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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Am I Crazy? (Part 1)

If you are anywhere near my age or older you'll recall the images we saw in school of our ancestors coming to the Unites States for a better life, the "American Dream". The people coming here wanted everything to do with our values.

However, people weren't coming in by the hundreds of thousands or even millions at a clip. Many of the people Obama and Hillary want here are people who want to change every aspect of our way of life. The Liberal agenda seems to be more about overloading America with people who wouldn't mind capitalism. Heck, it's a lot better then where they came from.

The next thing we knew, laws are changing. Statues are being torn down. God is being taken away as if God is an insult. When we grew up we stood proud to recite the pledge of allegiance. We learned the Constitution, Bill of Rights and so on. 

You are welcome to add your thoughts here in comments as to the massive changes you have seen. This article will seem long enough as it is but I think you're getting my drift.

Donald Trump comes along and the absolute FEAR he has placed on this Liberal Agenda is scaring the crap out of them. We have shown the farce time and time again how Hillary isn't truly drawing in large crowds to her rallies, yet Trump is filling football stadiums. The Liberal Media seems to be scrounging for their last breath because the major majority of Americans no longer believe what they're feeding us. The Blogs are getting threatened towards silence. Many of our Amendments are also being threatened. This is NOT the America we were raised in.

Mass shootings start coming out of nowhere and now they want to take away guns. There are military drills happening all across America, even in Mardela. Our law enforcement agencies are being handed military equipment. Am I crazy, am I missing something, is this normal?

Billions of dollars are disappearing that can't be accounted for, REALLY? Could it be that the upcoming presidential election is going to be rigged and they're afraid Americans might revolt? If you think for one second our government doesn't plan 10 years in advance for things, well, you are nuts. The writing is on the wall for  some massive changes. In the past we have seen massive genocide around the World and we weren't running to those countries and bringing those people to the United States to offer them a better life. Instead, we're bringing people here, (again) who do not believe in our values and laws. These people are demanding we change our laws to suit their wants and needs.

To me it seems obvious, our government is forcing change down our throats right before our very eyes and the media is praising and supporting these changes as if what we have enjoyed in the past isn't/wasn't good enough. 

If I was a man in my 20's I'd be looking for another country to live in. A place where life is much simpler. It kills me inside to watch what is happening while great Americans sit back and take it. If there's ever been a time to get out and vote, this is it. Donald Trump tells it like it is. To watch the media go after his every word and act as if he is insulting everyone is just nuts. He is simply saying the things most of us feel, very similar to this Blog and its comments. 

To think today that the millions of people getting off the boat are thinking, is this cool, or what. Affordable housing, welfare, food stamps, free health care, free college, what a life! When our ancestors came here they came because there were JOBS as well as a better way of life. Go back into your own history/family, NONE of it was easy. They worked very hard to deliver us roads, transportation, bridges, tunnels, buildings/skyscrapers, you name it. Today it's all about ENTITLEMENTS at taxpayers expense. THINK, how much longer can we afford it before everyone goes broke?

I for one am sick and tired of watching hard working Americans go bankrupt. It's time we all start remembering where we came from. It's time to show RESPECT to our ancestors who helped build this incredible country for the RIGHT REASONS. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to "Make America Great Again" because from what I'm seeing, it won't be more then a decade before America is completely destroyed by the Liberal Party. 


  1. Dave T: Agreed on all accounts. In liberty !!!

  2. Liberal immigration policies are not progressive but regressive no matter what the liars the democrats say. And yes ALL democrats are liars and all around bad people. A lot of democrats are quite stupid too. Too stupid to figure out that all liberal immigration policies do is keep wages low. Contrary to what the liars the democrats say raising minimum wage does nothing. But unfortunately if you aren't a lying democrat then you are an ignoramus and can't figure this out. Raising minimum wage only forces smaller businesses to close thus less competition big business has so they can pay lower wages.

  3. I agree with everything stated. Everything we were taught by our parents and in school has now become wrong thinking, it is not any longer that we are all Americans, that we work to have a roof over our heads and food on the table, that God is central to our lives, that the flags that represented this country and our history are taken down and removed because only black lives matter, we did not take a vote on these changes which would have been fair to all. The old flag with the snake on it and "Don't Tread on Me" has more meaning than it ever did. What has succeeded is racism and a lot of hatred both directed at the white race and especially law enforcement.

  4. Its Trillions unaccounted for not billions. Everything else is on point

  5. I absolutely agree. As a white male, nearing sixty, having worked my entire life to support my family and I, I am disgusted. I'm sick of freeloaders who suck off the corrupt vote pandering powers in office. I'm sick of illegal immigrants, who don't believe in law, bring disease into the country, refuse to speak English, and take American jobs away from American citizens. I'm sick of immigrants from 3rd world countries coming here that do not have a clue relating to any history of America. I'm sick of corrupt politicians that think the American citizens are stupid, and who fail to enforce the law.

  6. Really, 5 comments! Well, two things are happening. One, the majority of our viewers do in fact think I'm crazy OR two, what I have stated in this article has left our audience pretty much speechless.

    Could it be the majority of people are SCARED to voice their opinion?

    1. No Joe, many of us have been working 12 hours today and only now that it's almost midnight have a chance to read your blog. But I couldn't agree more.

  7. I will voice (write) my opinion only because I believe it will remain anonymous. During a time of deceit, telling the truth can be dangerous.

    I agree with you Joe.

    I will go further however and claim that it is all by design.
    These things are not happenstance. It is not a coincidence.
    There is a large powerful and secretive force behind these agendas. The power originates in the very top levels of Freemasonry.
    The lower level participants are unaware of the massive conspiracy against the people. This is a global network of power with all the money they can print at their disposal.

    Hunker down and protect your family.
    That is my advice.
    Stop voting. Stop joining the military.

    Thank you

  8. Joe - I think it is because it is the last week of August that you aren't getting as many comments as usual.

    I agree with your post. I just don't know if there are enough of us to defeat Hillary. The Dems have created so much free stuff for the lazy and the leeches that they will all turn out at the polls to keep the goodies coming.

    I am hoping for an October surprise that will make Hillary completely un-electable to independents and conservative Dems and that maybe she will be charged with a crime.

  9. This is exactly the sort of thing the founding fathers feared if we had a foreigner for a president!

  10. I am just so disgusted with the way this country is going. I have never seen so much corruption in this country and the majority of the people do not care. I just do not understand why Hillary Clinton is allowed to continue to run for President anybody else would have had to drop out of the race. This country is going to hell the reporters will not tell the truth, the White House lies, the politicians are corrupt, the economy is not recovering, and the election is already rigged. We are letting people in here by the thousands who could care less about our American values we are supposed to bow down to them, excuse me if you want to come to the US learn our language and what America used to be and if you can't change go the hell back from where you came from. I for one am fed up with this so called new America it is not the America that our forefathers fought for.

  11. You are right on,Joe. I never thought I would see this country in the shape it is in today. It will not improve as long as we have liberals running this country and the career politicians. There should be term limits. Go Trump!

  12. I'm sure the government plans more than 10 years ahead of schedule. Consider that Wesley Clark revealed a Pentagon plan to meddle in the middle east. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and then Iran in 2007. It was already in motion.

    We invaded Iraq in 2003, right after we went into Afghanistan. So the plan at least goes before 2003. It's likely pre 9/11, since that was our justification to start all this "regime change." We already had operation Desert Shield going back to 1990, too.

    Now note that Iraq and Afghanistan are failed states. We're currently supporting "moderate rebels" in Syria. Lebanon is right next door - we need to get to Assad first. Libya is a failed state. We started sending troops into Sudan this year.

    All this time, we've been placing military bases all around Iran. Coincidentally, ISIS and "Moderate rebels" are forming around the Iran borders, too.

    Meanwhile, weapons systems tend to be classified for ~30 years or so before the public sees them. That seems like a more likely timeline for planning. They're already capable of holding the secrets that long and the 1990 Desert Shield might indicate Iran taken out by 2020.

  13. this article is right on point. well written and well said. thanks sjd

  14. You pretty much said it all, with comments adding a bit of focus on a few other points.

    Lots of people are getting in a last-minute vacation so comments might be slow.

    But many of us have already said what we have to say, and we're waiting for November. I've grown weary of saying the same thing over and over. I think most of us here see what the deal is. We do everything we can think of, but it's so much bigger than We The People.
    If this election doesn't come out right, I have little hope for the future of the country.

  15. Theory....O knew Hillary was/is sick. Something happens to her just before elections start. O steps in to declare the elections postponed because they get a replacement for her fast enough and O extends his term. May not be totally by books, but I wouldn't put it past him! Would you? Just a theory...

  16. Many of us who have voted Democrat over the years are, after Obama and the specter of Hillary and an even more expanded Obama agenda, seeing the light. To continue in this way is to ruin what a hundred and more generations have fought for, died for, worked for, both at home and on foreign soil.
    The fast track downgrading of the very fabric of our nation in virtually all respects is abhorrent to those who put their lives on the line to preserve and defend it.
    We cannot allow this to continue.

  17. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 25, 2016 at 2:48 PM

    Agreed 100/" with Joe on this one. Great article, well done. Just to add, it is sad to see the young generation being misled and so confused by the MSM. Instead of being thought the hard work brings success, they are looking for freebies and handouts while being lazy and playing fantasy games. Liberals like turning these kids into peasants and useful idiots, telling them it's Ok to be dependable on your parents, grandparents, government etc. They need Reality Check, Big Time!

  18. We all need to start organizing and training for November, not sitting on our computers waiting to see what happens. Mike Lewis is our Sheriff and should be training us across the road from the National Guard exercises! Ex-Military should be teaming up as leaders as well.

    We all know that those "paper" ballots are sent through a machine that turns them all into electronic ones and all the little "i's and o's" are sent across the wire to be "counted" by a corrupted computer, so why "wait and see"?

    Where are the Hillary signs in numbers that equal the Trump signs that would have us believe that the race is polling around a 50/50 split? THEY DON'T EXIST!!!! The polls are Pravda.

    Train hard, make plans, discuss with friends, and be ready for it.

  19. I'm 73 , I've seen a lot of change in my years . However most of the change was good and if not it was thrown out. The past 8 years have been the worse I've ever seen or experienced . The obama administration has corrupted America and most of the world with our money. We will soon be completely governed by rulers and military if Trump doesn't win. Even at my age I'm ready for a total revolution against the ruling government.
    Something else I will say , Trump says what most want to say but are too afraid to say . If we want America to survive keep your powder dry and have plenty of food , it may becoming soon to a city near you.
    You can turn your head in disbelief or think it's too far fetched , but believe me , it's coming and we will win our country back obama.

  20. I agree with your article and I agree with many of the posted comments.

    I am disgusted, revolted, just plain sick and tired of so many lies I've lost count. Democrats can't be trusted. They lie just to lie. They distort the truth.

    The Clinton Foundation is the largest financial scheme ever. In the past, people were arrested, went to court and found guilty and served lengthy sentences. The Clinton mob just keeps raking in the money and nothing happens.

    The entire govvvoternment is crooked and can not be trusted. The ring leader is obama himself. He seeks out only those individuals who will put his wants, and dictates ahead of their country.

    Obama and Clinton have both sold this country to Soros and his mob and any other foreign country that will pay whatever ransom money for our country they ask for.

    Only GOD in his good graces can and will save this country but we all must get out off our butts and sofas and vote for Trump/Pence in November. Do not early vote so your vote will get destroyed. Vote on election day in person and you put your vote in the machine.


    Trump/Pence ticket will save America first, Americans next. Don't let your voice go unheard.

  21. We need to impress on the conservative Dems and all independents that the Fight is for the Courts as Dr. Ben Carson is now promoting. We cannot let Hillary appoint Supreme Court justices. We need to get everyone we know to the polls. Maryland is probably screwed by Montgomery, Prince George's and Baltimore counties as far as the state going for Hillary. However, if we keep the Supreme Court message out in front, maybe just maybe, we will have a result like Hogan's victory.

  22. What must happen, or what must be revealed about the corruption of the US government, before people will stop voting? At what point will you give up and accept that your reality has been checkmated? There is nothing we can do. Resistance is futile. The technological police state is upon us, and the military / police actors don't even realize they have betrayed the Country!

    Hunker down and protect yourself and family.
    Form close knit communities and organize locally.
    Avoid the police and military literally like the plague.
    Keep your head down.

    The Supreme Court is not subject to the US Constitution.
    They fly a military flag with gold fringe.
    There are no jurisdictions in America for the practice of Common Law.
    There are only military courts enforcing statutory laws.

    The present government is illegal and immoral.
    It is filled with compromised and corrupt individuals who have sold out their Country.
    America is gone.

  23. The more that Trump says, the more that he is proven right!

  24. We haven't started playing Cowboys and liberals yet. At 64, knowing that political assassination has been going on everywhere since the beginning of time, I still can't condone it. However, four things in very recent memory weaken my argument.

    First, Saul Alinsky. Read "Rules For Radicals." Know your enemy, and learn how the democrats have embraced his teachings, and what they are.

    Second, Obama, an Alinsky disciple, desperately wants to implement martial law. After removing every top-echelon conservative in all military branches after taking office, he eagerly awaits the opportunity to completely take over by unleashing them on us. They will have no mercy on dissent of any kind.

    Third, Hillary (another Alinsky fan and a Soros puppet)) and Bill have a posse around them which has murdered quite a few people who posed political harm to them. In 30 years of "coincidences," estimates range from around 30 to around 90. 90? No. 30? At least.

    Fourth, the democrats have been brazenly rigging elections since at least 1960. They have made a mockery of our most precious right and thus, our republic.

    Our problem is we refuse to stoop to their level. Higher moral standards, based on solid Judeo-Christian values, prevent us from resorting to blatant lies, stealing elections, and murder. I'm not deeply religious but this is clearly good vs. evil, and evil is winning. It's time we put a stop to the madness, by any means necessary, to preserve the republic. These people have declared war on us. It's time we fought back.

  25. This has been going on for Many years, but we the people were in the 'warm water'...not paying attention for the most part. Some voices have been speaking out for a long, long time, but until all these bad changes started affecting people directly, they wouldn't speak up.

    Mr. Trump Must win this election, but he Can't do it alone. It's great to say yes we're voting for Trump, but what are you really doing about it. Are YOU registered to vote as a Republican? Are you handing out leaflets or other papers with Trump bullet points? Are you speaking up when possible for the Trump mantra? Are you financially supporting Mr. Trump? What exactly are YOU committed to do? It's up to 'we the people' to get this right. Get to work now.

  26. Joe a war is looming and I am stocking up for it. When we elect leaders like Obama, O'Malley, Pollitt, Ireton and now worst of all a registered Republican who fooled us into voting for him. A RINO who rode that Republican Tsunami in and barely beat Pollitt, a man who didn't really do anything to run. A RINO who is giving nearly $1 Million away of our hard earned tax dollars. Where does this clown think this money is coming from? Now he wants to permanently do away with the Impact Fees. Where does he thinking the revenue is going to come from, the unproven alcohol sales at the Civic Center during Disney on Ice? That Piss Ant of a loser business man can't run this County.

  27. I'm sure at this point in America that Trump get over 75% of the votes and still lose with a corrupt election , I rest my case.

  28. You are not crazy Joe. Personally, I am getting more afraid by the day. Oh yes, I will vote but I don't think it will matter. I gave up on the MSM, including Fox, with one exception: Bill O'Reilly. He is a friend of Trumps and I think he has been trying to get the message out that these changes are not good.
    But even though he is older and close to retirement I see a weariness in him that was not there before.
    Maybe folks are not posting as much because of the fear. Remember, Big Brother can watch anyone in this day of high tech. Better to stock up on supplies, be mentally prepared and try to do it the right way. We'll see.


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