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Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: WCBOE


Heard the other day that after the next school year the plumbing course at Parkside CTE (Vo-tech) will be shelfed. How can you not have a core trade offered? Other courses have had the same attendance issue, but they are still in. The current teacher may be on the track to being forced out.


  1. This is what is wrong with schools today. If they are not going to teach what kids need to know, they should at least offer the trade courses so they will know how to do something when they get out of high school instead of sitting around saying they are bored and collecting from the government and demonstrating in the streets. I know some trades are offered however, no where near enough.

  2. Sounds about right, no money for teaching something that can be used in life, but lots of money for football and band. And yes, I know pro sports is a job, but less than 1% of kids make it.

  3. Lets not start bashing other things because your feelings are hurt. Sports and band as well as many other extras are not about making it to the pros. If that is what you think you are misguided. And, all sports and bands do outside fund raising to supplement funding. With that said, I agree the plumbing should remain and is vital piece of CTE in my opinion.

  4. Unless going to college, grad school or professional degree, the only thing you need to know for a job is salisbury is how to work in a kitchen, wait tables or clean hotel rooms for tourists.

  5. I pray they keep this vo-tech class on schedule. Please people pray we don't lose this class.

  6. Common Core, if you don't have un-educated indoctrinate kids, how can you have socialism???

    If you actually teach kids something useful, how do you expect the "govt" to have socialism??? After all, its easier to be an engineer by drawing circles for numbers than to actually calculate math problems and learn something!!!!

  7. People wake up! You pay to play football and also purchase instruments and many other items needed to be in the band. Bad corelation!

  8. actually I would think offering a plumbing course would be right for salisbury students. Will help them to identify all the sewage floating through this town!

  9. They are too busy pushing homosexuality.

  10. 1102-- Come on, the fees charged are peanuts compared to the cost to operate and fund a band or sport. Think about all the transportation costs, uniforms etc. No way that selling Joe Corbis and these participation fees cover the cost.

    1. The parents foot the cost for everything other than use of the school property and/or get local sponsors and do fundraising. BOE doesn't pay for diddly.

  11. sshh 10:58 logic isnt allowed on the internet

  12. Smh. But they have money to build sports fields?

  13. Spent all the money on Bennett track and fields!

  14. Where's the union? They don't give a cap about the kids who need vocations. They are too busy trying to get hillary elected.

  15. Coming from a fellow teacher, CTE is a joke. The Supervisor, Bryan Ashby, wants it to be more like a magnet school and be selective who he lets in.

    Kids that struggle with academics need this kind of program to be successful in the real world and he won't let them in.

    It's all about looking good in the paper for him.

  16. 10:38, you couldn't be more wrong. CTE teachers now have to teach reading and writing because our little babies made it all the way to high school without these basic skills.


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