. I was just wonder if Darrin Scott had to pass a written test to get promoted to Deputy Chief or was it the same good ole boy network where Hoppes just gave him the position. You know sorta like all the times that Hoppes didn't have to take a written test to get promoted, but most people around him had to pass one.

  24. The Salisbury Fire Department hasn't met a parking lot they didn't like yet.

  25. You know what is Ironic about this little house fire in Salisbury is the fact that the SFD refusing to repond out in the county to places such as the Farmers Bank of Willards fire in Willards, but they are very quick to call the county volunteers when they can't handle the calls themselves. So much for needing those paid firemen in your city. Proves that if you invested in a great recruitment and retention program in Salisbury you wouldn't need all the paid firefighters. That's what happens when you have low-quality leadership such as Darrin Scott, John Tull and you guessed it, Rick Hoppes. Has he retired yet?

    1. SFD never refused to respond to Williards. They were never dispatched there

  26. You have a $ multimillion dollar brick palace built on Naylor Street for a paid duty crew who is only there from 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday.

    Makes perfectly good sense to me. A steel stand garage would have worked out perfectly for housing a fire truck and an ambulance and they wasted millions on that brick palace for NOTHING!! Stupid elected leaders you have elected in that bankrupt city.

  27. I thought all the fire departments in Salisbury had paid firement 24/7 is that not the case?

    1. Station 16 has 24 hour career staffing. Stations 1 and 2 have daytime career staffing Monday to Friday wiltj volunteers running calls nights and weekends.

  28. Deputy Chief Scott clear the scene en route to PRMC. I guess they sent some firemen to the scene without making a report.

  29. Command advised central to release the standby crews that have been standing by for Salisbury.

    Now mind you they placed the situation under control, that just means that the "fire" is under control. Standby crews are released and mutual aid companies are being sent home. They are still mopping up and the Salisbury equipment isn't back in service yet. The men of the Salisbury Fire Department are exhausted and some of the volunteers have to get ready for work in a short period of time. All the apparatus has to be fueled and topped off. All the water tanks have to be topped off. When they get back to the stations all the gear, ladders and equipment used as well as the apparatus has to be cleaned and ready for service. The men of the Salisbury Fire Department are exhausted and there is no apparatus ready for the next call if a fire comes in. With that said if there is another major fire in Salisbury in the next few minutes there will be a very strong possibility that someone may die. They are not up to speed and they are not up to par.

    What I am trying to say is this is piss poor leadership on the part of the Salisbury Fire Department Leadership. Especially those at the scene, Scott, Donaway, Jester, and Lee Smith. That is on Cluster F. going on tonight in typical fashion for the Bad Boys of Metro.

    1. Your a special kind of arm chair warrior. Did you go uptown and help put the rigs back I service? You too can opt to be a volunteer and not just a keypad King.

  30. Anonymous said...
    I thought all the fire departments in Salisbury had paid firement 24/7 is that not the case?

    August 10, 2016 at 4:16 AM

    No that is not the case and never has been. However that is exactly what Hoppes, Tull, Scott and the rest of the anti-volunteer crowd are pushing for. They are running the volunteers out and the plan is to get Jake Day to replace them with paid firemen.

    Jake Day has been meeting with Hoppes about this and gave Hoppes the green light.

  31. Anonymous said...
    SFD never refused to respond to Williards. They were never dispatched there

    August 10, 2016 at 6:11 AM

    You just don't get it...

    1. I get it. Salusbury was not dispatched to respond to Willards. People are complaining about that. You can't fault Salisbury for that.

  32. Breaking News House fire on Church Street is still burning

    Truck 2 Responding back out to the scene of the house fire for a "Trash Fire." No dummy it is not a trash fire. You paid fireman didn't put the fire out before you left!

  33. Anonymous said...
    SFD never refused to respond to Williards. They were never dispatched there

    August 10, 2016 at 6:11 AM

    So what was the reason they weren't dispatched to "Williards?"

    1. They weren't due on that call. Williards would have to special call them

  34. Looks like a re-kindle!

  35. Anonymous said...
    Looks like a re-kindle!

    August 10, 2016 at 7:51 AM

    There is no such thing as a rekindle. The paid fireman did a poor job of putting the fire out in the first place. They didn't put it out like they should have. The Captain, Assistant Chief and Deputy Chief living in Delmar Delaware did a horrible job of fight fire like they are paid to do. Their leadership skills are lacking. Uneducated fools.

    1. So it's no fault of the volunteers that were there, that train to the same standards and have parity with your career firemen?

  36. Degrees do not put out fires. People who decided the Fire Department is better than the office job they should be doing ruined the Fire Department.

  37. Salisbury F.D. trying to figure out how to get the fire boat on the scene.

  38. The problem is, Jimmy Gladwell wasn't on the scene. He is God's gift to fire fighting. Just ask him.

  39. 9:49
    I looked this house up on google maps. It was a nice house. It was someones paradise they spent a lot of time and money to get it that way.

  40. I know the person that lives there, and I commend the fire departments that participated. they did a great job with what they were facing, and those of you that were not involved cannot pass judgement on how long it took to put the fire out. You do not understand what was happening. If you are so determined to pass judgement on their actions, then PLEASE join the local fire department, go through the training and actively participate in multiple fires before passing any judgement. The men and women that left their comfortable beds at that time of night, and go to work the next day, did so to try to help someone they didn't know, with something that didn't directly affect them. so please stop passing judgement on a situation until you know all of the facts. thank you to all of those that were there or covering for those that were there. We appreciate your efforts. I thank GOD there are people out there willing and able to answer that call, no matter the time of day or night, no matter the physical toll it costs them. I am glad you are here for us. Let's just try to remember that they do this because they can and because they are willing to go through whatever it takes to help strangers. Stop attacking them when you slept through the night and all you had to deal with this morning is a few sirens and maybe some curiosity. You get to go home to your clean and intact home today - my friend is instantly homeless and has lost everything from his toothbrush to many family photos and heirlooms. Give some grace for God's sake!

  41. The problem has nothing to do with paid/volunteer, the problem is people playing Fireman that have no business being Firemen. Once upon a time when being a Fireman was lower than garbage man the ranks were filled with the Irish and other men willing to get dirty and actually put fires out. Now since the Fire Department is cool and employees think it's all about picking up women, discounts and looking cool the fires don't go out and the educated employees with no common sense and knowledge of the trades use safety and education to justify standing in the yard and letting buildings burn. How do you get your picture taken for Facebook fame and glory if your inside doing your job, you got to look good to be a hero.

  42. OMG that is so true about Gladwell. My question is this: does SFD pay for a booster seat for Gladwell to see over the dash of the fire engine? I saw him shopping for new clothes for himself in Baby Gap and wondered if that is where he bought is turnout gear.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Over an hour and the fire still hasn't been put out. If Jay Jester would STHU the fire may go out. All he is doing is running his mouth as fast as he can and fanning the flames causing it to burn more. He must be talking out of his butt again because that is nothing but @$$ Gas fueling those flames.

    Jay Jester is the clown that is a volunteer in Ocean City and hates all the paid firefighter paramedics and he is a paid firefighter in Salisbury and hates all the volunteers in Salisbury. Ironically he isn't smart enough to become a paramedic.
    August 10, 2016 at 3:24 AM

    OMG I heard that loudmouth barking orders last night overstepping his boundaries with command. Then he kept begging Deputy Chief 1 if he could have "C" Charlie Sector so he could bark orders. I've come to the conclusion that Jay Jester is not a real firefighter and that he would rather just stand outside and be seen and to hear himself talk. That clown is a waste of good oxygen and whoever hired him in Salisbury needs his head examined. Whoever promoted him in Salisbury needs their head examined. They are some dangerous people and they will get someone hurt in the future.

  44. Anonymous said...
    I was just wonder if Darrin Scott had to pass a written test to get promoted to Deputy Chief or was it the same good ole boy network where Hoppes just gave him the position. You know sorta like all the times that Hoppes didn't have to take a written test to get promoted, but most people around him had to pass one.

    August 10, 2016 at 3:53 AM

    It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't have to because I know for a fact that fat slob Rick Hoppes could never pass a written exam so he never ever had to take a test to get promoted. He just kissed the right @$$es to get promoted. That is a fact.

  45. 6:26pm isn't Jay Jester that say fireman that got arrested for DUI after leaving a firemans function a while back? I think he got sentenced to having to blow into a straw to get his car started didn't he? And he still has his job after that? Proves the corruption in the Salisbury fire department and the city.

  46. Chelle Bachman said...

    ..The men and women that left their comfortable beds at that time of night...

    August 10, 2016 at 11:18 AM

    Miss Bachman this is where we as taxpayers have a major problem with your comments. We as taxpayers have a problem knowing that paid fireman are getting paid to sleep in a comfortable bed while we work our butts off to pay their comfortable salaries. We don't get to sleep in a comfortable bed when we work so your comment is quite ignorant.

    1. 11:18 have you considered joining the fire co? According to the DT applications are available. I am not a firemen, have no desire to live their comfortable life and I am not going to piss on firemen because from uneducated comment you are writing about a subject you have no knowledge of.

  47. Anonymous said...
    I looked this house up on google maps. It was a nice house. It was someones paradise they spent a lot of time and money to get it that way.

    August 10, 2016 at 11:14 AM

    And the paid firemen, the leadership of the paid fire department let that beautiful house burn down because they couldn't handle the JOB!! What a damn shame!

  48. Anonymous said...
    OMG that is so true about Gladwell. My question is this: does SFD pay for a booster seat for Gladwell to see over the dash of the fire engine? I saw him shopping for new clothes for himself in Baby Gap and wondered if that is where he bought is turnout gear.
    August 10, 2016 at 2:43 PM

    LMAO he is the biggest DOUCHE in the entire Salisbury Fire Department. Our firefighters who know him laugh behind his back because he is always acting like a big man. He is not as popular as he thinks he is.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Degrees do not put out fires. People who decided the Fire Department is better than the office job they should be doing ruined the Fire Department.

    August 10, 2016 at 8:31 AM

    Who said it did put out fires? Does anyone in the Salisbury Fire Department really have a degree? It does build leadership and discipline, what many lack in the SFD.

  50. Anonymous said...
    The problem is, Jimmy Gladwell wasn't on the scene. He is God's gift to fire fighting. Just ask him.

    August 10, 2016 at 8:59 AM

    I just spit up my beer I was drinking. So damn true!

  51. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury F.D. trying to figure out how to get the fire boat on the scene.

    August 10, 2016 at 8:56 AM

    They were so dumbfounded about how to put this fire out that started from the outside in that they totally forgot to call for the fireboat and dispath it to the scene.

  52. Anonymous said...
    I get it. Salusbury was not dispatched to respond to Willards. People are complaining about that. You can't fault Salisbury for that.

    August 10, 2016 at 9:58 AM

    Oh yes you can blame the people of the Salisbury Fire Department. Don't play stupid because many on here know what is going on. Salisbury has had the worst leadership in the history of the fire department and they have ruined that department.

  53. Anonymous said...
    They weren't due on that call. Williards would have to special call them

    August 10, 2016 at 9:59 AM

    That's the point, they called everyone but Salisbury. Fruitland is not closer that any of the Salisbury stations.

    1. So contact Willards and ask why quite speculating what you think the answer is. The public often does not know why a decision is made and go crazy if it isn't what they think it should be.

  54. Blogger Chelle Bachman said...
    I know the person that lives there, and I commend the fire departments that participated. they did a great job with what they were facing, and those of you that were not involved cannot pass judgement on how long it took to put the fire out. You do not understand what was happening. If you are so determined to pass judgement on their actions, then PLEASE join the local fire department, go through the training and actively participate in multiple fires before passing any judgement. The men and women that left their comfortable beds at that time of night, and go to work the next day, did so to try to help someone they didn't know, with something that didn't directly affect them. so please stop passing judgement on a situation until you know all of the facts. thank you to all of those that were there or covering for those that were there. We appreciate your efforts. I thank GOD there are people out there willing and able to answer that call, no matter the time of day or night, no matter the physical toll it costs them. I am glad you are here for us. Let's just try to remember that they do this because they can and because they are willing to go through whatever it takes to help strangers. Stop attacking them when you slept through the night and all you had to deal with this morning is a few sirens and maybe some curiosity. You get to go home to your clean and intact home today - my friend is instantly homeless and has lost everything from his toothbrush to many family photos and heirlooms. Give some grace for God's sake!

    August 10, 2016 at 11:18 AM

    If you were really concerned about your friends home you too would want to know why the paid fire crew didn't have enough sense to put the fire out. Rarely ever does a fire that starts on the outside burn a house down. You need to rethink your words before you get on here bashing the wrong people. You disgust me!

    1. Yet you are bashing her. Just because a fire starts outside doesn't mean it can't get into the walls of a structure and burn down. Was it a balloon structure?? That would make it spread quicker ( look up what that means). And it had a head start as fire was thru the roof on arrival.

  55. Jay Jester was talking so much he was trying to talk the fire out. Jay Jester should be disciplined for breaking the rank of command numerous times. Donaway was the incident commander and Jester proved that he doesn't respect who his supervisor is. Fire him is what I would suggest. During an incident like this call, the ICS requires only one person should be on the channel barking orders. Not an insubordinate like Jay Jester. Jester went so far out of command that if he doesn't get reprimanded it shows how screwed up the Salisbury Fire Department is.

  56. August 10, 2016 at 8:59 AM that is a hillarious and brilliant comment. That little turd has such an inferiority complex about his size that he has to call himself "MityMouse" to make people believe that he is a super strong dude in such a small package. He is a little midget that needs a step stool to get into a fire engine. That is why he begged to become an assistant chief because he is way to small to jump into the officers seat on the engine.

    Did I say "small package?" ooops! My bad. He knows about that to. LMAO

    1. Does he have a 1980s unicorn tattoo on his shoulder? I

  57. 10:11, can you verify a rumor that I heard about Gladwell when he rides in the engine? I heard his feet can't reach the floor, when he is in the officers seat, and his feet dangle and wiggle like he is sitting on a handicapped toilet.

  58. There is one word that describes both Jay Jester and Jimmy Gladwell. That word usually describes a woman's lady parts...or a cat....or a willow.

  59. I see where Assistant Chief 1 The Crash Dummy is back on duty in Salisbury. Wonder how long it will take before he crashes again.

  60. Anonymous said...
    11:18 have you considered joining the fire co? According to the DT applications are available. I am not a firemen, have no desire to live their comfortable life and I am not going to piss on firemen because from uneducated comment you are writing about a subject you have no knowledge of.

    August 14, 2016 at 11:23 AM

    Sometimes morons would be better off copying and pasting the article they are referring to. This makes absolutely no sense.

  61. Did the Crash Dummy O'Barsky respond to this call or did he have another wreck again?

  62. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The problem has nothing to do with paid/volunteer, the problem is people playing Fireman that have no business being Firemen. Once upon a time when being a Fireman was lower than garbage man the ranks were filled with the Irish and other men willing to get dirty and actually put fires out. Now since the Fire Department is cool and employees think it's all about picking up women, discounts and looking cool the fires don't go out and the educated employees with no common sense and knowledge of the trades use safety and education to justify standing in the yard and letting buildings burn. How do you get your picture taken for Facebook fame and glory if your inside doing your job, you got to look good to be a hero.

    August 10, 2016 at 11:55 AM

    BAMMM!! This many is right on target (except for the educated part). The self-proclaimed heroes of the Salisbury Fire Department are not really the educated ones, they are usually the most uneducated ones like Hoppes, Gladwell, Tull and the Scotts. Look at me, look at me!

  63. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    August 10, 2016 at 8:59 AM that is a hillarious and brilliant comment. That little turd has such an inferiority complex about his size that he has to call himself "MityMouse" to make people believe that he is a super strong dude in such a small package. He is a little midget that needs a step stool to get into a fire engine. That is why he begged to become an assistant chief because he is way to small to jump into the officers seat on the engine.

    Did I say "small package?" ooops! My bad. He knows about that to. LMAO

    August 11, 2016 at 10:11 AM

    This is hilarious and the truth!

  64. Anonymous said...
    Does he have a 1980s unicorn tattoo on his shoulder? I

    August 14, 2016 at 4:36 PM


  65. Anonymous said...
    10:11, can you verify a rumor that I heard about Gladwell when he rides in the engine? I heard his feet can't reach the floor, when he is in the officers seat, and his feet dangle and wiggle like he is sitting on a handicapped toilet.

    August 11, 2016 at 1:48 PM

    Yes! It has been confirmed.

  66. Anonymous said...
    There is one word that describes both Jay Jester and Jimmy Gladwell. That word usually describes a woman's lady parts...or a cat....or a willow.

    August 11, 2016 at 1:58 PM

    Spot on my friend. Spot on! Cowards is another term.

  67. you all and blatant ignorance, with your unbacked, false statement disgust me. the paid firemen aren't the problem in this city. as a matter of fact, we need more of them. more to cover those 60 and 70-80% fail rates from the volunteers on calls. that's right citizens, your beloved volunteers who can do no wrong are failing to get out on calls at up to 80% of the time. guess who goes on them then? those mean paid people. its no secret based on the ignorant false statements and judgements on here that this is nothing but a paid man bash by some of the uneducated volunteers.


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