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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Two Important Articles You Should Read About Sheriff Mike Lewis

The Color of Suspicion

Sgt. Mike Lewis of the Maryland State Police is a bull-necked, megaphone-voiced, highly caffeinated drug warrior who, on this shiny May morning outside of Annapolis, is conceding defeat. The drug war is over, the good guys have lost and he has been cast as a racist. ''This is the end, buddy,'' he says. ''I can read the writing on the wall.'' Lewis is driving his unmarked Crown Victoria down the fast lane of Route 50, looking for bad guys. The back of his neck is burnt by the sun, and he wears his hair flat and short under his regulation Stetson.

''They're going to let the N.A.A.C.P. tell us how to do traffic stops,'' he says. ''That's what's happening. There may be a few troopers who make stops solely based on race, but thisa they're going to let these people tell us how to run our department. I say, to hell with it all. I don't care if the drugs go through. I don't.''

He does, of course. Mike Lewis was born to seize crack. He grew up in Salisbury, on the Eastern Shore -- Jimmy Buffett country -- and he watched his friends become stoners and acid freaks. Not his scene. He buzz-cut his hair away and joined the state troopers when he was 19. He's a star, the hard-charger who made one of the nation's largest seizures of crack cocaine out on Route 13. He's a national expert on hidden compartments. He can tell if a man's lying, he says, by watching the pulsing of the carotid artery in his neck. He can smell crack cocaine inside a closed automobile. He's a human drug dog, a walking polygraph machine. ''I have the unique ability to distinguish between a law-abiding person and an up-to-no-good person,'' he says. ''Black or white.'' All these skills, though, he's ready to chuck. The lawsuits accusing the Maryland State Police of harassing black drivers, the public excoriation -- and most of all, the Governor of New Jersey saying that her state police profiled drivers based on race, and were wrong to do so -- have twisted him up inside. ''Three of my men have put in for transfers,'' he says. ''My wife wants me to get out. I'm depressed.''


Today the Daily Times did an article in which the local NAACP President Mary Ashanti criticized Sheriff Lewis with statements like, Ashanti said. "That kind of statement is inflammatory and reckless.” Sheriff Lewis had stated, "I'm holding Barack Hussein Obama responsible for what's going on in the country." His remarks earlier this month threaten to undermine efforts to forge greater trust between local police and the black community, said Mary Ashant.
It would appear that Sheriff Lewis is experiencing a ton of backlash lately by the Press but this isn't anything new. The beginning of this article is a story from 1999. 
You can read the full Daily Times article HERE


  1. Mike is not going to be able to be kind and gentle to a black community who continues to perpetrate crimes and violent crimes in our community. To ask that of him is silly.
    For the black community to request that the sheriff's department be kind to them when they are the ones perpetrating the crimes it's just ignorant and Mike Lewis knows this and he will police accordingly.
    The n-double-acp is just playing a game on Michael Lewis the same game they play all over the country on every law enforcement agency. We are tired of it.

  2. Joe, you doing your civic duty carrying the Sheriff down? IMO he must have ruffled your feathers in the past.

  3. I support Lewis!

  4. 8:13, These are TWO articles by other sources. I wonder who's feathers he ruffled elsewhere, or are you that stupid?

  5. I man with balls - not afraid to speak the truth. Nothing wrong with it, there should be no NAACP - they are racist, and race batters. We are so far on the other side of reverse discrimination at this point it is stupid. We hire people not qualified for job because of Race, Sex, and or whatever they feel this week. We dumb done our school system with no kid left behind. We have given up a real family structure and 99% of the ones in trouble come from Broken homes.... We have never tried to resolve this, and probably never can.

  6. I support Mike Lewis! He has done more for this community than this big ever has. Joe, you have done some really good things for this community but sometimes I think you take your self a little too serious. Local LEOs work very hard for this community, and Mike Lewis has done a great deal for law enforcement all over this country. His training seminars have probably led to more seized drugs, guns, money, and vehicles than any other single program in this country. Not many men or women in law enforcement attract the type or amount of respect be does. And no I don't work for him or his agency.

  7. 9:04, Yet you know about his seminars. Yeah, you don't work for his agency. Thanks for the laugh. Funny how each of you IGNORE what TWO different newspapers see in Mike Lewis' history. Oh, and now it's all Joe's fault for what others have to say.

    1. That's exactly what I said Joe. I work for a different local agency, and have attended two of his classes during my career. That wasn't that hard to figure out.

    2. Awe. You feel better now. Another backstabbing employee who doesn't have balls enough to say something. So you come and post like the coward you are.

  8. Mike Lewis though arrogant and overbearing sometimes, you know what your getting upfront and in your face. Looking back he had a plan as a young man and executed it making a good life for himself, I was one of the ones who thought it was cool to be a stoner a party party party. Now that I'm older I can only wish I had made such a decision coming out of the military. you people complain and sympathize but I've seen and been around the garbage he had to deal with and the majority of you don't have the spine to deal with the worst of the worst in our society.

  9. We stand with Sheriff Lewis, not the two Democrat newspaper stories.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Joe, you doing your civic duty carrying the Sheriff down? IMO he must have ruffled your feathers in the past.

    July 21, 2016 at 8:13 PM

    Yeah, I don't get it either.

  11. I stand with Sheriff Mike Lewis. He has come up the ranks, has talents and gifts that are uncanny and extremely helpful and necessary in law enforcement. He has used these gifts wisely as he protects the citizens of our area. I'd like to know if Anyone on this blog is perfect. Hello NO. Not one of you. Has Sheriff Lewis made any mistakes...duh...that would be yes. Shame on any of you who continue to do whatever you can to disparage and discourage this hard working public servant.

    Our local newspaper isn't even good for trash. Why on earth would you give credence to any story they print?

    I will continue to stand for Sheriff Lewis and I pray he doesn't step down.

  12. Hey Mike give them the old Jack Nicholson speech " my existence though grotesque to some of you, you WANT me as sheriff you NEED me as sheriff. People your steets are bad and getting worse leave it be

  13. Hey Mike give them the old Jack Nicholson speech " my existence though grotesque to some of you, you WANT me as sheriff you NEED me as sheriff. People your steets are bad and getting worse leave it be

  14. Mary Ashanti and the rest of them will come up with any excuse for why blacks can't stand LE. They lie and say it's "mistrust." The only reason and the real reason is because they don't want LE bothering them while they are out committing crimes. Ashanti fools no one.

  15. Isn't the mission of the NAACP the ADVANCEMENT of colored people? The only thing the NAACP advances is the divide between blacks and whites. I have never seen an article or read a statement where the NAACP try's to advance black people by telling them to stay in school, not to join gangs, don't get pregnant when you are way to young. I have never heard them talk about giving black children a chance by raising them in 2 parent families. How many great minds have been wasted because they were never nurtured at a young age, taught how to be respectful or instilled with discipline. All I have ever heard the NAACP and others such as Sharpton and Jackson blame the police and white privilege for the misfortunes in the black community. The way I see it is that without racism those in the NAACP and Jackson and Sharpton wouldn't be able to make money and gain power. If Lewis is pissing off the NAACP then he must be doing something right. Now I must go to bed because my white privilege dictates that I get up at 4:30am to go to work.

    1. 11:06 good comment. My white privelidge dictates the same

  16. Mike reminds me of that Game Of Thrones actor!!

  17. I would like to know how much time Mike Lewis actually spends in Wicomico County doing the job he was elected to do. Seems to me he spends a lot of time chasing a TV camera for his ego or making money with some thing outside of the area. How much time does he actually spend behind the desk doing his JOB???? He's racist, he has been since before he was elected and now he likes to go on Fox News as their racist panel member of the day. It makes Wicomico MD look bad and makes our area even more unstable.

  18. 10:34, You know what makes me PROUD? The mere fact that years ago NO local media would even think of challenging one of the good ol' boys. Long live SBYNews.

  19. There are plenty of people that grew up with Mike or even experimented with him back in the day. He now draws pension pay and salary while seeking the limelight on tv. It is sad that the WCSO's primary focus is finding a reason to stop a vehicle and while verifying the driver's documentation calling for qa K-9 to scan the vehicle. Accuracy of K-9 scans is debatable and that provides the local attorneys with a steady revenue stream. The highest LEO in the county should be on the job and providing leadership to the deputies. Biologically, it is not possible for a human to have a better sense of smell than a K-9 .

  20. It does 6:01? That's absurd. They aren't challenging anyone. They are trying to get ratings though a popular topic which is creating more division. That's makes you proud? Get real. That's been one of the MSM's function for generations now. You need to get out and see how it works in the real world Boy. The media should be reporting real news like crime and other issues that are fact based and not opinion based.

  21. 4:56 When he's on Hannity he is in Wicomico Co right in his own office.

  22. 6:20 as it should. Whites should feel privileged because statistically they have a higher achievement rate. This due to the fact that more stay in school and stay on to get advanced degrees. White chronic absenteeism rate is low. 2 parent households are more common in whites and they have less criminal records. The illegitimate birth rate is lower. That certainly should make some feel like they are privileged after all they strive to do better and did. People should not be ashamed because they worked hard and did good.

  23. The NAACP is racist and we all know that.

  24. I am so tired of hearing about the sheriff. He arrested me when I did not break a law. Matt Marciarello and Rick Brueckner continued to prosecute me when they were aware that I never broke any laws.They made up a charge that was never even in the original statement from the complaint. Bruckner went before the General Assembly and told them a bunch more BS but that is okay right. No it is not! Sheriff Lewis yells and screams at me at the WCDC and let me quote him "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE COMING IN MY TOWN TALKING TO MY JUROR I'll BE DAMNED IF YOU THINK YOUR COMING IN MY TOWN TALKING TO MY JUROR" I guess he showed me didn't he. He arrested me and threatened me but he refused to release the audio and video of the incident. You all wonder why we have problems. Well this is not okay. I welcome the state and federal investigations into this and I hope they can resolve some of the problems we have here. I would love to hear what they has to say about this.

    1. There's a lot of jails full of people whining I didn't do it . Smh

  25. I would love to hear what they have say about this

  26. I told you I didn't do what I was being accused of! Your arresting officers just said she is not talking. Talking about what!!!!! I said I would gladly take any lie detector tests that you would like. You can ask me any questions about my entire life. Will you all do the same?

  27. AND..... Sheriff Lewis you won't even take it off your WCSD Facebook really! I has been a year I was NOT QUILTY

  28. Aa a white member of the Wicomico NAACP (there are many of us that the racists often overlook), many of us are united even with local conservatives that Mike Lewis is disgrace to Wicomico County...he is a media whore who spends on average two full days a week outside of the county doing interviews over the bridge. three of his deputies also tell us off the record that they can't stand him and that he is more obsessed with his media image than solving the crimes of our county. Under his watch, the Heroin and crime rate has soared and he has accepted all of Obama's military toys and yet can't do anything about the crime in our community? Why? Because its in his interest to have crime and to increase his image as the angry law and order warrior...he wants to run for congress and suck more money from the tax payers...plain and simple...to call him a scumbag is an insult to scumbags everywhere........

    1. Be careful, once the racists outed Rachel Dolezal for being white, they booted her right out of the NAACP.

  29. Joe you're being sucked in by Mary Ashanti a proven bigot! She will use you and your blog to damage others and then flip the tables on you! Watch your back it's coming!

  30. I would like to hear what the sheriff has to say about this and the states attorney office.......

  31. 9:08 Sheriff Lewis "spends on average two full days a week outside of the county doing interviews over the bridge"? Where can we find all these 100's of interviews?
    I'll be nice and say your exaggerations (lies really) solve nothing. If you are indicative of the members of the NAACP it's no wonder blacks have fallen so behind as they have. As far as crime or drugs-that's not his fault. It's the fault of the breakdown of the family. When this undeniable fact is finally admitted in black communities will they then make progress. Until them they will continue to fall behind, black lives will continue to be lost at the hands of other blacks and blacks have no one to blame but themselves. This is something else they have difficult admitting. They would rather blame (lie really) others.

  32. Tell me what happens to the innocent person that doesn't have the money to post the bail? If my family didn't scramble to come up with some money I would have been in jail for months!

    Hey by the way sheriff Lewis, Matt and Rich thanks for the job. I needed a job. I just never thought it would be a writer about the injustices in our government. Thanks again

  33. If Lewis wants to get Drugs off the streets Why doesn't He go to the source. Black people don't own any planes, boats or Trains to get drugs in this Country. The Governments knows how drugs get in , however they would rather let it in and get get these nickel and dime pimps. It is called Job security , Drugs are big Business for the Government and Law enforcement. Smelling marijuana is the biggest lie a cop can tell ,and I ask the Question even if they do smell it is it worth a life. Something that is about be legal according to your Law. You make a law Okaying it tells me it must not of been that bad to begin with.It looks to me like control as long as you reap the resources its OK.

    1. Then get out of the drug life problem solved

  34. The opinions of people Mary Ashanti or anyone for that matter do not belong on the front page of any newspaper. They belong in the editorial section only.

  35. Well my bail was set 200,00 by Luck did she want to know how much money my family has?

    Well guess what ONE MILLION DOLLARS was taken from my grandfather by a brazillian woman in a gang!
    A woman on drugs is trying to take the last bit of money that my father HAD!!!!!! He doesn't have any more so leave him alone
    Did you just want to know if my family has any money left? The answer is NO
    But guess what I forgive you I forgive you all because there is a GOD!
    Matt and Rich are you going to arrest me for talking about god in my jail cell? What are you going to be talking about in your jail cell? My first lawyer John Pheobus said you were going to bring in the tapes of me talking about God and Jesus in my jail cell. Thats all you had come on guys really jail cell recordings and Rich you bring in a picture of a door thats your defense A DOOR! Looks like they made a good choice with the new states attorney!!!!! Just brought me closer to GOD thank you

    1. You must have mental issues maybe get some help while you are there.

  36. Maybe there is a lot of people in jail that didn't do it

    Maybe they are there by Wicomico County

  37. Do you really want me to name all the brilliant people in history that people thought were mentally ill?

  38. The NAACP has yet to denounce the terror group called BLM... Their silence is an endorsement of cop killing.

  39. If Lewis stepped down who over there at the WCSO could run the place?

  40. 8:37.....Who runs it now?He is never there!

  41. I think the NAACP should be no more. It was started by white people wanting to give blacks equal opportunities. It has now out lived its usefulness and is just a racist organization. Since black people are now not being discriminated against in all areas. They have equal job opportunities, we even have a black President. They get equal pay for equal work. They have the right to vote. And in many cases they are the preferred race when it come to jobs and things. This is because of affirmative action as well as people being afraid of being called a racist if they don't hire blacks. Equal housing. And the list goes on. It is the best time in history for black people to have so much opportunity. So bottom line is if you are a working black person and you are not dealing drugs or committing crimes you will not be having conflicts with law enforcement officers. And if you are not committing crimes and get a traffic stop, then you have no reason to run or fight or pull a gun on a law enforcement officer, Because it doesn't matter if you are black, white, red, green or purple if you run away, try to fight or pull a gun on a cop it is definitely not going to end well and you will probably end up in getting shot and you probably deserved it. You see the officer wants to go home to his family alive with no bullet holes in him too.

  42. I support Mike Lewis as I do all our officers, He has been on the job a number of years and is as poplar with the people as ever. I have attended many city meetings, talked with him and listened to what really goes on around here. I don't live in some fancy neighborhood where it's like Mayberry RFD and the only bad person is the local drunk, or a music playing band of hillbilly's not behaving nicely. Why are we not asking why The Roundtable Meetings for neighborhood can come together like we had, our new mayor just likes his photo everywhere, what has he done? Or our head of the SPD doesn't have a clue. Mike is all we have left.

  43. I support Mike Lewis and his deputies!

  44. It really is disturbing to me that people actually believe that this police profiling is just African Americans. Police profiling is not new in Wicomico County and has been going on for years. Think about if you were in a car and an officer stops you and gives you a ticket for something that never happened! You then take a day off from work to attend the courtroom to defend yourself from a blatant lie. The officer has a professional look to him and continues to explain to the judge what he observed knowing all the while he is lying? You have spent a thousand dollars for an attorney and they want to plea bargain? A plea bargain for something that never happened? Who is going to believe you? The judge isn't and you leave the courtroom knowing this officer lied under oath! Would you trust them? Thankfully most people won't encounter this kind of treatment from law enforcement due to the integrity of most, however this problem we have is alive and well and must be addressed. We do not pay their salaries to harass and arrest from their egotistic needs. When this happens to you or one of your family members you will see a different respect for law enforcement. Mike Lewis will defend every crooked officer in his department. Clearly he knows his department is not perfect but refuses to acknowledge this. It truly is a shame that the good people in law enforcement have been tainted with poison that a few display with no regards for the the law they are there to uphold.

  45. The problem with me "obeying the law", Mikey, is that LE and the justice system don't really know it. If I am "obeying the law" you'll just make up some BS story and fine or arrest me anyway.

  46. I SUPPORT SHERIFF MIKE LEWIS!!! Oh, let me add that my relatives in another part of the state love him.

  47. Joe it is a shame you waste all paper on that sorry SHERIFF He is a disgrace to humanity.


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