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Sunday, August 28, 2016

TRIPLE Hurricane Threat for U.S. East Coast - 10 days

The National Hurricane Center is presently tracking one confirmed Tropical Storm, "Fiona" in the Atlantic, and two more "Tropical Waves" off western Africa; which could turn into THREE east coast Hurricanes during the week!

This Triple Threat of potential Hurricane strikes is shaping up for the East Coast of the United States and one report says "10 Days to Impact."

Tropical Storm "Fiona" is presently in the Atlantic, southeast of Bermuda, moving to the North, Northwest. According to the report below, Fiona is going to strike New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut and head up toward Boston.

Behind "Fiona" is a storm presently called "Invest 99L" The report below shows this forming into a major Hurricane, and slamming into North and South Caorlina.

Behind that second storm is a THIRD area "of investigation" and according to the report below, this has the potential to be a MAJOR Hurricane.

Watch the report below for details, then decide if you think it is wise to get some emergency supplies to see you through if these storm strike.


UPDATE: This Post has had 112,000 views so far.


  1. Just in time for Labor Day!

  2. Just in time for back to school! I'm sure the teachers will be thrilled!

  3. I'm very skeptical about this report. I'll wait for Dan Satterfield to tell me what is going to happen. We all know how reliable he is.

    1. I think he said the first two wouldn't pose a threat to the US.

    2. what a croc they just want to put a scare into people,they have a hard time predicting day to day.

  4. You'll remember that Joe Bastardi said this could happen, and he stressed that the warm Atlantic waters near the US coast could cause the storms to fire up as they approach.

    I'd be ready for a bad scene.

  5. As warm as it's been, with humidity as high as it's been, something has to give.

  6. Fiona is not a Tropical Storm. It's a Tropical Depression and is not expected to strengthen. I know... Science... sucks to fight against.... But look at all those ads.....

  7. The atmosphere is ripe for the development of these storms. According to Dan Satterfield, which like him or not, he is a meteorologist regardless, the first one, already named "Fiona" will miss us and go North away from the main land...We will see. Now is the time to get prepared for whatever we need to do, before any type of storm that threatens us....

  8. One or two of these storm systems could easily be strengthened into much stronger storms with the right mix of aluminum, barium and ELF waves.

  9. I predict the price of generators will go up at Lowes, and Home Depot!!!!

  10. According to Dan, it will miss us. Based on his accuracy, we need to plan for evacuation!!!! Stock up on food and supplies!!!! It's going to be a bad one!

  11. To God be the Glory everyone be safe!!! Even in the storm God is sending peace!

  12. Not this week I hope. I'm on vacation. Seems like every time I take a vacation in August, something bad with the weather happens. We even had an earthquake one year!

  13. Gas prices went up 10 cent today. Coincidence? ?

  14. Dan said that was going to happen.....

  15. Just in time for n cruise from Baltimore to the Bahamas on Sunday. If you ever want to know when a hurricane is coming, just ask me when my vacation is. I'll guarantee you their will be a hurricane or at least the threat of it.

  16. I have to leave for new hampshire on the 10th of september.. :( will I be in the claeR?

  17. 85 percent of the most intense hurricanes affecting the US and Canada start off as disturbances in the atmosphere over Western Africa," researcher Colin Price from Tel Aviv University said in a statement.

  18. Dont forget the toilet paper!

  19. If you would just listen to the DEMONCRATS Prez Obama and Queen Hillary, and stop breathing, farting and drving cars.....these storms would not happen...


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