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Sunday, July 24, 2016

What Do Our Viewers Think?


  1. Yes...you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!

  2. How many times can I say Yes. YES!

  3. If they were born here (like the shooter in Orlando) how are you going to deport them? To where?

  4. Absolutely, no question.

  5. msm states most americans are against this. so who to believe?

  6. YES, and any family that has a member involved in a terrorist group also!

  7. 10:22 obviously this question is not for the ones born here. If they were not born here they need to go.

  8. A thousand times yes !

  9. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put it on the ballot this NOvember!

  10. Back in Colonial America, people would travel to see their friends and family for weeks at a time. The host would put pineapples in the rooms for guest as a sign of Welcome. When they grew tired of the guest or they'd outstayed their welcome, the pineapples would be taken out of the room as a subtle sign for the guest to move on. I'd say America has removed the pineapples for the Muslims supporting Sharia. You don't go to other people's homes and tell them how to run it. This is a bigger house and the hosts are by the million! You're welcome to practice Sharia law, go back to YOUR homeland and practice it. Sharia has no place in American justice system. Thanks but No, thanks.

  11. no way, we need to elect another muslim president to prove once again that us white folk don't discriminate

  12. Not just those who favor shariah...we should deport ALL of them and those who defend them and all politicians who take money from muslim countries.

  13. I bet the 3% were Obama voters.


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