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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Ahmed ‘Clock Kid’ Mohamed Returns to Texas, Family Files Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit

The lawsuit, filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, alleges that Ahmed Mohamed’s civil rights under the U.S. constitution were violated by the Irving Independent School District, Principal Daniel Cummings “in his individual capacity” and the City of Irving.

Mohamed was led out of MacArthur High School in September after school officials mistook the teenager’s homemade clock for a bomb.

“These acts by the authorities show blatant disregard for the civil rights of this American,” according to Mohamed’s lawyer, Susan Hutchison, KTVT-TV reported.

“The only justice we have in our American legal system is money, so we are suing for justice,” Hutchinson added, without specifying an amount.



  1. His parents are terrorists - the kid is a terrorist in training. He was invited to the dirtbag's house only due to the liberal media fawning over him and our POSPOTUS support of terrorism!

    Any judge that takes this case should be impeached for stupidity!

  2. I guess he wasn't as smart as the libutards thought too make his own money.

  3. Clock boy fears for his safety but makes a target of himself up on stage at the podium. Get the heck out of this country, go the heck home where ever that may be.

  4. Should have stayed GONE!

  5. The USA opens up this nation to bring and invited so much trash and this is the thanks received. Bet they have never seen the Statue of Liberty and have no interest in history.

  6. Interesting timing...

  7. Dave T: Boot his sorry ass out ! A victim, give me a break. Nothing but a scum bag terrorist in training.

  8. A kid eats his sandwich in what a teacher said was the shape of a gun and is suspended this future terrorist "Clock-med" constructs a device purposely to look like a bomb.

  9. All in all, a huge case of stupid.

  10. He has moved to another Country to live so pull his and his families passport. He and his Family has proven they want nothing to do with America or our ways.

  11. I wonder how many millions the Obama court system will give him.

  12. Hillary is going to put him on her staff.


  13. Hope the defendants move for summary judgement and sanctions, and counter-sue.

    The school and district acted with proper caution.

  14. He didn't make that clock.

    No, really.
    He didn't make it!
    I saw a Youtube which showed the serial number on it.
    The clock was from 1960s era and was manufactured.


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