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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Who Can We Trust Anymore?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz
DNC Chair

Just announced: Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be working for Hillary Clinton's Campaign! -- Fox News.
You just can't make this stuff up!


Just announced: Debbie Wasserman Schultz will step down from DNC Chair after the DNC Convention in Philadelphia! -- Fox News.

By Thornton Crowe

As many of you heard, last Friday, Wikileaks released a trove of emails centering around the DNC, Media and Clinton campaign's collusion as they worked together to defeat Bernie Sanders. The whole snafu has resulted in Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chair of the DNC, will not be overseeing or speaking at the convention this week in Philly.

Wasserman Schultz demanding
NBC's Chuck Todd to quash DNC
Collusion Story.
(Click to Enlarge Images)
For those not following, there is a brief background. In Florida a class action lawsuit was filed in June by Bernie Sanders Voters vs. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC, citing the above collusion to disenfranchise voters through slants and Super Delegate manipulation. See article.

While, we think its only Sanders, nothing could be further from the truth. I have been reading through the 20K+ emails and one thing has become abundantly clear as the polls are playing in the background...

The Bernie Problem, looking for solutions.
Who Can We Trust?

Directions to the Press including
the Rules.
All the polls are more than likely rigged to look like there's a tight race. We all learned from Romney/Obama in 2012, betting on polls to predict outcomes are far from accurate or reliable. And now, we look at polls running a very tight race between Trump and Clinton. We're warned that bumps will follow these conventions, but are those bumps legit or merely fabrications on the part of the Media manipulating in order to forward Clinton over Trump like they were for Clinton and Sanders?

Here are just a couple of the multitudes I have on file now. These emails are so damning it defies any comprehension just how steeped in corruption and deceit all three have perpetrated against American voters to promote a badly failed candidate.

Identical Headlines
As you can see by the headlines, it looks like the same memorandum went to every major network and journalist from here to Paris. When looked at all together in a compilation, it's clear collusion is afoot. There's no way around it.

Note: Many pundits (Republicans/Democrats) and anchors on Fox News have found this astounding considering in opinion polls, the speech resonated with many Americans as well as Frank Luntz's poll group on that night.

More Comparisons in 'Dark'
Some emails even indicated verbatim that they want to keep voters ignorant to facts and run cover for all the Clinton email server, Comey, Lynch-Clinton plane meeting and worst of all, the Clinton Foundation.

This is no longer about cheering for one team verses another, it's about flat out deception and corruption against us, the voters. This is NOT how our Founding Fathers saw elections for the future!

While I'm still working on my research, just thought I would throw these out there to you guys to weigh in on these findings. For me, it's disturbing to think of the way cheating has become a mainstay -- acceptable -- in our culture.

How says you...

Note: This is developing. More emails are going to be released soon from the DNC leaks. Stay Tuned!


  1. As usual , thanks for the information , sad occasion in this nation. My thoughts are to revolt if Clinton wins. When I say revolt , I do mean civil war at the very least.

  2. Obama had no experience but because of George Soros' money was elected,Hillary is as corrupt as they come and hopefully will not be elected.

  3. Talk about corrupt media Facebook,Twitter,Youtube and the likes censoring information about the democrats all the while allowing Mr Trump bashing and threats hopefully people will boycott them out of business unless they are on the government payroll.

  4. Thornton,
    Many of us have known for a long time that the Media is a part of intelligence:
    Operation Paperclip.

    The Clintons and Bushes are a part of intelligence. The 2 families worked together in Mena running cocaine for the CIA. Papa Bush was the head of CIA prior to being a POTUS. Three Bushes were Skull and Bones. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. These organizations are intelligence, like the Thule Society in Germany. Obama was manufactured by intelligence whole cloth. His mother was CIA as well as his grandmother. He was schooled along with little Timmy Geithner in Malaysia when Geithner's father was running CIA operations for Chase Bank in the far east.

    Clue: The media is intelligence operation.

    Thank you

  5. But many of you don't know 4:05PM. You are not the only voter and there are some who only get 9 channels. They don't have the benefit of seeing or hearing anything but prescribed memes but they read SBY News. So please, indulge - if you don't like this article, read the other one I posted at 9AM as most people don't know about that little story! Cheers!

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 24, 2016 at 10:31 PM

      You are correct! There are folks out there watching Constant Propaganda from Left and being so brainwashed to the point of thinking Hillary Rotten Clinton being the Saint!. Pathetic!
      And I have to agree with 2:41, as if she wins - It May Come to That.

  6. 4:05PM I don't think the Agency would appreciate you outing them in a public forum, do you? Pretty risky behavior on your part.

  7. Here's what I find interesting. Notice how the Main Stream Media says NOTHING about this stuff. Why, because they know they're lying. Because they know they have to depend on government to keep them liquid. This isn't AMERICA any more. This is a BS scam country being forced down a road in which special interests desperately want you dependent on our government, just like they have created in the corporate media environment, under control.

    Yet it is Blogs like Salisbury News, and there's none other like us, especially here on the Shore, that deliver you documented facts. There are very few of us that step up to the plate and truly challenge our government on a national and even local platform.

    So, (some) you just sit there and fall for the mind control, con games. You stand there and listen to your LEADERS, (elected officials) who HAND FEED THE PRESS complete LIES and then come after the Joe Albero's of the world calling us crazy, nuts, liars, (yet we deliver factual, documented information) in order to defame us. It's the GRASS ROOTS BLOGS that are keeping this country in check and you should have ZERO trust and respect for the MSM news any more because it has been proven time and time again they will flat out LIE.

  8. Joe, that's because most of them are complicit. I found only one email about Fox News and the peep from DNC was calling 'her' a Fox News b****. So it's safe to assume Fox on the whole isn't involved but Chuck Todd and Jake Tapper along with Georgie are neck deep in kaka. The bloggers are the future for real info. Mike Cernovich is a lawyer in LA whose been helping me with my research. He does Periscope discussions with people, too. People need to think outside the box now. They can't rely on any major network. I have my own proclivities about Fox even.

  9. Will this become the Democrats Watergate?

  10. I do love this blog , my only news . It keeps me fired up and pissed about the democrats , BLM , NAACP and Mr. Al Sharpton especially.

  11. When are people going to actually open their eyes and see what is actually happening. AGAIN ... HRC and her elites are doing things out of sight that are unethical and immoral. Then they turn around and and shrug like they have no idea what happened. This is coming from the self proclaimed "most transparent candidate ever." It is a big lie fest. Now I hear that HRC is blaming the Russians for releasing the emails. Of course they are going to tie Trump into this. I have a couple questions. Firstly...where did the accountability in the DNC go?? DW and other staffers wrote some of the nastiest emails from either campaign ... and HRC blames the Russians?? Oh yeah...seems the Russians got the emails somehow. Maybe they hacked her email account. And where is the media. Big news about 2 lines in the potential First Lady's speech. Now they shut up completely about all this crap. Really?? This is such a rigged election.

  12. Sby news and info wars and even Drudge the only place to find the truth.

  13. Martin O'Malley, are you watching? They just admitted making an ass of you.

  14. The email leak was enlightening and confirmed what many of us felt was happening. When I say us, I am referring to people who look beyond our main stream media to find other sources of news, which isn't slanted to the left or right. Unfortunately, this takes a little time which many people simply do not have. I always look forward to read your new reports.

  15. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 24, 2016 at 10:24 PM

    Excellent work. Thanks to Joe and Sbynews for bringing this info out. None of the MSM TV Networks are reporting about these stories, including FOX. THEY ALL SLOBERING OVER CROOKED HILLARY. I knew Clinton's were Crooks, but after watching CLINTON CASH, my mouth is still wide open. I gotta tell you - the level and magnitude of the corruption just blew me away. It is clear as day folks - all major TV Networks are Sellouts to Clinton's. As a Patriot, Cancel Your Cable TV tomorrow and get the real news from Radio and Internet!!! I am glad I did.

  16. 10:10PM, thanks for the words of encouragement. There will be many more Wikileaks Emails to come. I found some very damning ones, yet again tonight. Will be putting together more information and posting as I can get through them. 20K e-mails is a lot for one person to read, but I do have some help.

    Thanks again for checking back for updates. There's going to be even more when Julian releases another trove in a few days! More DNC emails to come!

    1. Wish all voters could read your articles. It is evident you spend a lot of time gathering facts. Your postings are excellent.

      Donald Trump put up this link to wukileaks, which I've been reading.


  17. 4:43PM this is probably going to end up being much bigger than Watergate when you factor in the Clinton Foundation situation that's under investigation.

  18. Thanks, 11:19PM. Much appreciated! Stay Tuned will be posting more!

  19. 11:19, reading some of these shows the degree of back door deceit that seems to be the norm in the DNC! There is NOTHING up front and honest being discussed in them!

  20. 8:30 - he already was one!

  21. How much more corruption do the voters need to see before they abandon her? Trump isn't perfect, but I'd take him any day over the Clinton corruption.

    He raised great kids and Mike Pence is a good man. I think behind all the bluster, Trump will do a far better job for the American people than Clinton.

  22. Has anyone considered the fact that its a crime to case more than one vote. Voter Fraud However, if you are politically connected you can rig the system to throw millions of votes; the President and presumptive nominee commend you and the press says move on, move on, nothing here and we the sheeple just move on.


  23. So, how many will be swayed when they learn that Hillary has withheld sexual contact from Bill for the last 25 years?

  24. I didn't trust Debbie after the first time I heard her speak.

  25. This is about major corruption in our political system and why we need to make major changes in future elections to send a message to politicians, "No more business as usual!" Starting with NOT voting for Hillary.

  26. Nothing more devious, dangerous, dishonest, and criminal than a Jewish, democrat woman in the position of any type of political power or leadership. And yes, I'm a very Jewish woman but extremely honest.


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