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Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Letter To The Editor: Wicomico Board of Education 8-11-16

The new Superintendent of schools for Wicomico County is having all BOE employees go to Shorebirds stadium on August 25 in the morning 8:45 I believe. This is the County kick off for the start of school.

Think about the expenses for this. All employees drive time there, missing work, drive time back when employees could be working or getting ready for school at their school. Some schools are paying for buses to transport staff to save parking. Talk about a traffic jam. This will take a couple of hours!

Didn't Frederickson stop using the civic center to save money and time for employees? He switched to a video that was watched at school. Half hour tops!


  1. So true! That is also most county school's Open House days! With 1, YES 1, day to work in classrooms, Monday, it is a total waste of time and money! If teachers only work in their rooms on Monday, they will NOT be ready for Thursday to meet and greet parents/families/students! Once again, teachers aren't being paid but are "expected" to show up on their last week off, because that's when they open the building to teachers, of summer break to start their rooms because we want to be ready! It's unfair and unnecessary! Teachers NEED time to get set up and prepared! A lot of us spend time on our breaks working other jobs, taking classes, planning, organizing, shopping and simply getting ready for the new year as it is! we need and deserve more than 1 day! If opening ceremonies were at our school, 30 minutes, and we were given the rest of the time until Open House to work in our rooms, that'd be a better use of time and money!

    1. Boo boo on not getting paid your salary new teachers start at over 42000 and I know staff that make over 80000 for 190 days work

    2. Oh Lord here we go!! "I'm a teacher. Nobody works as hard as I do. Ive had 2 months off and I need more time". Blah blah blah. Honey you need a major attitude adjustment if you have been off all summer and you are still this pissed off. See it is teachers like you that give the profession a bad rap. I hope the hell you aren't my child's teacher.

  2. TEACHER'S UNION and BOE don't care what tax payers say. You keep on passing those referendums they continue to tell you IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN. Then you can go a buy ALL the books,tablets,glue,paper,pencils and what ever for the children. LMAO!!

  3. Oh my !!! In less than 2 months time Dr Frederickson has become the best Superintendent since sliced bread .... and Dr. Hanlin is going to feel the wrath of being tarred and feathered ..... by the same folks who believe they chased Dr Frederickson out of town.

  4. 12:16 oh boo hoo. Your salary is based on a year round position and you get paid year round even if you do not work during the summer. Glad you are ambitious and get a summer job. So even tho you are not working you are still paid. Cry me a river that you have to put in a few hours on your last week off.

    You choose the profession, quit crying about it.

    1. You are so freakin uninformed 12:58. Money is withheld each week from a teacher's paycheck (if they choose to) to cover the summer months WHEN THEY DON'T GET PAID!

    2. Exactly right! !! They have a choice to get paid 12 months or 9 months. These teachers are a freaking joke. What do they actually buy with all the money referendum after referendum? ?? We buy paper, pencils, glue, paper towels, cleaning supplies. What the hell does the school/teachers buy??

  5. it could be two weeks at Martha's Vineyard

  6. Yeah really, get a life. Sometimes things happen that cause traffic, you need to get over it and put your energy into something productive.

  7. Your the same buch of trog·lo·dytes (for the spelling impared) that don't join the PTA or participate in fundraisers. Always money, money money... Get a life.

  8. Didn't Frederickson stop using the civic center to save money and time for employees? He switched to a video that was watched at school. Half hour tops!

    Yes. I agree with you and I would suggest that you go to the next BOE meeting and voice your displeasure with this. Don't be afraid.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Boo boo on not getting paid your salary new teachers start at over 42000 and I know staff that make over 80000 for 190 days work

    August 11, 2016 at 1:21 PM

    Fredericksen made over $184,000 a year and it won't be long before this BOE caves in and gives it to her. Everyone in the Central Office makes over $110,000 per year.

    1. I assure you that not everyone at Central makes $110,000
      Do you really think they pay secretaries and clerks that kind of money?

    2. Talking TEACHERS bright light! !!


  10. What school are paying for buses? How are they paying for that? MOI?

  11. This event is probably supposed to be a morale booster for the teachers who I'm sure need their morale boosted since they work all day with kids who don't want to be in school.

  12. It's shorebirds stadium, not Camden Yards. Drive time!? Please! Unless you are living way out of the county in which you work, this drive is 15 minutes tops. I'm not really sure of the point this original poster is trying to make. The stadium is used by many private companies to do team building events.

  13. Thank you Dr. Hanlin! I miss the days when we all gathered at the civic center. School staff sat together with their schools and showed their school pride . But it was being with all staff at all schools that brought energy and motivation and set a positive tone to start our year. When Freddy took that away we were not very inspired and motivation was low. It was in those years I sat in the same section as you when you were principal of JMB High School. Thank you for bringing us together again! I looked forward to hearing you address the county staff and I also look forward to seeing some positive changes that address our issues in the school system. Sincerely, a dedicated veteran teacher at JMB High School.

  14. This is great. Just hope the useless Union doesn't speak. Waste of time.

  15. Hope it pours down rain that morning!

  16. The union is in fact useless. As are you evidently, wanting the teachers to raise your brats for you. Why don't you spend a week as an aide and see what really happens in the schools.
    On the other side of the coin I can see the point of taxpayers that have no kids in school but must pay the same taxes that people pay that do. The BOE budget is a huge percentage of the total county budget.

  17. 110K a year for 190 days work. Yup that seems about right.
    now we got to listen to all the teachers cry about how bad they have it! cry me a river!

    1. Shows how stupid you actually are. Those that work at central office work 260 days per year per the contract.

  18. This might conflict with their children's private school school schedules. The Salisbury school and Salisbury Christian are full of teachers kids. If public school is so great, why are there there? They definite make more than the average person working full time in the county make, and yet that isn't enough!!!!!

    1. Maybe because we can spell?

    2. Good one. Is it teachers or teachers' and there there?

  19. Waaa Waaaa get a freaking life

  20. The teachers of Wicomico welcome any way to get out doing their jobs. It's most likely their idea. Waste of time & money. They don't care about taxpayers. Imagine how many books that would pay for. Or free pencils for the STUDENTS.

  21. U people are also ignorant. You dump your butthole kids off at school and want us to basically babysit your bratty kids who have no respect. Then u expect us to sacrifice our at home time to make lesson plans and complain because darling Sally and Butthead Fred have too much homework. U are the 1's whining. U can't win with parents. They complain about everything the teachers do wrong as if their kids are so good and perfect.

    1. Hahaha. Your a teacher? ? Blaming parents? ?? What a tool!! You didn't seem to mind that standards were being lowered by your union did you?? I guess that's how you got the job?? Not for your intelligence that's for sure. The union did many things yet you did nothing. WHY? ?? OH THAT'S RIGHT. MONEY! !! NOW YOU WANT TO WINE ABOUT IT. WHAT A TOOL!!!

  22. I like teachers about as much as I like cops

  23. i am so glad to be a teacher off all summer from your brats sunning down at the beach while making 80000 grand a year why dont you complainers crawl back in your trailer oh and excuse my grammer i am on vacation

    1. Why Must You lie?? You climb back in your trailer. The welfare check isn't coming till the 3rd.

  24. When in the world did it become desirable to want the least talented people to teach our kids? Talent comes with a price as does a good education. All you shorebillys want is the cheapest of everything then all you do is complain about it. INVEST in your kids education, respect the job a good teacher does and most important stop your petty bashing of the very people influencing your kids the most.

  25. nice very nice. now for the record I make more then you 513 although I do have to work for it all year. but then again I don't have a democratically (read that; union) backed job where i can mail it in almost everyday, so please don't be so smug, and for you 420 (isn't that odd) My child is an njhs student a good kid and and God willing a future leader. I sure as hell hope she doesn't end up with an loser/idiot like you teaching her!

  26. You what's even better than summer vacation? Having 2 months off and not reading all this crap from worthless parents who do nothing more than criticize schools. I enjoy going back to work each year but could do without all this whining.

  27. Many on here need an attitude adjustment. We rant about kids actions. It is plain to see the chilkdren are picking up the piss poor attitudes of their parent (or parents - if they are lucky enough to have 2 in the house) who show no respect. How can a child learn respect for others if they hear their parents cussing and ranting day in and day out. Sadly parents want to fault policemen, firemen and teachers for their children's problems. You fools need to learn you reap what you sow.

    This blog's comments prove the nut doesn't fall far from the tree is true. Whoever approves these comments for posting is not helping the situation of respect for others either. Postings comments from anonymous maniacs, who send their children off to school, to act up, just like the adults do at home.

  28. Have any of you spent a week with these kids ??? I am no teacher nor would I want to be. At least the police are armed. Anyone working for any form of Govt. is screwed people think you owe them something.

    Public employees' serve your butt not kiss it.

  29. not one teacher out there willing to stand up against what these mindless union trolls spew forth about their profession and how they should be performing their duties to teach? I'm sure there are good and bad kids in these schools unfortunately with attitudes like you show on here it's no wonder you get the lowest of students. We wouldn't expect brain surgeons to teach special needs now would we? It's a free country you can always change your profession, But then you would have to get off you ass and actually produce something of value and we all know that's never going to happen!

    1. Actually the teachers in charge of the local Wicomico Union did stand up to them a couple of years ago. They wanted to sever ties with the state Union due to their political corruption, lies, and lack of concern for their members. The state Union turned it into a political campaign and used dirty tactics against these strong, brave teachers who knew the state Union was bad for our education system. Unfortunately the majority of the local teachers were too brainwashed and ignorant to see the truth. If the teachers only investigated themselves they would see that the union is the cause of the major school problems experienced today, like the lack of discipline. If teachers only knew what was hidden from them by the Union. Wake up teachers and put the Union in its place! The Union is not your friend!

  30. Oh Lawd! Teachers have all summer off! Let the crying begin!

  31. http://eagnews.org/maryland-teachers-union-shop-steward-stages-coup/

  32. I do not understand why people get on here accusing teachers of having luxury jobs. If you people who get great joy in attacking teachers, thinking our life is just wonderful, why are you not one? What keeps you from furthering your education?

    My understanding is the letter is asking a question concerning the new Superintendent, Dr Hanlin, having a "Kick Off" at Perdue Stadium. As par for the course this blog's Mouth Runners immediately turned it into another bashing. Why are teachers being kicked in the teeth over this? My guess is because the teachers have been off alllllllll summer (June 16-August 22) so there were no BOE stories to complain about. Matters not as you folks have had plenty of Fire Department and LEO tales to Mouth off about. The Mouth Runners of Albero News - the gang of idiots. I read your sh^^ for my daily laughs for you realize not what stupidity is.

    Wonder if any of you understand the splendid penmanship of Thornton and how thoroughly he investigates his subject before writing his opinions. I doubt Mouth Runners even care about Mr Thornton concerns. After all he does not write on Local LEO, Educators or Firemen.

  33. They can spend all that money for a dam game but cant spend money on east salisbury school 2nd floor ac kids in there with 100 degree heat

  34. 1050 the comments they leave on his articles are pathetic. Agree that people around here don't have a clue about the world around them. They're happy to sit in their little bubbles in complain about everything rather than getting any kind of smarts.

  35. 1050 IMO the tone was set with the original poster. I didn't take as a question but as another complaint against the BOE. It is pretty obvious it was an emplyoee wanting to bash their employer but backfired when the Third comment was definitely a pissed off teacher not being able to work in their room. That is what set the tone.


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