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Sunday, August 14, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Assateague Park 8-8-16


Visited Assateague Island National Park in OC today! What a mess! 

Horses dragging trash all over the parking lot, grass on curbs and walk ways not cut this year and really foul smelling rest rooms! 

Does Park Management ever look at this stuff????


  1. It didn't look like that when I left yesterday!

  2. They have contractors who are supposed to be doing the work. It looks like somebody's falling behind.

  3. You weren't in OC if you were at Assateague.

  4. Your government at work , you better vote for Trump

  5. 11:49 , your so precise , everyone knows what they were talking about!
    Where are you 11:49 in outer space.

  6. How many people work at the park at one time? It bothered you enough to take a picture but didnt bother to attempt to clean it up?

  7. Do we know the reason why one stallion died recently? If they eat spoiled garbage that has no fence and they can get at, more than one might die. This is not how garbage should be stored around the horses.

    1. One horse that had died recently (prior to this post) was hit by a car.

  8. This is bad for the horses who have a sensitive digestive system.
    Heads should be rolling for this!

  9. They can't even provide adequate over sight of a select few national park rangers... what makes you think they can keep tabs on ponies

  10. Stop complaining and volunteer.

  11. We frequent that park regularly. Never saw that. So perhaps you need to broaden your view point and not be so quick to blame or accuse.first of all the park service has limited resources most campers and regular visitors are very careful about their trash for that exact reason. There are those though who are not careful and put our beatiful ponies and landscape at risk daily. Those are the people to blame. We do not need a trash patrol following everyone's every move, we need responsible visitors. Be responsible not only with your trash but your comments as well

  12. Why should they pick it up? Why should they volunteer?
    Our tax dollars pay for the maintenance of the park.
    It's not their job, nor their responsibility.
    Lame comments, and by the looks of it, you aren't doing much. You go clean it up instead of trolling a blog and making ignorant statements.

    1. They should pick it up because it is called being responsible. I don't want my tax dollars to go to paying for what slobs do or for some that happened by some weird chance. I want my tax dollars to go toward the care of the wildlife and the people that do that job. It is a PUBLIC area which makes everyone responsible, even idiots like you who are too afraid to show who they are. Please stay away from our treasured area, and thanks to the others who treasure what we have and do their part...and sometimes cover for others. (hint, hint)

  13. What contractors?It's not the trash collectors job.

  14. My son thinks Assateague is the best thing since sliced bread.He has his Jeep tagged for beach use etc.I don't see where it's so great.

  15. 1:39 the county is not at fault here, it's a national park

  16. How 'bout a Park Ranger answering the following questions:
    1. How is it possible that this area wasn't secured from the ponies?
    2. What is being done so it doesn't happen again?
    Blame... Pointing fingers... Outrage... No need. It's too simple.
    People certainly seem to over-complicate things nowadays.
    Answer those questions and it'll be the end of this particular stream on this blog. I'll be satisfied.

    1. Ok you are obviously not a regular visitor or someone who does not take responsibility and blames others. No 1 this park belongs to the ponies. It is not our job to keep the ponies away from their own environment, the only solution to keep them and other animals completely safe is to not allow people there. Sorta dumb when we all have ability to clean up after ourselves, or do a good deed and clean up after someone else or report it to a ranger station or a bicycle volunteer to address the issue. They can't be every where all the time and pretty much the beach is a wild life area and will remain as prustine as PEOPLE allow it to be....so get off your HIGH HORSE (or pony) and enjoy and help maintain this nationally treasure or shut your trap and stay home.

    2. My my Karla.. How very sweet you sound.
      How about 40+ years of swimming, fishing, sunbathing, camping, and 4-wheelin' there? Other than that, I guess I'm really not "a regular visitor" in your eyes.
      You missed my point, I feel.
      To paraphrase a politician's oft-quoted remark, "At this point, what does it matter?".
      Posters to this blog are blaming, yelling, arguing. They are incensed that this situation transpired.
      My point - narrowed down to two words - is "fix it".
      I don't care how. Just do it. It is waaay too simple.
      If it's a human problem, fix it. If it's a policy problem between humans and animals, fix it.
      I appreciated your educated response, until, that is, when you wrote, "...It is not our job to keep the ponies away from their own environment...".
      I've used the public rest rooms quite a few times over the past 3 or 4 decades, and not once - not once - has it been ever been occupied by a pony while I was using it.
      Maybe they go at night?
      Like it or not, we do share the environment on Assateague with the ponies and many other animals. That said, we - and the Rangers - need to balance our needs with their needs, and that includes securing some areas (like the one photographed) so things like this do not happen.
      With that, I'll shut my trap.
      Again... You sound so sweet. I'm guessing divorced.
      At least you used your real name. That's pretty cool.

  17. 1:46. I put my time in volunteering in two different states distributing meals to the elderly and mentoring at risk students. Sorry your life is consumed with how much taxes you pay and what you get for it. I probably pay more in taxes per year than you make working.

  18. Government workers who think Hillary is losing.

  19. It is not the trashes fault it jumped out of the garbage can to lay on the ground so the horses could just happen to walk by looking for a Ben and Jerry's ice cream on a hot day! It could have been Mr. Raccoon who through it and threw it to the ground while looking for fish, or some lazy quick to blame democrat tourist who came from a crossed the bridge who ransacked the dumpster then took a photo for the 10minutes of fame!
    I guess the bigger question is did you bring it to the parks attention to get it corrected or just post it here to get your blame and fame in one shot!

    1. Ever soooooo true lol. Probably tries to get the ponies to drink beer or pet one then sue the park for a HORSE bite or fine even tho there are signs every where saying NO going near them.

  20. Dave T: Starting to resemble the shore at Rio, way to go! A real shame that people can't even take the time to keep their own environment clean . What a disgrace

  21. 3:39. Stop with the nonsense. What does your income or how much you volunteer have to do with this?

  22. Looks like the county parks in this area. Trash, needles and trojans glore.

  23. 4:58. Just completely rude. Telling someone to shut up and stay home? Ever hear of manners?

  24. this is a direct failure that should be laid at the feet of the park superintendent. But since she's a tree hugging liberal. The media will let her slide! no problem doing away with the waterman's rights. But let the liberal trash from dc trash this area like they do back home. Surprised she hasn't issued an edict making it illegal for the ponies to eat the trash!
    She need to go back to texas!

    1. Completely agree!
      She's a detriment to the park and horses.

  25. It looks like to me the trash dumpster could not contain itself after a long party weekend and the horses are trying to help clean up!

  26. Karla Kramer - let's take a step back for a minute and look at the picture posted again. Let me open your eyes to a few points you've missed. 1. That is a Commerical size trash dumpster. 2. It's full so... People were responsible and disposed of their trash properly (and perhaps other's trash as well) 3. The cost per person/car/pass should certainly cover emptying that dumpster every day in the summer if needed. 4. Perhaps the tax dollars already paid are not being spent wisely. 5. God would not have put Adam and Eve in a Garden and told them to name the animals if we were not meant to enjoy nature.

  27. Not for nothing, but the lids on the dumpsters are plastic. It is highly probably that horses like many animals accustomed to foraging near human habitation have acquire the ability to flip those dumpsters open and scattered that garbage about themselves. 6:33 is correct. Simply emptying the dumpsters before they are dead full and the horses can get to the garbage would likely solve the entire issue.

    but hey the name calling and blame game is fun, too. Enjoy...

  28. I was just at assateague yesterday and everything was lovely as always. This was one of those things in life that just happens. I'm sure staff tended to it in a timely manner.

  29. That's what happens to you when you've been on the public dole too long.

  30. Seems to be something in the water around here when it comes to parks superintendents being tree hugging liberals who surround themselves with losers and idiots to make themselves look good and will never be challenged by real people with inquiring minds who know a better way and whats really going on.

    1. The name calling and vitriol are not constructive.
      But I agree our "leaders" need to be challenged by men and women of principle, intellect and a commitment to excellence. We can do so much better than this.

  31. Assateague has always been a filthy beach. The mosquitoes and green flies come in hoards, the ponies raid the beach trash cans and what kept me from ever from ever going back other than the aforementioned things, was when a pony entered the ocean while I was swimming. That was 28 years ago and I have never returned. That filthy horse swiming in the same water I was in ended it for good.

    1. I'm with you! An awful place cursed by God with hordes of mosquitoes and biting stable flies. The green-head flies actually leave bleeding bites- you swat them, they fall dead in the sand only to resurrect after a few moments to continue the assault! There is pony poop all over the beach. Druggy surfers in the parking lot watching you leave your car. I would urge people to avoid that God-forsaken island. Don't go to Assateague. Ever. Never. Please.

  32. 9:47: "filthy horse". That's hilarious.
    Reading that you don't swim in the same water as those ponies reminds me of this quote:
    W.C. Fields famously stated “I don't drink water. Fish **** in it.”

  33. I was there on Sunday and did not see anything like this. Everything was clean. But my question to ask to the photographer, did you go to the Rangers and explain the issue or did you just take the picture to make a spectacle of the National Park. Every person has the responsibility to the area, to be good stewards and not make it someone else's problem. The photographer must not have been a Boy Scout and learned leave no trace and leave it better than you found it.

  34. Easy 11:20 lol you just got out of trouble. You need a dose of Jesus boy.

  35. I found 11:20 very amusing - and right on point.
    And yes, we could all use a dose of that!

  36. What do you expect when Federal government oversees anything? Inevitably it goes to crap. Why is this surprising anyone?

    Maybe the COMMUNITY should get off their butts and go over there, clean up the mess. It is YOUR community after all. Take some responsibility for a change instead of going on a blog and complaining about what others aren't doing for you!

  37. Man that's not assateague that's salisburys west side

  38. This year is the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. Apparently excessive trash from a busy weekend. Volunteer and help clean it up! You'll feel better.

  39. sure I'll volunteer as soon as they fire that debbie darden. Then I can manage it for free and do a better job! Think of how much money I'll make for the government when I raise the price to $300 to get in. At least it'll keep some of the riff raff out! Then maybe we can enjoy our local beach again!

  40. The National Park Service treats it's volunteers terribly. They also fail at protecting the horses, the environment, visitors and volunteers. If people knew the truth about the park and what it hides from the public, people would really be surprised.
    This photo is a great example of the park failing everyone ...


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