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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Uh-oh: Mercedes backs into $290,000 Ferrari

(Language Warning)


  1. More money than brains!

  2. 2:33 PM Agreed, if this POS has enough money to drive one of those kind of cars, the I know he has the money to fix it, even if the other guy pays for the damages...

    Furthermore this POS is more worried about his car, than if people were alright... That is the first thing I would have asked, if people were alright... Why are you driving cars like that and parking them like that, if you didn't want the attention it brings, also, shit happens, and it happens a lot, I know it happens to me with cars all the time, other people who are lazy or trying to skip paying a 50 cent parking lot fee, when the first 2 hours are free, ram into my stuff, no note left, no one waited around to tell me, and the POS cops can't so squat because of all the cameras they have of tracking you and drug crime, none were able to see the angle of the parking lot to catch the so called hit and run...

    So just pay your damn 10k and get the bumper fixed... I am sure the guy will help pay it...

  3. I don't even understand how she ended up that way. There looks to be enough room for her to just pull in and park. No need to parallel park. I know some have problems with parallel parking but geez she really has problems. There is plenty of room there.

  4. I would be pissed as well. This guy isn't a POS. He knows that no one is hurt except his car. Sure it can be "fixed", but it will never bee the same. So screw you idiots, if it was your car you would be running your mouths more than he was.

  5. Most of y'all can't afford the old Mercedes....

  6. 3:50
    Don't know if I can or not, but do know I wouldn't want either one of these things in my driveway.

  7. Think of the Ferrari as an extension of his man tool and his pride, and how it hurts him to have somebody step on it, even if accidentally.

  8. 4:20 I know right. Quality and classiness mean nothing on the eastern shore. One would look silly pulling up to Red Lobester in either one. Keep driving the Chrysler LeBaron a few more decades.

  9. This is why I always drive a junker.

  10. 3:50
    It's best not to assume. Since I don't currently have any car payments or mortgage payments I'm sure I could afford it, however I would never buy one.

  11. 4:44
    Wrong again my friend. On my ole LeBaron plus I don't eat at those chain dinettes. Especially any lobester, whatever that is? Just messing wid yea fellow shoreman lol


  12. Mercedes driver will be moving to Charm City to take advantage of new pay rate in order to pay for new car insurance tab.

    Didn't watch video but any car with collision damage takes a hit for resale, and it's also an issue for collectors.

  13. If I can't pull out of a parking area FORWARD I will not patronize the business.

  14. This is why there is no point of having anything nice sh.. happens

  15. Insurance scam. Both parties conspired to bilk the insurance company
    Effing gypsies

  16. It will cost WAY more than $10K to fix that car.

  17. Should have known it would be a woman driver. Typically women can't judge distances as well as a man can. And now in Maryland they have stopped giving the parallel parking as part of the test for new drivers to get a drivers license. Just what we need thousands of more new drivers that can't park.

  18. my Ferrari got dinged last week while I was eating at the Pittsville dinette and I'm still pissed


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