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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Marilyn Mosby speaks out on Freddie Gray case decision


  1. Dave T: Looking forward to Ms. Mosby's remarks in court. Justice will prevail. Seems like blacks have an awful time coping with racism when they're the ones who are racist.

  2. Ready for riots and dead cops?

    She was trying to stir things up.

  3. Who cares? I hope the police officers slap her with 6 lawsuits. Idiot.

  4. I can see the hate on her face!
    Needs to be fired immediately!
    Hope all the police officers sue her for everything!!!!

  5. She paid the family of Freddie Gray 6 million dollars , so she already assumed they were guilty before a trial.

  6. She's going to Hollywood , what an actress!

  7. omg, the way she talks..it is awful.

  8. Can we get some of that $6 million back now that nobody's guilty?

  9. Officers need same settlement that Gray's family received for their characters being defamed.

  10. Hogan needs to clean up the mess that is Baltimore.

  11. I believe she has a HUGE chip on her shoulder. This chip grows larger every time she looks in a mirror.

  12. Who is the guy standing in the back?

  13. Isn't she special...lol

  14. Baltimore will never be cleaned up, to many THUGS !

  15. Covering her large butt with a speech of BS . Her office failed , she gave up on innocent police officers . Really makes me wonder about her culture as in bacteria .

  16. Mosby must be demoted. Clearly she is promoting division and injustice by her comments.

  17. Total damage control for her rush to prosecute.

  18. freddy gray case closed time to close out her political ambitions pray for trump to take office as bob dylan said times are achanging

  19. As Trumps says: YOU'RE FIRED!!!

  20. City needs to cancile the big check they gave out to this lying family. I say lying, because the courts said there was no criminal acts committed by the cops, therefore, no liability.

  21. She said she swore to up-hold the legal and judiciary system , so what the hell is he problem now. The system has done it's job , has she.

  22. I bet she is the love child of Sharpton and Jackson.....nose favors Jackson and her hair looks like Sharpton!

  23. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 27, 2016 at 4:54 PM

    Did she say "Hold Accountable"?
    Yes Mosby, that works boh ways in case you didn't know. So with those 6 millions of Taxpayer dollars you gave away, its time for you, Mosby, to face the Accountability.
    Can someone say YOU ARE FIRED!

  24. The settlement appears on first blush to be an eye-popping amount — more than the city's combined total payouts in police misconduct cases since 2011, and 16 times the cap for damages for such cases in state courts. Nonetheless, it might also have been a great deal for the city. The Gray family could have pursued the matter in federal court, where such caps don't apply and judgments can reach into the scores of millions of dollars. To hold the city accountable under the applicable federal statute, the Gray family's attorneys would have to prove not only that the officers' actions or inaction caused Gray's injuries but that they reflected the policy or custom of the Baltimore Police Department. Given that the U.S. Justice Department is presently investigating — at the mayor's request — whether Baltimore police engage in a pattern and practice of civil rights violations, the city might well have figured that the Gray family's chances at a mega-verdict, should the case go to trial, were unusually high.

    It was a CIVIL settlement. No criminal culpability had to be proven. So any guilt or innocence in a criminal court would affect this settlement then or now. Even tho 3 officers have been shown to be not guilty in a criminal court of law we still do not know for certain how he died.

    Nor do we know for certain which, if any, Balt. police officers had any role in his death.

  25. That's what Black racism looks like.

  26. blah blah blah blah.........
    big mike

  27. 6M for this performance? I believe this is our universal problem.

    Government employees the money is there's. Far from a dream, it is the people's money. So she oks 6m of taxpayers money to be paid out.

    something is rotten in Baltimore.

    Nothing will happen. It will be called a racist investigation.

  28. 8:08 PM

    The MAYOR approved the settlement, after being advised I'm sure, that is was better than what COULD have been granted by a jury.


  29. With 31 murders this month so far in Charm City surprised she had time to step away from her desk, great prosecutor that she is!

  30. Something is rotten in America and we can start with you. You are the architects of racism , During this Day of reckoning you will soon see and the world will see exactly who your are A RACE OF DEVIL'S that have to be removed from this PLANET.

  31. She is a completed joke! Just another angry bigot pissed she did not get her way. After this rant how can she possibly work in her current position?

  32. 4:10 AM - "She is a completed joke!"

    No, friend, I don't think that the joke is over yet.


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