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Sunday, August 28, 2016

I Forgot To Mention In My Earlier Article (Part 2)

In a conversation I had with my Father last night I asked him what he thought was the most up and coming item that each Family would need two or three of. He asked, like what. I replied, well, for example, back in the day cassette tapes were the big thing over the 8 track. Then came CD's. Black and white TV's and eventually Color TV's. Wall mounted phones to cordless phones and then cell phones. We had beta and then VCR's, then video disks. Then came computers. 

Once he understood where I was going with my question he just sat there and said, I don't know.

I replied, well Pop, here's what I see. Let's see now, there's the new copper frying pan. Then there's the protective covers for your dining room table, just like Grandma used to have. Let's not forget the multiple plug in outlets. ISN'T AMERICA GREAT PEOPLE?

While we used to MANUFACTURE so many of the above creations, we just don't do so any more. Instead we import products because we sent everything overseas where it could be manufactured for peanuts and AMERICA could no longer compete. The Liberals then created the phrase, "we're a throw away society". No, Idiots, we're FOOLS! We've elected and allowed Idiots who know NOTHING about business encourage FREE TRADE. We drove our country completely out of competition and rather then being PROUD, while we dream up new ideas, what we get in the end are copper frying pans, table covers and multiple plug adapters. 

It's time we rid ourselves of these IDIOT politicians who have NO CLUE about running a business. It's time we scream at them when they run for office and claim their main platform is JOBS! The next time you hear some Idiot claim they want to bring in jobs, demand they tell you HOW because they're ALL full of crap. 

When you have a County Executive giving away Impact Fees, stop being so stupid and realize, SOMEONE has to pay for that water and sewer hookup, repave the roads, pay for the traffic lights and pay the salaries of the county employees approving such developments. That's right, YOU the taxpayer will now foot the bill for that shiny new home being built. Commercial developers are laughing all the way to the Bank. Politicians know NOTHING about economic development.



  1. Amen. Trump MUST be President to save our country!

  2. I didn't know they made copper frying pans....WOW!

    1. 6:15 you must not watch TV commercials or shop Boscov's

  3. Even Trump cannot save this once great country. Unless we the people return to the foundation of being a Judeo-Christian Nation, we will be devoured by evil! Economics and freedom will always come after the presence of God.

  4. We've even farmed out our space program; once a source of national pride. Now, we just hitchhike and pay others, losing our best scientists and national innovators. What a lousy shame.

  5. Just be ready folks , it's a commin!

  6. Bob Culver runs this County like he ran his restaurant. You know, the one he ran in the ground. Yes Weezy, we made a mistake!!

  7. You're correct. Someone has to pay for additional utilities, roads, sidewalks, etc. That is why impact fees exist. For developers to pay up front for their added burden to neighborhoods instead of taxpayers footing the bill. Just look at what happened in Fruitland. Where did all their impact fees go? Certainly not for upgrading streets or installing new sidewalks.

  8. It turns out the move by County Executive Culver to eliminate the "Impact Fees" in Wicomico County is a LEGISLATIVE decision and cannot be decided by the Executive alone. Culver has once again jumped the gun BEFORE consulting the Council first.

  9. Joe, Bob hasn't worked well with the Council for reasons like this. He just doesn't get it or learn from past mistakes. Job is too big for him.

  10. Please explain what purpose Wayne S. serves? Shouldn't he be advising Culver on things like this and being a liaison with the council? The man is worthless and the fact that Culver continues to provide him a paycheck tells me all I need to know about Culver's judgement. Let alone the fact that he told anybody who'd listen that he was going to get rid of Wayne, and here we are 2 1/2 years later.

    Not a man of his word plus bad judgement. Sounds like Hillary Clinton!

  11. Regulations kill jobs

  12. Bob Culver will run the rest of us herd working individuals out of the county. Then who will pay for his free education plan lol

  13. 6:17-AMEN!

    Perdue doesn't even buy local or USA....They import corn to feed their chickens. Maybe this is something Joe should look into and as to why.

  14. When you work in the bubble that is the Executive's office, you think you are wildly popular and invincible apparently. They are all in for a rude awakening. Whenever I'm involved in a conversation and county government comes up, people are invariably negative and think Culver and his staff are out of touch with the majority of the people. He is certainly not living up to his campaign promises. You can tell the difference of someone who is working for the good of the people and one who is working to try and keep his job. You better hope the Democrats will vote for you Culver, because you are losing lots of Republican votes.

  15. 6:17
    How about Christian?

    Leave it at that.

  16. The three things a family will need for the future is:

    1) GUNS

    2) AMMO (lots and lots of ammo)



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