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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Imagine That


  1. It's happening in South Africa. They want to take the land from white owners and give it to black farmers. One problem, the black farmers can't or won't do the job. Look at Haiti and look at the Dominican Republic. This nation guarantees equal treatment under the law, too many of all colors think they are guaranteed equal outcomes for disparate amounts of work.

  2. History should be used to reflect, learn and do better in the future. Sad that some still live in the past OR placate to past tendencies and allow certain behavior to rein.

    Nov is right around the corner!!!!!!!!!

  3. It's really terrible that this was the
    way of thinking ----back then.

    I hope people will let go of the past
    and try to have a world where the color
    of ones skin does not define us as
    either good or bad!

    1. So true. First time on eastern shore 1975 ..saw colored and white water fountains. Never before

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. But now it's OK to let men in the little girls bathroom.

  6. And it is postings like this, Why we have racism.
    Joe, You should not allow these postings.

  7. there definitely would have been hell raising by whites most whites of the last 2 generations can not even imagine what blacks have endured in the south the black lives matter movement,the kk,the black panthers,al sharpton,charles rangle,louis farrakan all cut from the same mold all try to create havoc between the races i am proud to be a[ wasp] but i am also priveledged to call many blacks i know friend make your own bed you have to lie in it GOD BLESS AMERICA

  8. 1:41, REALLY? So now I'm a racist for posting a factual picture. Let me guess, you're a LIBERAL.

  9. I find nothing offensive with showing a picture that captures US history. Ignore 1:41 Joe because only a liberal who wants to (pardon the pun) whitewash our history would say such a thing.

    Just my two cents.

    1. It's racist because immediately someone says how dare they

  10. Drudge Report: Illinois University, Blacks only classes!!!!


  11. I see photos like this one and mostly say to myself how curious they are and how things were when they were current reflections of society.

  12. 3:47
    And this white privileged male has not used them since.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So true. First time on eastern shore 1975 ..saw colored and white water fountains. Never before

    August 9, 2016 at 3:47 PM

    Stop lying.


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