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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Bikers for Trump on their way to Cleveland


  1. I'm glad to see Trump support , however , I have a bad feeling about this with the BLM group and firearms . Another Islam lover has another chance to kill.

  2. WW3 coming in Cleveland.

  3. BLM better be wearing their depends. They are going to learn what real Patriotism is very soon.

  4. No worries, BLM will not stand against these Patriots.Bless the Bikers for Trump. I can hear the roar of that Calvary by viewing the beautiful photo.

  5. What a beautiful site to see!

  6. What a pretty sight.
    I was at an event where the Patriot Riders showed up to 'secure the area' against protesters.
    And they did. It was an awesome event that I will not forget.
    Please pray for them.

  7. we will see how brave these so called protesters are now

  8. Interestingly, I feel better knowing they will be there! Ride on, Patriots!!

  9. In addition to Bikers for Trump, the Hell's Angels have also mobilized and are in route to the RNC. Bikers for Trump have stated they are looking for a peaceful situation while the Hell's Angels have openly stated they will respond to protesters aggression with a greater level of aggression.


  10. I will bet a dollar to a donut that the police will never let them near the convention. I hope I am wrong.

  11. Looks like Hell's Angels going to Altamont. It's about time the Calvary arrived! I've heard the number as low as 10K and as high as 18K bikers are there, ready to protect Trump and Cleveland from dissidence. Good for them! 😃​😃​😃​

  12. Break up into groups guys and leave space between each group so people can get off exits and whatnot.

  13. Small point Calvary is where Jesus was crucified. Mounted troops are Cavalry.

  14. So a bunch of white bikers protecting the great white hope is supposed to make America great again. Yeah ok sure thing you guys.

  15. yes 101 you have to counter the thugs and thug lives matter movement


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